
Mu Qingcheng can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Almost, almost flipped over!

Ye Ruoli glanced at Zhao Yi with some vigilance:"Jiang Lang, this man has good Qinggong, deep internal strength, and his swordsmanship has also mastered the essence of Tai Chi. I'm afraid he will be difficult to deal with...."

"What does it have to do with me?"Jiang Chen was speechless:"I'm just making up the numbers, just hanging around."


Ye Ruoli was slightly stunned:"You mean, Shang Wanli can win?"

Mu Qingcheng heard it and immediately leaned over:"Yeah~ At present, whether it is the odds or the opinions given by Lu Xiaofeng, I think Shang Wanli has a higher chance of winning~"

Shang Wanli.

He is originally top-notch, born in Wudang, and has two unique skills.

It can be said that no matter in terms of swordsmanship, realm power, or even actual combat experience, he should be better than Zhao Yi.


Just now, Zhao Yi's Feixu Qingyan Gong made the situation confusing.

Demon Cult, Demon Cult!

You really don't know how many high-end martial arts he has hidden.

It is said that all martial arts in the world come from Shaolin.

But in the Ming Dynasty today, I am afraid that all martial arts in the world are in the Demon Cult?!

"Why are you looking at me! ?" Jiang Chen glared at Mu Qingcheng:"You don't bet with me, and you want to ask for my opinion?!"


No matter how you look at it, Zhao Yi was sure to win the game just now.

Actual combat is not about teaching.

Zhao Yi has so much practical experience and excellent lightness skills. There is no reason for him to lose to a second-generation martial artist who has not fought many battles.

Jiang Chen got the share from Lu Xiaofeng, and he had more than five million taels of silver in his pocket.

As a result, Mu Qingcheng said that you are on the blacklist of the banker and are prohibited from betting, which made Jiang Chen speechless.

"If you don't want to ask, then don't ask. I won't give it to you anyway!"

Mu Qingcheng left angrily.

"The second battle begins!"

"One of the former top ten Wudang masters, Shang Wanli!"


"The Flying God and Demon disciple of the Demon Cult, Zhao Yi!"......

The battle just now was indeed quite unexpected.

Yuandu had a chance, but he didn't expect Zhao Yi to be so insidious.

The people present had no choice but to feel sorry.

But this battle is different!

It is a sure win!

"Come on~!"

"Shang Wanli, you are one of the top ten in Wudang, his Tai Chi sword skills are nothing!"

"that is~"

"The sword comes out of nowhere, no kidding! Kill him!"

"Ten moves! I'll beat you in ten moves. Don't embarrass yourself.~"......

On the other side,

Yuan Yuzun witnessed the tragic death of his eldest son and was furious.

In just one day, both sons died!

Yuan Hua was still okay, after all, he was young and didn't have much cultivation.

But Yuan Du...

If you die, you may not be able to find it again in ten years!...

Yuan Yuzun thought of this and looked at the two magical skills on Shi Feixuan's desk.

"Only if you get these two secret books that surpass the military power of the Ming Dynasty will you have a chance!"

"Relearning ordinary martial arts is time-consuming and laborious. If you have that kind of magical martial arts, it will probably take less than two years for your strength to far exceed the past!"

The secret book must be obtained!

As for who wins or loses between Shang Wanli and Zhao Yi, it doesn't matter.

Yuan Yuzun secretly opened the private chat and ordered:"Watch all the entrances and exits of Yicui Tower, guard them heavily, no matter who wins the secret book, kill them without mercy!"


Shang Wanli drew his sword and raised his hand, holding the sword against his chest. Not only did his sword movements flow smoothly, but his whole person seemed to have become calmer. He was no longer as aggressive as before, but instead seemed to have retired from the world.

"No self, no sword!"

Zhao Yi practiced Tai Chi and could see the change in the other party's state at a glance. He nodded slightly and said,"You are indeed good enough to be among the top ten."

Shang Wanli looked calm. It seemed as if there was no Zhao Yi in his eyes, and naturally no sword.

Tai Chi, no moves.

No self, no sword.

It can be said that no self and no sword is the most suitable state for Tai Chi.

At the same time, Tai Chi is also the most suitable sword method for no self and no sword.

When making a move, there is no need to think.

It all depends on intuition!

This intuition is the intuition generated by one's own fit in with the world and the changes in the surrounding environment. As soon as

Zhao Yi opened his mouth, the whole environment changed. Originally, he was standing on the stage in the starting posture, and he was relatively harmonious with the environment, but he immediately seemed abrupt.

Shang Wanli's sword also struck at this moment.

The long sword pointed and flew to an unknown direction.

It was crooked!

It was indeed crooked badly. Only the general direction was correct, but the tip of the sword was directly on Zhao Yi's side. With such a sword, it couldn't even cut the corner of Zhao Yi's clothes.

But Zhao Yi on the opposite side changed his face and his hair stood on end.

This sword has the power of Tai Chi.

Any drag, touch, or cut will turn into an extremely fierce attack.

And he just opened his mouth to say a few words, and in the blink of an eye, he was at a disadvantage.

If he drew his sword again, he could only block it.

But the problem is that the opponent is very powerful and absolutely Above him.

Shang Wanli first practiced Pure Yang Gong, and then practiced Nine Yang Gong!

The depth of his internal strength, plus he debuted a few years earlier, is definitely far beyond the average rookie. Even compared with the masters of the Earth List, he is not weaker at all.

As for Wudang Nine Yang, although it is a fragment, everyone who understands it knows that this is an internal skill created by Zhang Sanfeng after he reintegrated the Taoist Pure Yang Gong and the fragments of Nine Yang Gong in his later years.

It can be said that it has the foundation of Nine Yang Magic Art, and also has Zhang Sanfeng's lifelong enlightenment. Comparing the three versions of Nine Yang in the world. Whether it is Emei or Shaolin, they are not as good as

Wudang Nine Yang.

When this version.

Even compared with the original version, this version of Wudang Nine Yang has its own unique features.

The biggest difference is that this version takes the fierceness of Nine Yang and integrates the continuity of Pure Yang!

It can be steel or soft, and it is endless!

The Demon Cult has many unique skills in the world, and its understanding of martial arts in the world is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary sects.

So Zhao Yi would never underestimate the opponent's sword.

Yun Jian turned and retreated!

The first sword.

He retreated!

But Wuwo Wujian reacted faster. Shang Wanli didn't think at all, and he might even have guessed the opponent's change. The sword was deflected and immediately turned into a force to block the sword.


Zhao Yi finally understood at this moment why his master said that if he didn't have the state of selflessness, it would be difficult to achieve success if he practiced Tai Chi sword by force.

But he chose this path.

He liked swordsmanship, and since the Demon Sect didn't have the Dugu Nine Swords, he could only choose Tai Chi sword.

Even if he practiced by force, he felt that his comprehension was no worse than that of Wudang.

But until the appearance of the selfless and swordless, he realized that after entering the super first-class, swordsmanship was no longer a simple swordsmanship, but it depended on the person! The sword!

How well your person and sword were integrated!

Is one plus one equal to two?

Or is one plus one greater than two?

The unity of man and sword, the selfless and swordless, both belong to the state of completely integrating man and sword, which doubles the power in actual combat.......

"It's OK~"

Lu Xiaofeng curled his lips when he saw this

"Wudang is Wudang after all. Although this guy is a little dumb and blind, at least he has integrated well into the Wuwo Wujian sect.~".......

"Hahaha, okay!"

"As expected, Shang Wanli is the selfless swordsman. Kill him!"

"This kid is too arrogant. He doesn't even take our righteous martial arts seriously.~?"

"What now?"

"Draw your sword! Don't run! What the hell are you doing?!"

Everyone in Wudang, including the people in Jianghu, started to curse.

Shang Wanli also said

"Ten moves!"

"I will kill you in ten moves!"

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