The Jianghu people who were originally a little devastated by the blow finally felt a little hope after hearing this.

However, Mu Qingcheng still felt that it was too difficult.

"The chances of being on par with those who are too talented are slim."

"Just now I said, if someone with higher talent also concentrates on one thing, is there any other way?"


The whole audience was speechless.

Yes, if the genius doesn't mess around, do you still have a chance?......


Ximen Chuxue answered this question in a rare way.

"Just work harder than him."


This sentence immediately embarrassed a group of people in Jianghu.

To be honest.

After all, they came to the brothel to play.

Compared with ordinary people, they are considered to have made it.

But compared with Ximen Chuxue, they are nothing. If others can play, you can play too, then why chase them!!!

In the end, it's not that they can't catch up, they just don't work hard

"Thank you Sword God for your guidance!"

"From now on, I will be devoted to the way of the sword. Although I may not be able to catch up with you, I will definitely create my own way of the sword!"

The person who spoke made a vow and turned away.

Some people understood and followed the vow and left together.

But most people did not leave.

After all, watching the masters fight is also an experience.

What if I leave at this time and miss some martial arts secrets?

For example, the unity of man and sword.

This kind of high-end topic, even if you ask it at ordinary times, you can't ask anyone. If your realm is not enough, the master will not pay attention to your questions.

Today, there are super first-class, even grandmasters, explaining on the spot.

How rare is this opportunity?

Really, if you leave this door now, even if you pay 10,000 taels of silver tomorrow, you can't buy such a high-end course!......

Ye Ruoli looked at the crowd around her, then at Jiang Chen.

She couldn't help but think of the scene not long ago when Jiang Chen was meditating alone outside the alley.



At that time, he was reshaping his swordsmanship!

You can say that it was an effort before the battle, but since she met Jiang Chen, she had never seen him focus on external things.

Genius, still working hard.

Do you have any other ideas? Maybe.

But Ye Ruoli herself was afraid that she couldn't think of it.

What she didn't know was that Jiang Chen was also improving his martial arts level even now.

Killing Yu Changan gave 3 million experience points.

As first-class masters, the brothers Ling Feng and Ling Jun directly contributed 11 million experience points.

A wave of wealth.

Good days, good days~ It finally came with the speakers~!!

You have to fight with masters to get more experience points.

For a first-class master, the experience points for victory and instant kills are almost more than 5 million.

If it is the top of the first-class, super first-class goalkeeper, there are probably more half-step super first-class.

Of course.

Super first-class and Grandmaster are definitely more exaggerated.

But at that level, the difference in internal strength is too big.

Unless you hold the Xuanbing Sword, there is little chance.

Internal strength was not important to Jiang Chen before.

But now it is not.

Once there is an absolute gap in the internal strength of both sides.

The power of your sword will be insufficient, and the super first-class will basically block it all with the Qi Jin body protection.

No matter how fast your sword is or how accurate your flaws are, it is useless.

Qi Jin defense is all over the body.

If you can't break it, you just can't break it!

Super first-class, mastering unique skills, and deep internal strength will open up an absolute gap with second- and third-rate!

As for the top of the first-class, with an internal strength of 180, there is still a chance to break the super first-class Qi Jin defense, but it is not easy.

And Jiang Chen, even if he ranks among the first-class, his internal strength is also third-rate.

A Bailing Pill, ten years of skill.

Facing the third and second-rate, it is still powerful.

But talking about ten years of skill with the super first-class, it's a bit far-fetched.

The other person's skills have been at least thirty or fifty years.

You have only been practicing for a dozen or twenty years, what can you do to make up for it? However, Jiang Chen still has the Mysterious Ice Sword, which can more or less have some Qi-force defense-breaking effect.

But this is not the solution to the problem.

"Let's see how much it can improve first."

Jiang Chen opened the martial arts panel

"Swordsmanship, rank 6, level 120 breakthrough, reaching first-class requires...Thirteen million! ?" Thirteen million

, ten thousand!


First-rate, is that so difficult?

I roughly calculated before, ten million is about right, but now it's almost twenty million and it's still not enough.

"If you focus on swordsmanship, you will definitely have a lot of experience."

"but...Qinggong and internal strength are all gone.

Jiang Chen thought about it and decided to forget about internal strength....

After all, the Xuanbing Sword can still be used, and the internal strength is not so urgent.

Swordsmanship, level 140, more than 8 million experience.

Just enough for a stage bonus.

Qinggong, level 100, more than 3 million experience.

The remaining experience is for internal strength, whatever is available is enough.......

【[Martial Arts]

Crazy Demon Sword

Skill Grade: 6th Grade

Level: Level 140 0%

Attributes: Sword skill power increased by 420%, sword skill speed increased by 420%, increased by 2100 points of agility, 1260 points of strength, 560 points of root bone.

Comprehensive, Nine Circles: Face-to-face change speed increased by 840%, turn around change speed increased by 420%%

Wild Wind Sword Qi: Using internal force can stimulate up to 18 sword qi, and an additional 8 sword qi can be stimulated when the internal force is exploded (the power of sword qi is equivalent to 140% of the total power of the sword technique)

Sword Power: When the sword technique is performed, the speed is increased by an additional 100% in the first 10 moves, and the speed is increased by 10% for every additional 10 moves thereafter (up to a maximum of 420%)

Additional bonus: The interval between the use of internal force is shortened by 50%, and the meridians can be forcibly damaged when the internal force is exploded, instantly mobilizing 80% of the internal force (reducing health by 1000 points, only once, and the meridians need to be repaired before it can be used again)

Second stage bonus: Increase strength by 50 points, increase bone strength by 50 points, increase body movement by 50 points, and increase internal force by 50 points

【[Light Kungfu]

Golden Goose Kungfu

Grade: Grade 7

Level: Level 100 0%

Attributes: Increases body movement by 1800 points, increases internal strength by 1000 points.

Goose Steps: Circulate internal strength to walk in the air (current number of steps is 100)

Golden Goose Speed Up: Circulate internal strength to suddenly accelerate (current increase 230%)

Xuanmen Entry: Improves the effect of internal strength training (internal strength obtained from internal strength, internal strength value bonus, additional increase of 100%)

【[Internal Strength]

Yan Xing Gong

Grade: Fifth Grade

Level: Level 100 0%

Attributes: Increase internal strength by 1400 points, increase internal force by 7500 points

Sitting and Looking at the Void: When meditating, the efficiency of internal strength cultivation increases by 110%, and the speed of internal strength recovery increases by 300%

Continuous Flow of Rivers: The speed of internal strength recovery increases by 150%, and the interval between internal strength operations is shortened by 60%.

Additional bonus: The power of external internal strength increases by 20%, and the strength of internal strength protection increases by 20%

Retained attributes: Increase internal strength by 300 points......

"The remaining one million experience points can actually upgrade the internal strength to level 100?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

He thought that his internal strength couldn't be improved, but it was improved by just giving a little experience.

The normal improvement of the fifth level is indeed not high, and it just broke through the upper limit. I'm afraid it will be more in the future.

The realm is up.

The early levels of martial arts are indeed not as difficult as before.

If I work hard to accumulate experience, I'm afraid I will have a real chance to ascend to level 200 the moment I get the unique skills and enter the top class!

The best effect of improving internal strength should be to reduce it to the full, or even more than 10%.

110% reduction!

For normal moves, there will be no interval when raising the qi, and the internal strength will not be interrupted.

But if it is a move like the Qi Sect that uses internal strength on a large scale, there will still be a fixed gap.

And that fixed gap can also be reduced, but it can only be reduced twice by breaking through 100% and then reducing the attribute.

Jiang Chen only has 10% now.

It can't be used. After all, he doesn't have moves of the scale of the Qi Sect. At most, there are only a dozen sword qi, which is not a big move. Only moves that use more than 10,000 points of internal strength at a time can be considered a big move.


【Jiang Chen】

【Level: Second-rate】

【The Unity of Man and Sword: Getting Started】

【Health: 2176】

【Internal Force: 44550】

【Attack Power: 3380】

【Attack speed: 61.88 (attacks per second)】

【Movement speed: 330.00 (distance moved per second/meter)】

【Strength: 1332】

【Body Movement: 4025】

【Root bone: 692】

【Internal Strength: 3850】

【Perception: 1000】

【Fortune: Unknown】......


""Forty years of skill!"

Jiang Chen knew that the Xuanmen Mentality Method was very powerful in improving internal strength.

But he didn't expect it to be so powerful!

Not counting the Bailing Pill, the two skills reached level 100, and there was thirty years of skill!


As expected of a group of Taoists, the internal strength is really something.

In this way.

Although the gap between his skill and the top-notch skills still exists, it is definitely not as outrageous as before.

Thinking of this.

Jiang Chen looked at the Wudang people.

Logically speaking, Quanzhen and Wudang are all Taoists.

Wudang's internal strength is naturally the best in the world.

Zhang Sanfeng himself is a cultivator, and his internal strength is the foundation of the Nine Yang Divine Art. If you say that Wudang's internal strength is poor, it is probably That's a bit far-fetched.

As for swordsmanship.

Wudang sword is completely different from the fast swords of the martial arts world.

Even if the whole world is full of fast swords, Wudang is still not interested in fast swords.

No self, no sword!

This is the realm of Wudang cultivation. It belongs to the same level as the unity of man and sword, but the pursuit is completely different.

Even if Jiang Chen has never seen it, he can guess something through the rumors in the martial arts world.

Offense and defense in one.

This should be the most basic.

Any state of the same level as the unity of man and sword must have this ability.

The unity of man and sword is the state that best suits the fast sword.

Wudang sword does not pursue speed, so no self, no sword should be another way to greatly improve combat capabilities.

How exactly...

I'm afraid I'll have to see it to know......

"May I ask Senior Lu"

"Even if Jiang Chen's swordsmanship is fine, even if he is a genius, he still has a murder case on his shoulders, and there are still witnesses and evidence pointing to him as a spy of the Demon Cult!"

It was not Yuan Du who spoke.

He could pretend not to see Shangguan Haitang.

After all, she was not a master, and he had more people, so he could ignore her.

But if Lu Xiaofeng and Ximen Chuxue both stood on Jiang Chen's side, he would not be able to stir up any trouble with his current manpower.

So, he secretly pointed to a Huashan disciple and questioned him in public.


Lu Xiaofeng clapped his hands, and his eyes lit up instantly.

"No, no, no, I'm drunk today, I won't investigate the case or mind my own business."

"I...Just open!"


Yuandu, Shang Wanli, Shangguan Haitang and others were all confused

"Still opening?"


Lu Xiaofeng said seriously:"Hey, the person you want to arrest, Jiang Chen, is right here"

"If you want to fight alone, then fight alone. If you want to fight in a group, then fight in a group."

"Anyway, my odds are the same."


Single duel, group fight, the odds are the same?

Lu Xiaofeng, are you crazy!

Have you never lost money or have you never been a banker!

Dog banker, dog banker! To be a banker, you must be a dog!

If you are not a dog, what the hell are you doing as a banker!? Are you here to give away money?

Why not just give it to me faster~

These are the words that everyone wants to say, but can only say in their stomachs......

Lu Xiaofeng didn't care at all:

"Hey, listen up."

"The rules are simple. If you want to duel, you must agree to a duel. You cannot challenge someone halfway and then bring someone else in. If you do that, you will break the rules and I will be angry."

"If we talk about a group fight, we must finish it. If anyone runs away in the middle, haha, then we'll see who is faster, my finger or your legs."

"Of course, if you are in the super first-class, then it is against the rules, and the odds will be calculated separately."

"Except for the super first-class, the odds are the same"

"Jiang Chen wins, no compensation"

"If Jiang Chen loses, the compensation will be five to one!"

"If Jiang Chen loses within ten moves, the compensation will be fifteen!"........


Shangguan Haitang is not an ordinary person, she knows a little bit about everything

"Senior, isn’t this a huge loss with these odds?"

"Even if they are not top-notch, they can still fight in a group!"


Lu Xiaofeng's eyes immediately became strange, and he threatened in a low voice:"Xiao Haitang, let me tell you, I have lost tens of millions of taels of silver today. If you dare to say anything and ruin my business, humph, you know it!"


Senior, you are so generous!

Shangguan Haitang was afraid to speak when she heard this.

Are you kidding?

Ten million is lost.

In one night, you...How did you lose money?

Even if you were the richest man in Ming Dynasty, you wouldn't lose money like this!......

"Are you serious?"

Yuan Du and Shang Wanli asked almost in unison.


"It's absolutely true!"

Lu Xiaofeng put three fingers to the sky and patted his chest.

"I, Lu Xiaofeng, can afford the compensation. I can even pay for the extremely cold Mysterious Ice Sword bestowed by the Emperor.~"

"As long as you dare to gamble, I dare to compensate!"

"If you bet big, you will get big compensation; if you bet small, you will get small compensation; if you bet on pearls, you will get agate; if you bet on a girl, you will get your sister-in-law!"

"If you, Young Master Yuan, dare to bet on the Huashan Society's business, I will compensate you with myself!"

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