Yuelai Inn.

Shi Feixuan put her hands behind her back and looked out the window:"Qianyue, your handwriting is messed up...."


The pen in Wu Qianyue's hand suddenly fell off the paper.


Writing is so difficult~

Wu Qianyue pouted and said:"Senior sister, I said I should stop that little bastard just now, look~ the little bastard is killing people outside again~!!"

"Jianghu Newcomer List, I'm not even on the list yet, that little bastard, how could he be on the list! ?"

Shi Feixuan...Speechless.

After a while, he said

"Although you have just come down from the mountain, what does being a newcomer in the world have to do with you?"

"Look at the Heavenly Rankings, that's where you need to look~"

"However, with your current mentality, you have no chance of winning against the top masters on the Heavenly Ranking. Going there would be a death wish."

"Senior Sister originally wanted to go to Huashan in a few days, and she was counting on you to capture Feng Qingyang~


"Now it seems that no matter how powerful you are, you can never be a match for Feng Qingyang."

Feng Qingyang?

Wu Qianyue's little head immediately perked up:"Senior Sister, are you really going to let me go?"

"I can!"

"Really, you have to believe Qianyue. With my comprehension, the flaws in my swordsmanship are definitely not something Feng Qingyang can find. Even Dugu Qiubai can't find my flaws within a hundred moves!"

Shi Feixuan's smile disappeared, and her expression was serious:"Unconscious arrogance is the biggest taboo for a swordsman."

"Your so-called flawless hundred moves are nothing but a forced cover-up relying on your advantage in sword manual and profound skills!"

"In such a duel, after fighting for a hundred moves, do you have a chance of winning?"

"When Senior Sister is around, you can still say no, but when Senior Sister is not around, do you have the right to say no?"


Shi Feixuan let out a sigh of relief and said thoughtfully,"The Jianghu is not Jingzhai, no one will give in to you, no one will let you come again next time just because you say forget it, do you understand?"

"Got it!"

Wu Qianyue was enlightened:"It's all because of that little bastard who messed up my mind!! Senior sister, I'm going to catch him and beat him up now, I think I can break my inner demons and directly enter the sword heart enlightenment, right?"

Puff ~

Shi Feixuan couldn't hold it in and laughed out loud on the spot:"Really want to go? But Senior sister heard that they are in the brothel..."

Wu Qianyue nodded heavily:"A brothel is a brothel. Sister, don't you always say that color is emptiness and emptiness is color? In my eyes, such a place full of lust is also empty!" Shi Feixuan was quite satisfied now:"This time going down the mountain is not only a task, but also a mission, but also an experience."

"Let's go, it's time to go see the masters of the Ming Dynasty."

Wu Qianyue jumped up and said,"Wow, Senior Sister is the best to me.~"


Yicui Tower.

A group of Huashan Sect masters rushed in with great momentum.

Looking up,

I saw a man holding a sword on the stage in the middle of the hall.

Jiang Chen!

Yuan Hua's eyes were blazing:"Brother, this kid is Jiang Chen, and Tian Boguang, the lecher, must be here too!"

As soon as these words came out, the people in the first floor hall all looked solemn.

Nancheng, at the foot of Huashan Mountain, most of the people in the martial arts world are Huashan disciples.

If it were masters from other sects, they might not know him, but it is impossible for Huashan people not to know him.


The son of Yuan Yuzun, the supreme elder of Huashan Society, and the top ten newcomers of Huashan Sect, ranked first! The people walking behind him were all masters of Huashan Society. Although they were not among the top ten masters of Huashan, and they did not have the reputation of newcomers, it did not mean that they had no strength.

To the people of Huashan Sect, these were masters of the sect who had been famous for some time.

Wearing around his waist was the gold medal of Dengyun Pavilion.

All Huashan disciples, even if they are seeking work and training outside and do not care about the affairs of the sect, must be courteous to the people of Dengyun Pavilion when they meet them.

Dengyun Pavilion represents Huashan Sect and is the main external force of Huashan Sect and the face of Huashan Sect.

Whenever Huashan disciples encounter problems outside, they can go to Dengyun Pavilion and they will come forward to support you.

The Dengyun Pavilion can be said to have made an indelible contribution to the development and growth of Huashan to its current status within a few decades.......

""Li Ping, a disciple of Huashan, greets Senior Brother Yuan and all the uncles!"

More than a dozen Huashan disciples present came forward to greet him.

Yuan ignored them and just pointed at them from a distance with his eyes:"Ling Feng, Ling Jun! Go, kill that annoying guy first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

Famous sects attach great importance to seniority.

Yuandu's seniority is definitely lower than that of the masters of Dengyun Pavilion, but no matter whether it is an ordinary disciple or a person from Dengyun Pavilion, Yuandu is the leader.

Ranking first among the top ten newcomers of Huashan is not only about strength and reputation.

More importantly, this is a leading figure who represents the style of Huashan's generation. Naturally, his status is different. And with the Supreme Elder behind him, it goes without saying.

You know.

Even the now famous Huashan Dengyun Pavilion was founded by Yuan Yuzun and several top-notch masters of Huashan.


Ling Feng and Ling Jun drew their swords on the spot, as if they didn't care about these people in the martial arts world at all. As for who else was upstairs, they didn't care.

Because this was Nancheng, at the foot of Mount Hua, there was no need to care!

Just as the two were about to charge forward, they heard a snap.

A Fengyue folding fan blocked them directly.

"Wait a minute!"

Everyone was shocked and looked at the man who stepped forward to intercept him.


At the foot of Huashan Mountain, he still stopped the people from Dengyun Pavilion?

He didn't know how to write the word death?!

Looking at the man again, he had delicate features, a tall figure, eyes like ink and a pen, what a gentleman on the road.

Only...The chest muscles of this Moshang gentleman are indeed a little exaggerated.

If you are not blind, you should be able to see that this is a woman, and a beautiful woman at that.

"The owner of the world's number one manor, Shangguan Haitang?"

"How come you have time to come to Huashan to join in the fun? Aren't the things in the capital busy enough for you?"

When Lu Xiaofeng saw an acquaintance, he naturally had to say hello.

Shangguan Haitang put away his folding fan in a very casual manner, turned around and greeted:"Senior Lu, you are joking. With my adoptive father in the capital, even if the world shakes, it won't cause any waves."

Ling Feng and Ling Jun looked hesitant and turned to look at Yuandu.

Shangguan Haitang is not an ordinary person.

She is the number one spy of the Dragon Guard Villa. She has a complicated relationship behind her and involves the palace. She is not a pure Jianghu person.

"The criminal Jiang Chen has committed rape, robbery, and murder. Our Huashan Sect has solid evidence and is now arresting him. Yuan Du was calm and composed, not at all as arrogant and reckless as Yuan Hua.

"It's just a small matter, I don't think you need to bother Lord Shangguan with it, right?"

Shangguan Haitang held a folding fan and smiled,"Young Master Yuan is right, Haitang came to Huashan this time to investigate a case, and the case he investigated was the major case that Jiang Chen was involved in!"

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