"Are you talking about me, Lord Shangguan?" Jiang Chen asked back


Shangguan Haitang said without thinking,"I think everyone present, including the two seniors, would like to know how great your comprehension is! ?"


Jiang Chen couldn't help but chuckle:"I remember that there is a rule in the martial arts world that it is very impolite to ask people about their attributes, whether in public or in private~"


Shangguan Haitang's face suddenly turned red.

Attributes are kept secret.

This is the first lesson for any martial artist.

Although it is just a few numbers, there are so many things that can be interpreted from them.

At the first glance, you can know your speed, internal strength, strengths and weaknesses.

At the second glance, you can know your martial arts grade and level.

At the third glance, you can infer your initial state and basic qualifications. If you know your comprehension, then combined with the year you debuted, you can know how hard you have practiced, whether you have taken elixirs, and whether you have had special adventures.

It can be said that a person's attribute panel covers almost all of his secrets.

It is impossible to reveal.......

"Comprehension, strictly speaking, is not something that must be kept secret."Shangguan Haitang hesitated for a moment:"Of course, you can choose not to answer, or you can choose to just report a comprehension value of the newborn state."

Generally speaking, comprehension represents aptitude, not all strength.

So you can ask, and others can choose not to answer, but if an elder asks, generally you have to answer truthfully.

This question.

Not only Shangguan Haitang is curious, but also Lu Xiaofeng, and even Mu Qingcheng, Ye Ruoli, and even Tian Boguang. Everyone present is curious.

Jiang Chen still looks indifferent:"Then may I ask, Lord Shangguan, how is your comprehension?""


Shangguan Haitang didn't expect that she could be outmaneuvered.


She has nothing to hide.

"My master is an outstanding martial artist, a master of lightness, and a master of astronomy, geography, yin and yang, the five elements, and the art of Qimen Dunjia. He is also proficient in everything, including music, chess, calligraphy, painting, medicine, divination, and astrology."

"To be able to become a disciple of a master requires a very high level of understanding."

"It's a pity that my nascent comprehension, which is only three points away from being perfect, is still not as perfect as my master's. After so many years, I have only learned a rough idea of my master's many skills."

Master Wuhen is indeed a strange man in the martial arts world.

His martial arts are not bad, and his lightness skills are also outstanding.

More importantly, he knows everything. There is nothing he doesn't know.

Not only does he know, but he is also very good at it!

This is the most terrifying thing.

You know, to master anything, it takes at least ten years of hard work.

What kind of talent and aptitude do you need to be able to learn everything and be good at it!?

Even Shangguan Haitang, who was born with 97 points of comprehension, has studied hard for decades, but still only learns a rough idea..........


Why are you talking so much?

Jiang Chen scratched his cheek lightly when he heard this:"Taller than you."

? ? ?


Shangguan Haitang was so angry that she fainted:"Taller than me? I...I know you are better than me! But the question is, how much better?"

Although, the unity of man and sword does not require a high level of comprehension to be realized.

As long as the mind is pure enough, the experience is enough, and the hard work is deep enough, sooner or later it will be achieved.

But people with high comprehension obviously enter faster and use it better.

Jiang Chen can break the record of reshaping martial arts in such a short period of time. His comprehension is definitely rare in the world.

Breaking a hundred?


The question is how much!......


Jiang Chen was a little confused when he saw the other party's question.

"The maximum value of comprehension is 100 points. You still want to ask how much higher it is. Have you ever seen someone with a comprehension of over 100 points?"


Shangguan Haitang rolled her eyes angrily.

"Do you still need to ask? You have broken through 100! ?"

Jiang Chen was speechless, thinking.

Is it so direct?

It seems that there are really people with comprehension of over 100 in the world.

It should be that the circle in the past was too small, and it was really hard to come into contact with people with comprehension of over 100.......

Shangguan Haitang continued:"But even if your comprehension is extremely high, it is not necessarily the best!"

"My master originally did not plan to accept any more disciples, because there were too few people with a talent of over 100 in the world, and it was almost impossible to find one."

"but...The appearance of the junior sister changed the master's mind."

"as big as World, nothing is nonexistent"

"Remember, there are mountains beyond mountains and people beyond people."

""Jiang Chen, even if you have a very high level of comprehension, you are not necessarily the best in the world!"


Jiang Chen always felt that his comprehension needed to be kept secret. If he reported it to others, it would scare a few people to death.

Shangguan's words aroused his interest.

But at the same time, he was not stupid enough to fall for the other party's obvious provocation.

"Why don't you just tell me, what is the highest level of understanding you have ever seen?"

Shangguan Haitang's eyelids drooped. This kid really didn't fall for it. It seemed that with her own understanding, there was really no way to force him to answer....

Shangguan Haitang was determined and shouted,"190 points!"

Junior sister, I gave you a few dozen more points. When you go out in the future, don't look for me. I can't help it~


The whole brothel was almost overturned by the voices.

After all, they are all people of the world. Once they start shouting, they all have internal strength.

"Oh shit!"

"190 points of understanding, this...Is this guy still a human being?"

"I...I don't even have 90 points!"

"Stop talking. If you keep talking I'll cry and faint...."

"Comparing yourself to others can make you angry"

"Lord Shangguan, it is better not to talk about this kind of thing in the future. Really, you really need to consider our feelings.~"......


Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.


"Hmm? ? ?"

Shangguan Haitang said���The voice suddenly rose an octave:"190 points! Don't you have anything to say? Why?...? Is it because it's not as tall as my junior sister?"


Jiang Chen laughed dryly twice in a very perfunctory manner:"It's okay, almost there."


Shangguan Haitang spat it out.

It's okay, almost there?

Damn it!

Is your comprehension more than 190 points?

There is not even a little expression!

She has been staring at Jiang Chen's face and eyes.

Really, no expression, no change at all!

You know.

She has learned the art of physiognomy from Master Wuhen, and is the best at observing people.

Although she does not have the ability to read the heart from the face like her master, she can more or less see the general idea.

And there are only two possibilities for Jiang Chen's performance just now.

One is that he has cultivated very deeply in the city, and he does not change his face even when Mount Tai collapses in front of him.

The other can only be that his comprehension is far more than 190 points, and he doesn't care at all.

Ah, right....

There is one last possibility, he has facial paralysis! And he is blind!

Jiang Chen is young after all. If you say that he is very cunning, even so cunning that he can deceive himself, Shangguan Haitang doesn't believe it....No.


Is there really a genius in the world with a comprehension level of over 200?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!...To what extent must that qualification be exaggerated?.........

"Understanding is not everything."

A cold voice came from the private room, and Ximen Chuxue spoke word by word.

"It is not uncommon to find people with natural comprehension, but there are only a few who can reach the pinnacle of the sword."


If one has high comprehension but studies too many things, he will eventually be distracted and unable to concentrate on the way of the sword....

Shangguan Haitang immediately realized that the Sword God was pointing at her.

With her comprehension, if she could calm down and choose one, she would have a chance to become a master.

But the problem was that she had learned too much, knew everything, was good at everything, and liked everything, but she could not reach the top of any one of them.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior."

Shangguan Haitang bowed and replied.

Jiang Chen nodded slightly.

"Indeed, no matter what talent one has, it is impossible to be good at everything."

"Even if you have 200 points of comprehension, and think you can learn anything quickly and thoroughly, how do you know that there is no one in the world with the same comprehension as you, who will give up everything and only focus on one thing?"

"The premise of learning multiple things is that your understanding far exceeds that of everyone else."

"But in fact, there are always people with similar comprehension as you. If he doesn't learn randomly, then you will definitely lose."

In martial arts, who is better, all-round or specialized?

Simply put, one person masters nine unique skills, all at level 200.

Another person masters one unique skill, breaks through the upper limit, and reaches level 250 or 300.

Who is stronger?

No need to debate.

Just look at the masters in the world and you will know.

Which top master or grand master doesn't specialize in one skill and use the cultivation of the sky to break the gap between heaven and man!?

Aren't they geniuses? Do they have poor qualifications?

Of course not.

The so-called learning from the world's strengths does not mean that you have to learn more than a hundred levels of everything.

Everything is ultimately for the pursuit of your own way.

That only way!

Ximen Chuxue is like this.

He only has swords in his eyes.

In this life, there is only swordsmanship and nothing else......

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