Not bad?

The Sword God said not bad! ?

And he said it four times in a row!

Everyone's eyes on Jiang Chen changed completely.

Just now.

Jiang Chen killed Yu Changan and ranked among the rookie list, and everyone just praised him.

After all, they are all old men in the martial arts world, and they have been in the martial arts world for many years.

Looking at Jiang Chen, they still regard him as a rising star.

There are rookies in the martial arts world every year, and talents emerge every year.

But how many years does it take to go from a rookie to a master?

Rookies don't know.

The old men know.

So they don't care, and they won't despise too much.

Because there is no need.

Everyone is not at the same level.

How many years have I practiced?

Although my swordsmanship seems to be only 10 to 20 levels higher than yours, what about internal strength? These levels, can you practice them in one or two years?

After a long time, you will understand. When a rookie comes out, you can be a little crazy. When you really step into the martial arts world and meet the first-rate, you will naturally know the difference.

No one will point you out.

Because you don't listen when I say it, and you don't understand, why bother yourself?

When you die, everyone will know.

At that time, everyone may laugh.

Look, another rookie died, overestimating his own abilities.

After all, three to five years of hard work is not so easy to overcome.

Moreover, the Sword God just said that you can survive the three-year rookie period before talking about other things.

But this statement was not even made for a few minutes.

Jiang Chen killed two masters of Huashan Sect.

To become a first-class master, it is not based on the list, because there is no list.

The Heavenly List is for the Grandmaster. The

Earth List is for the super first-class.

First-class masters are not rookies, so there is no list.

How to prove your strength?

Battle record!

Show your battle record and tell others that you are first-class, not a rookie, and not someone that anyone can mess with.

Ling Feng, Ling Jun, do you have any battle records?

Of course!

They are from Dengyun Pavilion. They go on missions all year round, how could they not have battle records.

In fact, many people here have seen their brothers kill first-class rookies with their own eyes.


Experience is needed.

Some bandit spawn points near South City are the places that everyone must go to for leveling up.

By default, it is for Huashan disciples to use. If outsiders dare to go there, they will be killed!

Who will be killed?

Of course, I will kill them myself, but what if I can't kill them?

Naturally, I will find a master in the sect to kill them!

This kind of task is usually carried out by people from Dengyun Pavilion.

Ling Feng and Ling Jun, masters of Qi Zong, the two brothers went on a mission together near South City and killed the top-notch masters of the Demon Sect!!

This strength.

It is really not boasted, but killed.

It can be said.

The two of them are real first-class masters. If they join forces to fight, they are not inferior to even the top-notch masters.


Occupying a favorable position and unleashing his ultimate moves, he was so advantageous that he couldn't even block Jiang Chen's sword. This is too ridiculous!

I really can't believe it!

But I have to believe it!

Because the Sword God, Ximen Chuxue, was also watching.

Would he lie?

Could a swordsman who could be praised by the Sword God as being good four times be a fake?......

After the shock, some people scratched their heads

"I think Jiang Chen's fighting ability is first-rate...."


"top notch!"

"If this isn't top notch, I'll be angry with him~"


Everyone nodded.

It's indeed top notch.


Someone asked in confusion:"I wonder if Jiang Chen's realm is first-rate."


Someone is really going to bleed!

"He had previously reshaped the intermediate martial arts..."


"The sixth rank is up to level 120~"


Sixth rank martial arts, promoted to first-class?


Breaking through the limit is too difficult.

And it was just reshaped.

"Not necessarily!" Someone expressed a different opinion:"Look at his body movements, they are so impressive, it is possible that he has become first-rate with his swordsmanship?"

Ah, yes, yes, yes!

"Good advice, brother~"

"His Qinggong skills seemed to be of high quality. That was correct. Such a fast movement must be first-rate."

"Tsk, this is an unconventional move...."

Others use swordsmanship, boxing techniques, and at worst use internal strength to improve their realm.

But you use lightness skills?

Isn't this an unconventional move?

But then again, the effect seems to be quite good~

Do you want to try it?


"What are you talking about? This announcement was just posted last night. Second rate, second rate!"

"Becoming a top-notch talent overnight?"

"Your mother didn't give birth to a child so quickly...."


That's right~

He just read the announcement yesterday....Second rate! ?

"Oh shit!"

"A second-rate realm, killing a first-rate master! ?"

"you...You are the one who is making trouble with me!"

The people who were discussing happily at first suddenly became furious........

On the other side,

Mu Qingcheng and others stared at Jiang Chen blankly, as if she had just met this young man.

"A first-rate master, kill with one sword?"

To be honest.

She was not sure that she could kill Ling Feng and the other two. If the other party was poisoned, it would be another matter.

If it was a head-on confrontation, on the ring, facing two first-rate masters of Huashan.

She was sure that she had no chance and would die!

Even if the three sisters came together, at most one could survive, and the rest would die!

Head-on confrontation.

That is the realm of masters of traditional swordsmanship, knife skills, and boxing.

It is not their style of using poison.

Tian Boguang touched his forehead and said in amazement:"You are worthy of being my brother. If the two of us join forces, even Huashan seems to be able to make it!"

Luo Xin has begun to envy:"Brother-in-law is so handsome, so handsome, can I go and get an autograph?" Ye Ruoli smiled on the surface, but she could only smile bitterly in her heart.

At the beginning, even if Jiang Chen was ruthless, she was somewhat confident.

After all, with her appearance, figure, means, understanding of men and grasp of the scale.

How can a young man resist?

But now...

This young man will soon become a top-notch expert and be recognized by the Sword God. He has a promising future.

The light radiating from him is so bright that it is blinding. Is she still capable of controlling such a young man?...

Suddenly I have no confidence..........

Yuan Hua looked at the two Ling brothers on the stage and saw them turn into white light, almost biting off their teeth.

"Are you all fools? Come on!"

The masters of Huashan Sect heard it, but did not move.

Yuan Hua is the elder's youngest son and is loved by him, but Yuan Du is the one in charge at the moment.

"Sword, very quickly."

Yuan Du's eyes flashed with a sinister look.

"The body movements are also very fast"

"As far as I know, the only thing in the world that can be as fast as a ghost is the Sunflower Manual, right?"

Huashan Sect once had the Sunflower Manual.

And it was a complete book.

But when the two elders studied it, one looked at internal strength and the other at martial arts, but no one looked at Qinggong.

So later, after the Demon Sect took away the secret book, the sunflower they recalled did not have Qinggong........

""Jiang Chen, you hid in the South City, disguised as a newcomer, what exactly are you trying to do!?" Yuan Du said, and the situation in the field changed instantly.

The righteous martial arts world and the Demon Cult are mortal enemies.

Especially Huashan.

Back then, when Ren Woxing got the news of the Sunflower Manual, he immediately sent the ten elders of the Demon Cult out of the mountain and forcibly took the Sunflower Manual from Huashan.

This is a deadly feud.

Later, Huashan sent players to attack the Demon Cult spontaneously, trying to take back the sunflower, but unfortunately, after hundreds of thousands of casualties, they returned in defeat.

However, Huashan's players did not give up.

They still killed the Demon Cult when they saw it.

The Demon Cult also has players, and there are not a few of them.

After all, they are all adults, and they only care about the size of their fists, not justice or evil.

So after being angered by Huashan, the Demon Cult players, in order to retaliate, actually madly strangled all the righteous players who were practicing outside.

This At once.

The blood feud between the two sides was deadly.

Instead, more newcomers to the martial arts world came from afar to join Huashan because Huashan Sect made it clear that it would never stop fighting with the Demon Sect.

This gradually expanded the number and power of Huashan Sect.

In such a situation, once you are confirmed to be a member of the Demon Sect, it is best to pray.

You are really a member of the Demon Sect.

Call for help quickly.

Otherwise, your end will be miserable.

Since today, there have been many rumors in Nancheng that Jiang Chen is a spy of the Demon Sect.

However, many locals testified, and if you think about it carefully, it is indeed unlikely that a child could lurk for more than ten years.

But now.

Faced with such a ghostly body movement, it is hard not to remind the people of Huashan of the red figure on the top of the Black Wood Cliff........

"Indeed, if it weren't for the Sunflower Manual, who could have cultivated the body skills to this level?"

Wudang Shang Wanli suddenly stood up at this moment.


Yuandu himself was stunned.


You are not a good person either~

Shang Wanli appeared here, 100% for Tian Boguang, 100% for Lonely Nine Swords.

What does he mean by saying this?

Have a grudge against Jiang Chen?

Yuandu didn't have time to think about it for the time being, but now beat Jiang Chen into a demon sect first, and then beat Tian Boguang into a demon sect, killing two birds with one stone, it is definitely the best result.

At that time, no one can compete with Huashan Sect for the demon sect.

Because this hatred is the strongest in Huashan!.......

"You are the top ten masters of Wudang?"

Jiang Chen was convinced.

He was not on good terms with Huashan.���, you from Wudang are also coming out to talk nonsense?

"Are you blind, or did you have surgery on your brain and put it on your butt?"

"Top Ten Masters!? Wudang!?"


"You can't even tell where his body movements came from, and you keep yelling"Sunflower, Sunflower, you f*cking little sunflower, you drank too much, your brain has become mentally retarded!"

The people of Wudang Sect had long been unhappy with Jiang Chen, and how could they tolerate him at this moment ?

"Brat, my senior is a famous master, how can what he said be wrong! ?"

"You are a disciple of the Demon Sect, and a descendant of the Demon Sect who has learned the Sunflower Manual. What else is there to deny?!"

"That's right!" The other Wudang disciples also echoed

"The evil cult's demons must be killed by everyone!"

"Today, we must let the world know that Wudang and the Demon Sect will never coexist!"


Jiang Chen laughed.

"You don't even care about your reputation, how can you call yourself a master?"

"If Zhang Sanfeng knew there was such garbage in Wudang, he would have killed himself."

"Still sworn enemies?"

"Come on, come on, come down!"

Jiang Chen pointed the long sword in his hand and said,"If I can't kill a piece of shit like you with one sword, I will eat this jade sword on the spot!"

"You, how dare you insult my Wudang master! ?"

The Wudang man was about to move, but he hesitated....

As a swordsman, he is also a first-class master.

Although he is confident that he can face Ling Feng's Taiyue Three Swords,...But Jiang Chen's body movements were still too difficult to deal with.

Going on the field alone, I really didn't have complete confidence.


"You still want to use the Sunflower Manual to launch a sneak attack, right?"

The Wudang disciples immediately raised their arms and shouted.

"Eradicating the evil cult and the monsters is the common responsibility of the righteous martial arts community!"

"Everyone, come together and kill this demon bastard!"

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