It is impossible to pay the money.


It is even more impossible!

Therefore, Jiang Chen took back his 1.28 million taels of silver notes and the Ice Soul Sword.

Mu Qingcheng stepped forward and presented the Qiankun Folding Fan:"Mr. Jiang, this is your fan."

"Didn't you bet on it?"

"Then continue to bet~"

Why does Jiang Chen want a fan? It would be much better to just take cash.

Besides, whether this fan can be sold for one million is still unknown. After all, it is a strange weapon, and it will probably take a long time to sell it.


Mu Qingcheng was stunned.

Is there still such a game?

There was in the past, but she played with others.

High-value items, low-value bets.

If others can't pay it back, of course she will take it for herself.

But just now, for Ye Ruoli's sake, she directly topped it up and gave one million.

Good, good~

Jiang Chen!

This is the second time, I will remember you!!......

【Extremely Cold Mysterious Ice]

Grade: Top Grade (Azure) (Ice Soul)

Solidity: 3000

Movements +150

Internal Strength +100

Attributes: Mysterious ice is sharp and can cut through the air, attack speed is increased by 100%, and change of moves speed is increased by 100%.

Ice Soul: Infusing internal strength can make the attack accompanied by extremely cold Qi.

Effect 1: The Qi entering the body can slow down the speed of the opponent's internal strength and gradually freeze the meridians.

Effect 2: When launching a sword Qi attack, the extremely cold sword Qi can gradually weaken the opponent's Qi defense ability.

Skills: A large amount of internal strength is injected (minimum 3000 points), which can release up to three pure extremely cold Qi. The freezing ability, defense breaking ability, and sharpness of the Qi are greatly improved (Note: This attack consumes the weapon's solidity, 100 points each time, and cannot be released continuously within one day.) A top-grade sharp blade is obtained.

Jiang Chen felt the difference at this moment

"Oh shit!"


Such attributes are truly the best of the best.

Five million?

Worth it!

If you put it anywhere, it will definitely sell for this price.

If you see it, no matter how much it costs, you will definitely find a way to buy it.


It's too suitable for me!

The most worrying thing for swordsmen in the world is that there is no sword that suits them.

Different sword paths, different training methods, and even different fighting methods all have different choices of swords.

Broad swords are good at defense!

Narrow swords are good at attack!

An inch longer is more stable, an inch shorter is more fierce~

There are many requirements for the shape alone.

As for whether the attributes are compatible, whether it can be used is one thing, and how much improvement it can bring to oneself is another.

The Jade Sword is a very suitable sword for Jiang Chen. It even has a certain improvement effect.

However, compared with this extremely cold black ice, the bonus is really pitifully small. In terms of speed alone, this black ice pursues the extreme.

It far exceeds the acceleration effect of ordinary top-quality products.

The extremely cold true energy brought by the ice soul looks ordinary at first glance, but if it is a protracted battle, it is enough to tip the balance of victory.......

Lu Xiaofeng is now annoyed when he sees Jiang Chen.

Ximen Chuxue is not a human being!

He knew that this guy would win, but he didn't say anything. Wow~

I'm so angry~

If it weren't for the millions of taels in his pocket, it would be a loss of both the wife and the army, what a loss!!

"What a pity."

Ximen Chuxue sighed softly.

"What are you sorry for?"Lu Xiaofeng opened his mouth and said,"You'd better not take this kid as your apprentice, otherwise I will beat him every time I see him!"

Lu Xiaofeng's voice was a little loud.

Now, the whole brothel heard it.......


"Ximen Chuxue wants to take Jiang Chen as his apprentice?"

"Oh shit!"

"It exploded~"

"Disciple of the Sword God, from now on, who will dare to speak loudly to me when we go out?"

"Go away, they didn't say they would charge you"

"Ah? Isn't it me? I can......"......

The hall suddenly became noisy.

The people in the martial arts world were really excited.

The Sword God!

Ximen Chuxue!

He never accepted any disciples before~

Mu Qingcheng and others were so shocked that their jaws dropped.

"Lian Jian Shen...Do you all think he has extraordinary talent?"

Ye Ruoli's eyes sparkled with stars:"I really didn't make a mistake in his judgment...."

Tian Boguang:"Damn it, he is worthy of being my brother, awesome!"

And Jiang Chen...


The Xuanbing Sword shook in the air, and three streams of freezing cold air instantly spread out in front of him, freezing the surrounding martial arts people so much that their hair stood on end, their whole bodies were icy cold, and even their internal energy seemed to be somewhat sluggish.

"Master, I'm not interested."

"If the Sword God is interested, he can come down and fight!"


Mu Qingcheng sprayed out

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing!"

"Tell me, what on earth are you going to do?!"

"That's the Sword God.~"

"you...Are you crazy!?"

No matter how talented you are, you can't challenge the Sword God!

If this isn't courting death, then what is it?

Good fellow~

You are really like an old lady hanging yourself, you don't want to live long, right?

The Sword God wants to accept a disciple, and you are not happy about it? If you are not happy, forget it!

You still want to pick a fight?


Really crazy!~

"Ruoli, listen to my sister's advice, don't marry this kind of man, otherwise you will be a widow sooner or later~" Mu Qingcheng had endured Jiang Chen for a whole night, and now she couldn't hold it back anymore, so she burst out.

Ye Ruoli was speechless:"Sister, now it's not that I don't want to marry, it's that others don't want to marry~"

Mu Qingcheng:.......???

When Lu Xiaofeng heard this, he immediately became excited:"Go, go, go down and fight. I'll open the market. I don't believe it. Can I lose this time?!" That doesn't make sense!

I'm sure to win this time!.......


Ximen Chuxue was stunned for a moment, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


"Such an interesting thing, but I haven't seen it for many years...."

After a short pause,

Ximen Chuxue's expression suddenly turned cold.

"I don't know how to teach apprentices, so I never accept apprentices."


"I will never show mercy when I draw my sword!"

No matter who it is!

As long as he draws his sword, he will never show mercy.��

A swordsman with feelings is not the strongest swordsman, so his sword has no feelings!

"Jiang Chen, with your talent, you may have a chance to challenge me in three years."

"Before that, you better save your life in the underworld...."

"Three years later, at Wanmei Villa, if Ximen Chuxue is still alive, he will be waiting for you at any time!"

After saying this, the whole place was silent.

After a moment, boom!

Everyone spoke at the same time, and the roof of Yicui Building was almost blown off.

"Oh shit!"

"Really accepted! ?"

"Three years later, challenge the Sword God! ?"


"If I go and wait for it now, will I still have time to grab a front row seat?"

"The Sword God takes action. Even if you only see him once, it’s worth it in this life~"

The crowd was excited, but a little worried.

"But three years..."

"Oh, it's a bit long~"

"I don’t know if Jiang Chen can live for three years, but the Sword God can, right?"

Hiss! ~

After these words came out, everyone remembered.

Ximen Chuxue said that if he was still alive...

Will he die?

It's very difficult, right? Sword God!

The Sword God of the Ming Dynasty, is this the only one?

Well, if you don't count the Fu Yu Sword.

Ye Gucheng?

That's the Sword Immortal!

"Oh, Sword God and Sword Immortal, it seems there is still a battle to be fought!"

Everyone woke up

"A hundred years have passed, and the Sword God Ximen Chuxue and the Sword Immortal Ye Gucheng seem to have not started the war yet....!?"......

Jiang Chen's brows tightened, and he immediately put away the Mysterious Ice Sword.

One burst, 100 points of firmness.

Are you kidding?

This price is a bit cruel~

The repair price of the best weapons is absolutely astronomical.

And whether this kind of Ice Soul can be repaired, and how much it will cost to repair, is still unknown. I really can't mess around anymore.

Ximen Chuxue is really not kidding.

Now as long as the war starts, he will definitely show no mercy with his sword.

Jiang Chen hasn't even seen his sword.

How fast is it?

Not sure!

But one thing can be guessed, his sword is probably comparable to Dongfang Bubai's speed.

I haven't seen his sword, but I can infer Dongfang Bubai's speed from the evil spirit.


A red shadow as fast as a ghost flashed through my mind.

Not counting the bonus, just the basic body movement...

Maybe over ten thousand!......

Jiang Chen is a fast swordsman.

In an emergency, if the opponent's speed is several times faster than his own, he will almost certainly die!


Unless you can anticipate the enemy's moves, catch the opponent's weakness one step ahead, draw your sword in advance, and fight in advance!

In the world, there is only one swordsman with such ability....

That is the Lonely Nine Swords!

Jiang Chen thought it all out in a blink of an eye. If he wanted to fight Ximen Chuxue, he had to be faster than him or learn the Lonely Nine Swords!

Other routes would probably lead to a one-way trip!

""Wait for me in three months, I will come to you!"

Jiang Chen thought it through and was determined.

He must go to Huashan Mountain and get the Lonely Nine Swords!

No matter what method he uses, he must get the Lonely Nine Swords!

If he can't get it, then he will have little chance of survival if he challenges it three years later.

But if he gets it, after three months, even if there is still a gap in attributes, he can use the characteristics of the Dugu swordsmanship and his own understanding to make up for it.

Regardless of the outcome, at least he has the strength to fight.......


The people present thought their ears were lying about military intelligence.


"You are going to challenge the Sword God in three months?"

Now, even Ye Ruoli began to waver.

Mu Qingcheng was even more unconvinced:

"It’s too short~ A hundred years of martial arts!"

"So far, no one has challenged Ximen Chuxue head-on~"


Not to mention winning, no one has challenged him head-on.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there are no fools to challenge.

It means that Ximen Chuxue has officially accepted the challenge of a player, not a single one.......

Ximen Chuxue doesn't talk nonsense.

But at this moment, his eyes revealed a hint of surprise and excitement.

Surprised, because he felt that three months were not enough.

Excited, because Jiang Chen felt it was enough!

To see a person, look at the sword first.

If you understand the sword, you will understand the person.

He is very optimistic about Jiang Chen, so he found a way to give him the Bingpo Sword.

He thinks Jiang Chen's sword is very good.

In three years, he will definitely be a good opponent.

The opponent he is interested in is definitely not an idiot, and it is impossible for him to deliberately exaggerate.

Therefore, Jiang Chen must be sure that he can improve his strength to the point where he can fight with him in three months.

This makes him even more excited.

In just three months.

There will be such a change across several realms?

That...What kind of sword would it be?

Would it be faster than himself?

He didn't know.

But he wanted to see it.


Ximen Chuxue spoke again:"After three months, Wanmei Villa will wait for you!"


Lu Xiaofeng heard something else:"Now, why don't you say you will die?"

Ximen Chuxue:"I want to see his sword, so I won't die!"


Good guy~

The goal was achieved!

Lu Xiaofeng didn't expect that he had persuaded for a long time, but there was no response. Ximen Chuxue didn't even pay attention to him.

As a result, Jiang Chen came up with a challenge, which directly made him change his mind and no longer think about fighting life and death in Huashan with a sword.......


You did a great job, I forgive you, I'll buy you a drink later~......

In a corner where no one paid attention, the only person left in the Qingcheng Sect packed up his things and walked towards the door.


As soon as he reached the door, a big foot flew over and kicked him right in the face.

"Where's Jiang Chen?!"

"Get out of here!!"

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