
Ye Ruoli didn't even think about it, and rushed out with a shake of his feet.


Tian Boguang landed next to Jiang Chen first, and smiled obscenely:"Hey, your grandmother, the righteous people in the martial arts world are dogs, why waste time talking to them, just do it!"

"Why should I be afraid of him? Brothers, if we join hands, we can go anywhere in the world! ?"

Jiang Chen's eyes darkened:"Hey~ Don't try to steal my head, stay away!"


Tian Boguang and Ye Ruoli were suddenly overwhelmed.

The next second.

The Wudang people did not leave, the Huashan people did not appear, and the rest of the Jianghu people did not move.


A figure with four eyebrows stood in front of Jiang Chen

"you say...Come on, is it the Sunflower Manual?"

Lu Xiaofeng stroked his mustache.

"I wonder if my body movement is qualified to be on par with the Sunflower Manual?"


Everyone present gasped.

Speaking of fast.

Lu Xiaofeng's body movement is of course fast, and 100% faster than Jiang Chen.

He is a master.

Many people only know that he loves drinking and women, and likes to use telepathic fingers on weekdays.

They often ignore his Qinggong, which is also the best in the world, and even comparable to Ximen Chuxue.

Wudang Shang Wanli frowned.

He had calculated everything, but he didn't expect Lu Xiaofeng to stand up for Jiang Chen.


Simply because he likes to meddle in other people's business?

However, he was not panicked.

"The senior's body movements are naturally fast, but the sword technique used by Jiang Chen is obviously the Exorcist Sword Technique, which comes from Sunflower. You should also be able to see this."

"Although he realized the reshaping in front of everyone, who knows which martial arts book he reshaped?"


Everyone was suddenly confused by this sentence.

Shang Wanli said slowly:

"The announcement said that the remodeling was successful, but it didn't say which book it was. Is it possible that he didn't remodel the evil-repelling book, but some other martial arts that he had prepared long ago?"


As for the evil-repelling and sunflower skills , he had already learned them....

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen and suddenly felt that it made sense!

Shang Wanli was full of confidence and spoke eloquently:

"Very simple truth"

"In the martial arts world, no matter whether it is Exorcism or Sunflower, their difficulty is the best among the best. Even if you are given the whole book, you will need to comprehend it for a year or so if you want to get started."

"He, a young man, observed his opponent's Exorcism Sword Technique in battle, and it was an incomplete and modified version. He was able to comprehend from it a Exorcism Sword Technique that was far superior to his opponent's and extremely close to the original."

"Haha, if I tell this kind of story to others, will anyone believe it?"

"Is there really such an incredible talent in the world?".......


Except for Ye Ruoli and the others, everyone was silent.

When a genius goes against the will of heaven to a certain extent, its credibility is just like a myth, which makes people doubt it.

There are believers and there are also non-believers.

But if you have seen the outrageous degree in person, most people will definitely not believe it.

"Makes sense!"

"This is too outrageous!"

"After watching more than a hundred moves in a fight, he can comprehend the essence of his opponent's martial arts. Are you kidding me? With this ability, he would have been invincible long ago, right?"

"I don't know if he is a spy of the Demon Sect, but I can only say that there is definitely something fishy about his warding off evil spirits and his enlightenment!"

At this moment, many people suddenly realized.

"No wonder, I said there is no such person who is so defying the will of heaven!"


"Still acting~"

"Depend on!"

"This Jiang Chen might have already been a first-rate master, but he just ruined his martial arts level, accumulated a lot of experience, and changed his way to stand out.~"

"Oh, how many times have we seen the old drama of Jianghu?"


In Jianghu, it is very difficult to stand out.

There are always people who find new ways.

The martial arts that have been upgraded to more than 100 levels are abandoned and rebuilt!

They mix into the group of newcomers again, relying on the vast experience accumulated over the years, and break through in one day, kill the masters, and become famous instantly.

This operation seems to be a waste of time and energy.

But once you succeed in standing out.

The treatment and status that a genius swordsman and an ordinary swordsman can obtain are completely different.

The advanced martial arts that originally required a lot of experience and reputation to obtain, and even the unique martial arts, may be directly recognized by the master NPC of the sect because you become famous overnight, and you can easily obtain them without any experience.

Hey, don't say it~

Many NPCs of the sect just eat this set, and treat the genius juniors with a special kind of favor.......

Shang Wanli now looked even more sincere, and bowed to persuade:

"Seniors, you are all hermits who seldom go out into the underworld. You know very little about those sinister people. It is very likely that you have been deceived by some despicable villains who play tricks!!"

"Especially the people of the Demon Cult, their methods are despicable, their behavior is dirty, and their thoughts are dirty, which is difficult for ordinary people to understand...."

"Normally we wouldn't even think of such despicable acts, but the people of the Demon Cult can do them, and they are extremely skilled at it, even worse!!"......

After saying this, even Yuan Du couldn't help but look at him twice. If he didn't make a move, it would be fine.

Once he made a move, even if the opponent had an NPC master covering him, he would beat you to death, and even fight back and let the NPC turn against you!

What a guy!

He is worthy of being one of the top ten masters in a place like Wudang. If he didn't have some"real kung fu", he would not even be able to see the threshold of the top ten.

"Give orders to keep an eye on Shang Wanli"



Ye Ruoli and Mu Qingcheng looked at Lu Xiaofeng, their hearts trembling.

In the current situation, the only one who can solve it is Lu Xiaofeng.

If he doesn't care, or even wants to kill Jiang Chen, it will be a dead end. One hundred percent!

There is no chance to escape!

Because of his Qinggong, and his Sword God brother.

Looking at the world, the person who can escape from the hands of the two of them must be at least in the top of the Heavenly Ranking.

Tian Boguang was even more panicked.

He was not very sure about Lu Xiaofeng's Qinggong, so he had to leave in advance....

"Brother, is the wind strong?".......

On the other side.

Lu Xiaofeng hesitated to answer.

He was also thinking about it. Being in the martial arts world, he had been cheated a lot.

Jiang Chen.

This name appeared yesterday, and now, just listening to the announcement, it is indeed amazing, extraordinary talent. But if you really want to say that you have seen his background, there is really no chance.

Before killing Yu Changan, he had not drawn a sword.

However, he exorcised evil spirits as soon as he made a move! To kill Ling Feng and the other two, he used different moves.

Look at the style.

It seems to be the foundation martial arts of the Ming Dynasty, the basic swordsmanship among the basic swordsmanship.

Internal strength and light skills are all Quanzhen styles, the authentic Xuanmen.

A young man, in the Ming Dynasty, got the authentic martial arts of the Song Dynasty Quanzhen?

A bit weird.

But, the fate of geniuses is always different from that of ordinary people, which is not incomprehensible.

The most critical thing.

It is still the sword technique to exorcise evil spirits!

Did he know it before, or was it recreated on the spot.

Lu Xiaofeng has a high understanding of swordsmanship, but definitely not as good as Ximen Chuxue, so he thought, let's see what his brother means first.

Otherwise, if he is wrong, it would be a big loss of face.......

Everyone was waiting.

Jiang Chen wanted to say something, but Lu Xiaofeng hadn't spoken yet, and neither had the Sword God.

If he spoke at this moment, it would be obvious that he was just like Shang Wanli, treating them like idiots.......

Ximen Chuxue didn't seem to look at Lu Xiaofeng, but closed his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, a figure in white flashed before everyone's eyes and appeared in the ring in an instant....

Ximen Chuxue took action!

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