"Ten moves?!"

"Humph, what a joke!"

Yuan Du has deep internal strength and a majestic purple aura around him. Even if the Tai Chi sword is a little mysterious, he has the purple clouds to protect him, so he doesn't need to worry about anything.

"If you have the ability, block my three swords first and then we can talk about it!"

Taiyue Sword Technique.

Huashan Qi Sect, the strongest sword technique.

The sword energy is unstoppable.

When used with Zixia Magic Skill, it is even more powerful.

The original Huashan sword energy is now all transformed into Zixia sword energy. Not only is the power soaring, but it is also very pure!

It can be said that under the top-notch level, almost no one can withstand such a powerful sword energy.

And dodging, not everyone in the world has the lightness of Jiang Chen.

Qi Sect is very popular whether in Huashan or in the martial arts world.

The sword energy is crisscrossed, not to mention handsome.

Qi Jin protects the body, Safe and reliable.

It can kill the enemy directly when facing him head-on, which is extremely domineering!

This is a choice of training route, and there is nothing wrong with it.

However, Zhao Yi chose to take the Zixia sword energy head-on.

Tai Chi swordsmanship.

Using softness to overcome hardness!

He is good at dealing with the world's fierce martial arts, and now he is even more at ease when dealing with Zixia sword energy.

No matter how much sword energy Yuan Du blasted out, it would be stuck by his Tai Chi energy and then thrown away.

In this situation.

Within three or five moves, Yuan Du was at a disadvantage, and facing Zhao Yi's approach, he could only retreat.......


Mu Qingcheng was watching the colorful

"Lu Xiaofeng is indeed reliable. He said that Tai Chi sword can defeat Qi Zong, and it really can defeat him completely!"

"Now it's a fortune!!"

The purpose of opening a bank is to make money.

If you don't make money, it must be that you are not ruthless enough!

Mu Qingcheng got the inside information, so she naturally suppressed Zhao Yi's odds and limited Zhao Yi's bets, and then secretly raised Yuan Du's odds and praised him.

The high return, the righteous sentiment, plus this praise, 70% of the chips on the scene were bet on Yuan Du.......

"Tai Chi swordsmanship is indeed a unique Taoist skill, and its mystery is amazing."

Shi Feixuan spoke slowly.

She did not praise Zhao Yi, but she admired his swordsmanship.

Yuan Yuzun saw that he was going to lose, and his face turned ashen. Now when he heard it, he hurriedly turned sideways to ask:"According to what the fairy said, is this extremely strange Tai Chi Qi really unbreakable! ?"

As an elder of Huashan, he was once one of the top ten of Huashan.

He naturally knew about Tai Chi swordsmanship, but he had to admit that he had retired behind the scenes for many years. When he was there, Wudang was really rubbish, and there was no Tai Chi sword at all.

Now some people say that Tai Chi swordsmanship is powerful, but he doesn't believe it.

But now that he has seen it, he has to believe it.

Once such a swordsmanship is used, the restraint on Huashan Qi Sect is almost visible to the naked eye.

"There are many ways to break it."

Shi Feixuan said, and everyone around pricked up their ears.

Taiji sword technique!

Created by Zhang Sanfeng!

He is a great master of the martial arts world. It is his unique skill in his later years. If you have a way to break it, everyone can understand it, but you said there are many ways to break it, that's too much!

We are all fellow martial artists, there is no reason for you to be several levels higher than us, right?

Shi Feixuan didn't care, just slowly explained:

"Nothing is absolute"

"The Tai Chi sword can move a huge object with just a little force, so naturally others can break it with a force of ten thousand pounds.

" She only explained one way to break it.

But this one is exactly the most suitable one for Yuan Du.

Yuan Yuzun's eyes flashed, and he immediately realized:"Thank you for the guidance, fairy.

" It turns out that it's not that the internal force is useless, but that the internal force is not strong enough!

As long as the sword energy is strong enough, it doesn't matter what Tai Chi Wuji you are, just blast it away and it's over.


""My son Yuandu, don't bother with him, use your ultimate move!"

Yuan Yuzun had just finished speaking.

The flying gods and demons on the other side could no longer sit still.


"Fighting on the stage and giving instructions off the stage, it's so shameless!"

Zhang Chengyun sneered at the same time:"What a Buddhist fairy, a leader of the righteous way, I thought you were a little different from that bald old Taoist, but I didn't expect you were birds of a feather!!"

Yuan Yuzun immediately slapped the shore with his palm:"You evil cult traitors are worthy of speaking, you sneaked up to Huashan, ambushed secretly, killed people and robbed treasures, such behavior is despicable and shameless!"

"That's because you, Huashan, are incompetent!!"

"Bastard, sneak attacks and ambushes are also your skills?"

The two sides cursed each other in an instant.

On the stage, Yuan Du received instructions and laughed out loud:"Taiyue Three Swords!"


Hundreds of purple sword qi slashed out.

The sword force was even more fierce than the one used by the two brothers Lingfeng just now.

With one sword, he almost swept the entire stage.

The strength of the unique internal strength can be seen from this.......

Seeing this, Mu Qingcheng's heart tightened immediately:"No way, we are not going to lose, are we ?"...

If she loses, the odds of more than 20 times are really too much for her to pay.

Ye Ruoli knew something was wrong and asked quickly,"Jiang Lang, can Zhao Yi block the Purple Cloud Three Swords?"


Jiang Chen cursed inwardly and waved his hands quickly,"Can you be more normal? I have a name!" Ye Ruoli stuck out her tongue and didn't answer. She continued to pull the corner of Jiang Chen's clothes like a spoiled child.


Jiang Chen was really convinced. What kind of person is this?

"I don't know if Zhao Yi can block it, I only know that if he has a normal mind, he doesn't need to block it."


What do you mean!?

Mu Qingcheng and Ye Ruoli showed puzzled eyes at the same time.

Without waiting for them to ask.

Zhao Yi laughed, took off on the spot, and the whole person was in the air.

Yuandu saw this and laughed even happier than him:"Looking for death!"

Immediately afterwards.

The second sword was made.

The purple sword energy was more fierce and covered a wider area. Moreover, because of the special effect of internal strength, the purple clouds were in pieces, and the energy was connected. There was no gap at all. It was almost a small mountain of sword energy without any gaps, and it was directly slapped out.

Zhao Yi was in mid-air and could not use force. The rules of the arena did not allow you to use force, otherwise you would be judged as a loser.

With a snap, Zhao Yi shook out his sleeves and threw out the cloak behind him. Under the infusion of internal energy, he actually drew away the air, turned around and retreated, just avoiding the two swords.

Yuandu was not surprised but happy, and immediately shouted:"Win!"

The third sword, shot in advance.

There were more, faster and more fierce mountains of sword energy than before, which directly blocked the area of dozens of meters around Zhao Yi.

In such a situation,

Zhao Yi could either choose to take it hard and be knocked out, or fall to the ground and be directly judged as a loser.

Taiyue Three Swords!

It is not a false reputation to be a ninth-grade martial art.

In the world, many martial arts have a small number of moves, and they do not shy away from others knowing that they only have these three or five moves.

It is not stupid to tell the enemy how many moves you have.

It is a deterrent!

Qi Sect wins with sword energy.

The Three Swords are the move that determines the outcome.

Once you start, the opponent must consider the next three swords in a row.

Either choose to retreat or be forced to take it hard.

Regardless of winning or losing.

This move has achieved its purpose, forcing the opponent into a dangerous place, and you can send or take it, advance and retreat freely.

From the moment Zhao Yi did not meet the first sword, Yuandu knew that he had won.

Now, it's just waiting for the fruits of victory!

In mid-air, Zhao Yi saw this move, not only was he not panicked, but he laughed:"After so many years, the Huashan dog hasn't changed at all...Rubbish!"

Before he finished speaking,

Zhao Yi actually held up his cloak with both hands, spun in the air, and used the force of the Qi to recoil, soaring into the sky like a flying monkey.

""Flying Catkins and Green Smoke Skill."

Lu Xiaofeng naturally recognized the unique Qinggong of the Qingyi Bat King of the Ming Cult.

It was normal for the flying gods and demons to have this skill, and it was not surprising that Zhao Yi could learn it.

Among the Qinggong skills in the martial arts world, the Flying Catkins and Green Smoke Skill was definitely unique, but it was not well-known.

Jiang Chen himself had a high level of Qinggong skills, and his comprehension was even more amazing. He knew what Zhao Yi had hidden at a glance.

"Unfortunately, even if the Feixu Qingyan skill is good, it is not suitable for me."

"If I had encountered it before, I could have tried to modify it. But now that the Phantom Demon's body skills are right in front of me, there is really no need to go far away, right?"......

On the other side,

Yuan Du's face changed instantly:"You...You actually hid it so deeply! ?"

He knew Zhao Yi, and even knew that he was good at Qinggong, but he had never shown this Feixu Qingyan Gong.

"Hahahaha~ Huashan is just a place at the bottom of a well, how can you know the world's martial arts scenery! ?"

Zhao Yi let out a long roar in the night sky, and then flashed and disappeared from everyone's sight.

When they looked again, he was already holding a sharp blade and standing in front of Yuan Du.


With a sword slash, Yuan Du's whole head flew off

"You said ten moves, so ten moves!"

Zhao Yi glanced at Shi Feixuan sarcastically:"What's the use of giving me advice? If you don't have the strength, you will only die faster!"

Shi Feixuan just smiled:"You are young, but your swordsmanship is not bad, and your lightness skill is amazing. If you don't die today, you will achieve something in the future."



Zhao Yi was slightly stunned:"I will die! ? Just because of these garbage! ? Hahaha~ It's ridiculous!"

""Don't be so arrogant!"

Shang Wanli shouted in a deep voice, and then stood on the stage:"Shameless thief, I will let you know what real Tai Chi is!"

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