I don't believe you!

After saying this, no one in the room believed it.

Investigate Jiang Chen?

You must be kidding!

The name Jiang Chen was only known to the people of Jianghu yesterday. If it weren't for the continuous announcements and being on the rookie list, I'm afraid not many people in the whole South City would know who he is.

Are you so powerful?

Predicting the future!

Knowing that he was going to commit a crime, you ambushed him in South City in advance, and waited until he committed a crime before investigating the case?

Yuandu is not a fool, so he naturally doesn't believe this nonsense.

"The reputation of Hulong Villa is well-deserved. The world's information can be obtained in an instant. It is really admirable~"

"However, the evidence in this case is irrefutable and the facts are clear. Jiang Chen slaughtered hundreds of martial artists in the street, including many of my Huashan disciples. Even my own brother was brutally killed by him...."

"In my opinion, there is really nothing to investigate in this case!"

After Yuan Du finished speaking, he winked at Ling Feng and the others and said,"Seven days later, it will be the birthday banquet of the head of Huashan. If Lord Shangguan is free, why not investigate the whereabouts of the Demon Cult? I think they will definitely not miss this opportunity to retaliate against the righteous people in the martial arts world...."


Ling Feng and the other two didn't even wait for Yuan Du to finish, they flashed past Shangguan Haitang and rushed to the ring.

Shangguan Haitang was shocked, she didn't expect that this would happen after she showed up.

There have been rumors in the capital for a long time.

It is said that Huashan Society is powerful, with strong military force and many masters. It is in its heyday in the martial arts world. If it weren't for the involvement of the Demon Sect, it would have been able to dominate the martial arts world.

She didn't believe it at first. It was just a martial arts sect. Facing the government and the Hulong Villa representing the imperial power, how arrogant could it be?

But today.

She saw it.

The people of Huashan Sect didn't take Hulong Villa seriously at all. They wanted to kill people in front of her and disregarded the laws of the Ming Dynasty. It was simply lawless!


"How I investigate the case in Hulong Villa is not for outsiders to interfere!"

Shangguan Haitang finished speaking, and was about to catch up with Ling Feng and the others.

But the next moment, seven or eight masters of Dengyun Pavilion surrounded her.

To enter Dengyun Pavilion, they must be first-class masters!

Moreover, they must be top-notch first-class masters.

Shangguan Haitang, as the number one spy of Xuanzi, was taught by Master Wuhen, so she must have strength, but after all, two fists cannot beat four hands, not to mention that there are more than four hands in front of them.

Instead, there are seven or eight first-class swordsmen with profound skills........

Are we really going to fight?

Shangguan Haitang hesitated at this moment.

Her identity was too sensitive. Once she took action, it would mean a complete break between Hulong Villa and Huashan Society, and even the entire Huashan Sect.

Facing a martial arts sect with nearly a million members, even Hulong Villa would have to think twice.

Especially since they represented a certain Ming Dynasty.

If a full-scale war breaks out, the entire martial arts world, and even the entire Ming Dynasty, would be in danger.

What's more, her adoptive father specifically reminded her before leaving that the martial arts world is in chaos now, and the power of many sects is growing stronger and stronger, and it is no longer what it used to be. Unless it is absolutely necessary, she must not act rashly....

Damn it!

Before she came, she did know the huge strength of Huashan Society, but she did not consider at all how she would deal with it if the other party was really bold.......

Jiang Chen saw Shangguan Haitang coming out and thought she could calm the situation.

But he didn't expect that Huashan Club was really a bit arrogant. They bullied Shangguan Haitang alone and chose to ignore her.

"You two look familiar.

Jiang Chen took out the Xuanbing Sword, with a smile on his face.

"The despicable villain, while my two brothers were chasing him, turned back and caught Hua Shao..."

Ling Feng finished speaking, his eyes were already filled with murderous intent.

The target to be protected was dead.

The target to be captured was gone.

They had to bear the blame for at least three to five years of work in vain. Even their future promotion opportunities had become extremely uncertain. It was impossible to say that they did not hate him. Ling Feng:"If it were not for you, my brother and I would have learned the Purple Cloud Divine Art within this year. Now......?"

Ling Jun:"Now, I will let you know what it means to live a life worse than death!


Jiang Chen understood immediately after hearing this, and nodded slightly,"Qi Zong, isn't that iron waste?"

"What did you say?!"

Ling Feng wanted to see this kid crying before dying, but he ended up saying,"I am a waste?



Ling Feng and the other two did not draw their swords directly, but instead stood in front and behind, blocking Jiang Chen's retreat.

After all, they had seen Jiang Chen's Qinggong, and it was indeed something.

In this battle, there was no way they would let him go.

"You are a rookie in the world, and you suddenly make it to the rookie list. Do you think you are a master?"

"The Jianghu Newcomer List is for powerful talents to show off, you are nothing! ?"

"snort...In terms of real strength, even the bottom of the ground list can easily beat the top of the rookie list"

"What kind of rookie list is this? It’s more like an encouragement award!"

"It's just because we are afraid that it will take too long for newcomers to grow and they won't be able to compete with the masters, so we put this whole list out to show the younger generation and comfort you."



"Who wasn't a rookie back then?"

To be honest.

Whether it's a martial arts master or a sect master, it's better to say that they are afraid of the people on the list than to be afraid of the forces behind the list.

Without some power, you can't get on the list.

There is no first in literature and no second in martial arts.

If a fight really breaks out, no one will say that I am indeed not as good as the people on the list.

Especially for those of them who have been fighting outside for many years and have experienced life and death, they are not very interested in the rookie list.

In their eyes, there are only the Earth List and the Heaven List.

Although the people on these two lists still have a certain power bonus, the proportion of strength is indeed higher.

In the past, they were polite and polite, that was for the sake of the face of the forces behind you.

Now that an unknown person is on the list, he is still putting on airs in front of them?

How can you tolerate this?!

"You little bastard, when we two brothers became famous, you didn’t even know where to get your milk?"


"You will know in a moment how big the gap is between the famous masters in the martial arts world and a rubbish rookie like you who came from nowhere!"


Jiang Chen just shrugged slightly, his eyes full of disdain.

"Huashan, those who understand will understand"

"The Sunflower Manual is a good book, but it has to be split into Qi Sect and Sword Sect. It is obviously a bunch of garbage, but you still think it is a treasure."

"I have no ability to eliminate demons and defend the way of justice!"

"Fighting for fame and fortune, I will strike hard~"


If Jiang Chen was still in the martial arts hall yesterday and had never seen Jianghu martial arts, he really had no say.

But today~

The top-notch sword technique of Exorcism was changed to shit by Qingcheng Sect.

Huashan, who also got Sunflower, could have made something good?

They even split the technique into two groups to practice.

To be honest, it may not be much better than the one modified by Qingcheng.

If it is a master of the Sword Sect, it may be more difficult to deal with it.

After all, the opponent has completely taken the sword of Sunflower, which is extremely dangerous and swift.

But Qi Sect?

Well, unless it is super first-class, Jiang Chen really can't think of how he can lose

"How about this, I won't bully you two losers."

While speaking,

Jiang Chen put away the Mysterious Ice Sword and took out the Jade Sword instead.

"If you two can block my sword without dying, I will immediately quit the martial arts world!"

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