The cold light came out of the sheath!

No sound of sword was heard!

The sword was raised, pointing diagonally to the sky.


Ximen Chuxue's figure swayed, and suddenly dozens of phantoms appeared.

The sword's momentum reversed.

The sword's light bloomed~

In an instant, thirty-six frost stars appeared out of thin air and fell from the sky!

The sword technique of exorcism, meteors flying down!


When Yu Changan first used this move, it was only one star.

When Jiang Chen used this move just now, one sword had seven stars.

Until now.

When the Sword God used this move in public...

One sword!

Thirty-six stars!

Extremely cold!

Extremely icy!

Extremely fierce!

Extremely fast!

You can imagine...

If I were locked by this sword at this moment, how terrifying it would be.


Is it necessary?

Seeing this sword, I should understand the insurmountable gap and huge gap between the two sides!

Just wait for death......


The cold sword is sheathed!

From the moment the sword is drawn to the moment it is sheathed.

From the beginning to the end, everyone only heard the sound of the sword.


Drawing the sword and sheathing the sword, both sounded.


Everyone could clearly see the terrifying sword technique of the 36-star sword.......


Is this the Sword God?

Everyone wanted to see more, but found that Ximen Chuxue had turned into a stream of light and returned to the private room on the third floor.


The Sword God, can he be so terrifying! ?

"Oh shit!"

"Damn it, you almost showed off your prowess to me!!"

"The Sword God is invincible!"

"What happened to the Exorcist Sword Technique?"

"Once the Sword God appears, he can still improve the Exorcism Sword Technique by one level, no, by several levels!"......

Everyone was shocked by Ximen Chuixue's terrifying swordsmanship, body movements, and cultivation.

However, they were also confused.

What was he doing?

Facing the voices questioning Jiang Chen and Lu Xiaofeng's silent questioning, he said nothing.

However, he seemed to have said something else. It was incomprehensible.

No matter what, it was always cool to be able to see the sword of the Sword God in one's lifetime.

After this, I will brag about it for at least 30 years!......


Lu Xiaofeng suddenly raised his head and laughed.

Others didn't understand Ximen Chuxue, but he did.

Others couldn't understand the gap between them, but his cultivation was just enough, so he could still understand it.

"Good, good, good!"

"Wudang Sect is really full of talents!"

Lu Xiaofeng sighed repeatedly. He was almost fooled.

"The Exorcist Sword Technique is the Exorcist Sword Technique, and the moves are moves. So learning a move is called Exorcism?"

"Ha, funny~"

"If the Exorcism Sword Technique was so simple, it would have been everywhere long ago, right?"

Lu Xiaofeng never expected that he was blinded by all the mess and didn't see what the most basic martial arts were like.


Everyone was at a loss.

What Ximen Chuxue did just now was just a demonstration of the Sword God's strength, thirty-six stars in one sword.

Damn, bang, my god!

But what did the Sword God mean by this sudden sword?

No one understood.

As for Lu Xiaofeng, he did say a few words, but unfortunately no one understood.

Shangguan Haitang wanted to ask, but Shang Wanli raised the doubt first:"What do you mean by senior?"


Lu Xiaofeng snorted coldly:"If you want to die, understand it better, right?"


"After all, you are from Wudang Sect. If you don’t practice the unity of man and sword, I can forgive you this time. But if it happens again, I think you should not come down the mountain. You are bringing shame to Wudang!"


Shang Wanli's face suddenly turned pale. He really didn't understand.

"Forgive my ignorance, I really don't understand"

"Why can the Sword God explain everything by just demonstrating one sword technique to ward off evil spirits?"

"The Sword God is the Sword God after all. He can comprehend the power of warding off evil spirits instantly, no problem. But how can Jiang Chen do that?"

"How could he possibly compare to the Sword God! ?"


This was also what puzzled everyone present.

"Jiang Chen is not worthy...Are you worthy of it?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled instead.

"There is nothing wrong with practicing Wuwowujian, but you can't just ignore the martial arts in the world and create something in isolation, right?"

"What is the unity of man and sword? You don't even understand it. Why did you come out here to embarrass yourself?"


Shang Wanli was scolded again.

As a cultivator of Wuwo Wujian, is it necessary for me to understand the unity of man and sword?

Looking at the eyes of the crowd, it seems that they are also full of contempt like Lu Xiaofeng.

Shang Wanli was even more confused.



Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh at his stupid look.

"It is understandable that ordinary Wudang disciples do not understand. After all, they are all young people. If they do not understand, then they do not understand.~"

"But you...After all, he is one of the top ten Wudang masters."

"When you go out and travel the world, you are not representing yourself, but the Wudang Sect!"

Shang Wanli didn't know what Jiang Chen was going to say, but his eyes darkened.

Jiang Chen said again

"Wudang, as the leading force in the world, with sword-fighting skills passed down from generation to generation and a famous and authentic school, didn’t it even teach the most basic unity of man and sword?"

"Or is it that no one in the Wudang sect understands the unity of man and sword?"

"I think...This is probably impossible, right?"

""And you don't even know how to achieve unity between man and sword. I don't think you are qualified to be one of the top ten masters, nor are you qualified to represent Wudang in the martial arts world~"


Now, everyone seemed to understand what they were talking about.

The Exorcism Sword Technique just now was not actually the Exorcism Sword Technique, but the Unity of Man and Sword?

Right, right, right!

Someone remembered it

"That’s right, when Jiang Chen killed Yu Chang’an just now, the Sword God also said that his sword-unity was good, and he didn’t mention the Exorcism Sword Technique at all!"

Hu La~

Now everyone knows the reason.

However, some people still don’t understand

"Can it be so cool if man and sword become one?"

"I have seen sword techniques before, and I immediately used the unity of man and sword to perform them...."

"Isn't this a super version of Xiao Wuxiang Gong?!"

"That's awesome.~"

"If Jiumozhi saw this, he would drool all over the floor! ?"......

Still at a loss.

There were only a few people present who really understood the unity of man and sword.

Ximen Chuxue must have fully understood it, but he couldn't say it.

Lu Xiaofeng was lazy, and there was nothing to say to a fool.

Tian Boguang understood a little, but today, he thought it was better not to show up.

As for the others?

Huashan Qi Sect really didn't practice this stuff.

Although Yuandu had heard about it from his elders, he didn't want to be despised by Lu Xiaofeng like Shang Wanli, which would be really embarrassing and a complete social failure!

Snap! ~

The folding fan made a sound, and Shangguan Haitang stood up.

"If you don't mind, I'll explain it to you, Senior."

Lu Xiaofeng was happy to be free.

Shangguan Haitang then explained to everyone,"Let's talk about Xiao Wuxiang Gong first."

"That unique skill seems to be using internal force to forcefully promote martial arts, so not only does the moves look like the original martial arts, but the power is also about 70% of the original martial arts. If used by a person with high skills, it can even be deduced to the extreme height of the original."

"Of course, there are limitations here. To forcefully activate the Xiao Wuxiang Gong, one must at least have seen the entire martial arts book and comprehended the entry level. After that, there is no need to practice the level. You can directly activate the Xiao Wuxiang Gong and reach the original martial arts level and realm."

"The unity of man and sword is not the Xiao Wuxiang Gong."

"Those with extraordinary talent can integrate other people's sword techniques into their own sword techniques."

"They look similar, but they are definitely not the same thing. They are different even from the inside out."

"Therefore, what to learn in the unity of man and sword, there is no need to read the original martial arts, just look at the opponent's moves. If you can suddenly understand the subtleties of his martial arts moves, you can naturally integrate them with your own high understanding and martial arts talent and reshape them into your own martial arts."

Shangguan Haitang paused for a moment and looked at Jiang Chen.

"I heard that this young man just realized the reshaping, and with one move, he could create seven stars."

"It looks like it’s more powerful than the original, doesn’t it?"

"At first glance, ordinary people would think that this is what martial arts training looks like when it reaches a very high level."

Ah~ yes, yes, yes!

Everyone nodded quickly.


Shangguan Haitang immediately shook her head in disappointment.

"That's not right at all!"


Everyone was speechless!!......

"The Exorcist Sword Technique claims to be of the same lineage, with its own internal strength, lightness skills, and moves. Everything is in perfect harmony and tends to be perfect."

Shangguan Haitang sighed a little, and looked at Jiang Chen with a look of brilliance.

"If it weren't for his extraordinary talent, his intensive practice in Exorcism, his having seen the original version of Sunflower, and his background of absorbing the strengths of many schools, it would be impossible for him to modify Exorcism at will!"

"Because it is to ward off evil spirits!"

"That move of falling meteors only has one star!"

"No matter how high your cultivation level is, it is only one star!"

"Because the overall structure of the Exorcist Sword Technique is there, there is no need for a few more stars. It is entirely possible to change the moves and move in a faster way to find better opportunities and defeat the opponent in one fell swoop!"


Even the top masters were confused by this.

Mu Qingcheng asked in confusion:"Could it be that Jiang Chen became weaker after the change? Then why?...Why win?"

"Yes~" someone echoed

"And just now, when the Sword God used it, the sword had thirty-six stars, which was obviously stronger!"


Shangguan Haitang smiled.

"It cannot be said to be weak, it can only be said to be helpless."

No way?"

Shangguan Haitang folded her fan and said,"This is the only way, because neither of them has seen the original version of the Exorcist, nor the real Sunflower."

"Moreover, they did not have the Xiao Wuxiang Gong, so naturally they could not use their own martial arts to perform the Exorcism Sword Technique...."

"So it needs to be changed!"

"For the Sword God, he is at a very high level, so naturally he doesn't need to change his sword skills to improve himself. He is just demonstrating. As a sword master, he can also do it, and he can do it better."

"Jiang Chen had to make this change in order to perfectly match the Exorcism Sword Move to his own attributes and swordsmanship."

"After all, his cultivation is there, his attributes are there, no matter what, the attributes are dead."

"Without the unique bonus of the Exorcist Sword Technique, forcibly taking the original moves over cannot be said to be useless, but it can only be said to be meaningless. If one is not careful, he may die at the hands of a weak person because of his lack of swordsmanship."

"Only by changing the moves to your own can you improve the power of his swordsmanship."


Speaking of this,

Shangguan Haitang still couldn't help but sigh:"Master once said that those who can truly comprehend the unity of man and sword are undeniably geniuses."

"But there are differences among geniuses!"

"Only a genius, a natural swordsman, can bring out the unity of man and sword to its fullest."

"Even did the rumored heaven-defying act"

"I can take any sword in the world and use it for my own use with just one look!"

Lu Xiaofeng was slightly surprised and smiled happily.


"He is worthy of being Master Wuhen’s disciple!"

"only...Was that last sentence really said by Master Wuhen himself?"......

All the ten thousand swords in the world can be used for one's own use!

Such understanding and talent are really amazing.

Shangguan Haitang bowed and replied:"It is indeed what my master said!"

"That..."Has Master Wuhen ever seen it with his own eyes?" Lu Xiaofeng asked again.

Shangguan Haitang shook his head slightly, then turned to look at Jiang Chen:"I don't know if my master has seen it, but today, I seem to have seen it...."

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