Hmm! ?

Zhao Yi is not one of the top ten masters.

He is from the Demon Sect.

In the Demon Sect, no matter who you are, you are only divided into those who can do things and those who can't.

Want to become an apprentice to the elder?

Sure, in exchange for your achievements!

He didn't become a disciple by talent, connections, or even by chance.

He cut his way out of the martial arts world with his sword.

No self, no sword.

This state is different from the unity of man and sword. The unity of man and sword requires that man and sword be united all the time. To achieve the state of integration without self and sword, one must calm down and regulate one's breath in order to integrate and maintain the connection with heaven and earth.

After integration, the reaction to people and things will also change.

Heaven is ruthless, and so is the selflessness. Therefore, this state is not easy to use at ordinary times and needs to be separated.

Only when practicing and fighting can one be integrated.

Once separated, one needs to calm down and regulate one's breath for a while before being able to integrate again.

Of course.

If one has cultivated to a high level, it will not matter whether one integrates or separates at will........

"Shang Wanli, you underestimate the world too much!"

Zhao Yi's momentum changed instantly, and he immediately performed the Feixu Qingyan Gong, quickly breaking away from the adhesion range of Tai Chi Qi.

Then he pulled back his hand and raised his sword to stab!


Shang Wanli was sure of victory, but he didn't expect the opponent to dare to fight back.

With his cultivation, he was not enough to casually integrate into the selfless state in the fight, so he had to sweep the sword to block first.

This sweep.

The gap was immediately seen.

Before, Shang Wanli's moves seemed to be without any rules, all randomly slashing, but Zhao Yi, who was good at fighting, didn't dare to fight back.

But now this sword block is reasonable, but it will be suppressed by Zhao Yi's change of moves.

Swish, swish, swish.!

After three moves.

Shang Wanli found something wrong, Zhao Yi's swordsmanship was not bad, it was just that he did not have the state of Wuwo Wujian. At this moment, the Tai Chi swordsmanship in his hand was sharp and sharp, and there was no slowness at all.

Even the essence of Tai Chi was abandoned by him. He used it as an ordinary swordsmanship, combined with the body skills of Feixu Qingyan Gong, dodging back and forth, and actually seized the upper hand, beating Shang Wanli extremely uncomfortable.


Shang Wanli thought that if he continued like this, it would be bad.

Not only would he not be able to defeat the opponent, but he might even lose!

Only by retreating first, and then reintegrating into the state of Wuwo Wujian, can he win.......

"Are you a pig?"

Lu Xiaofeng was stunned.

"Wuwo Wujian, why did you come out by yourself? Just to say a word?"

"You will die if you don’t tell me!?"

"Why...It’s fine if you say that, but you must have the ability to merge back~" It was unbearable to watch.

Lu Xiaofeng wanted to take back what he just said.

Yuan Yuzun laughed secretly in his heart, but said with regret:"I think there is no need to rush, wait until he pulls away, and then merge back, then we can win this battle!"


Lu Xiaofeng burst into laughter:"Haha, Pig thinks so too!"


Who is the pig!?

Who is the pig!?

Yuan Yuzun did not react for a moment.

At this moment.

Shang Wanli used a sword to point at Zhao Yi, and then pulled back.


A very subtle sound of breaking wind suddenly passed by.

The sound was very small.

Among those present, I am afraid that only a limited number of masters could hear it.

If Shang Wanli was in the state of no self and no sword, he would be able to hear it 100% and react, but not now.

He wanted to retreat, and the enemy also gave up his position.


He thought to himself that as long as he retreated, adjusted his breath a little, calmed his mind, and integrated into the state, he would win.


A silver steel needle with a white phoenix tail was directly inserted into his Dantian Qihai acupoint.

In an instant.

The internal force was blocked, and the movement was like being fixed, and it was stuck in the air for a while

"Hidden weapon!?"

Shang Wanli angrily reached out and pulled out the steel needle, only to see that the steel needle was pure black blood, obviously coated with poison.

"You are so mean~!"


Zhao Yi laughed wildly, unleashed his Qinggong, and in just a flash he rushed in front of Shang Wanli:"You are too stupid!"

"Bastard, do you think you can win! ?"

Even if Shang Wanli was poisoned, as long as his internal energy could be used, it would not be a problem.

Wudang Nine Yang itself has a great suppressive effect on toxicity, and a little poison is not a problem at all.

The sword in his hand immediately swung and chopped Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi blocked with the sword and deliberately used his internal energy.


The two swords intersected.

Zhao Yi's long sword fell out of his hand, and Shang Wanli only took a half step back.

In terms of power, he was stronger even if he was poisoned.

But the next second.

Zhao Yi came close to him and slapped Shang Wanli in the chest with his backhand.


Shang Wanli spat out a mouthful of blood and retreated seven or eight steps. Just as he was about to stand firm, he felt a chill in his heart.

He looked down.

The clothes turned into powder at the location of the palm print in his heart, the heart guard was shattered, and frost began to condense around the palm print on his skin.


Zhao Yi politely clasped his fists and saluted:"I'm sorry to have embarrassed you by learning the Ice Palm."

Before he finished speaking,

Zhao Yi directly pulled out a new sword from his Qiankun bag and turned around to fight.


Shang Wanli's eyes were filled with despair.

Even if Jiuyang was specifically designed to counter ice-type Qi, it was useless. He was really poisonous! There was actually no difference between the two swordsmanship. It could even be said that Zhao Yi had an advantage.

Now that he had no Wuwo Wujian, was injured, and was poisoned, how could he still have a chance! ?


Shang Wanli shouted, and thrust out with all his strength the sword in his hand:"How could I lose to you! ? How is it possible! Die for me!!"

But Zhao Yi smiled contemptuously, and pinched his left hand with his orchid finger.

Another steel needle was sent out.


Shang Wanli was injured by the hidden weapon again, and the sword in his hand was three points slower.

And Zhao Yi would not give him another chance to pull out the needle.


A sword fell ~

Shang Wanli, dead!.......


All the righteous people inside and outside Yicui Tower saw this scene and fell silent.


"This can all be lost���?"

"you...Are you playing me?"

Everyone was incredulous.

"The start was a complete crushing victory, but this could still be reversed?"

"What are you doing!?"

"Black bank, right?...!"

"Top Ten Wudang, are you worthy of it?"

"I bother~".......

If you can lose a game that you are sure to win, what's the point of playing?

Not to mention the huge loss!

You still have to look at the face of the demon sect~

I am really impressed!

The righteous martial arts world, at the foot of Mount Hua, let the demon sect come over and kill a few people, and then walk out in a swagger?

Where's the face~?

Don't you think it's a shame! ?......

Facing the crowd's angry scolding, the remaining few people in Wudang either turned pale or could not raise their heads.

"He is a spy!"

"Shang Wanli is definitely not our senior brother, he is a spy of the Demon Cult!!"

"Yes! It was the Demon Cult that arranged for him to lurk in Wudang, leaking secrets at ordinary times, and jumping out at important moments to shame the righteous path!"

"Yes, yes~"

"I said that we have so many Wudang masters with outstanding swordsmanship, how could we suffer heavy losses every time we face the Demon Sect? It's all because of Shang Wanli! It's him, the traitor! Everyone must not let him go!"


"Let's go to the resurrection point, catch him and interrogate him thoroughly!!"

The more they talked, the angrier they became, and they actually turned around and ran to the resurrection point.......

Good fellow!

Jiang Chen was bored after hearing this.

I just said that this idiot is not worthy of being one of the top ten in Wudang.

But in the mouths of your own people, he became a spy?


It's really awesome!

Next to him.

Seeing that everyone was angry, Shi Feixuan sighed and said,"What a pity!""

"If Shang Wanli continues to maintain the state of no self and no sword, Zhao Yi will not be able to win no matter what means he uses."


「"White Ape God and Demon" Zhang Chengyun suddenly laughed:"People of the righteous path are ridiculous. If they lose, they will say they are spies. There are so many spies in my demon sect that we don't even know how many millions of them we have planted...."

"However, you, a little nun, are still single, which makes you a little better than these hypocritical dogs."

"fart~"「"Gods and Demons of the Netherworld" Kou Jun shouted directly:"Why are you talking to a bunch of trash? Little nun, why don't you hand over the secret book quickly!?"

Shi Feixuan looked indifferent.

"The fight hasn't ended yet, why are you saying that?"



The six gods and demons burst into laughter at the same time.

"One is the top rookie, and the other is the top ten martial artist. Neither of them can beat one of us....."

"Not to mention winning, my disciple didn't even get hurt at all, and he didn't even use 10% of his internal strength!"

"Humph, you only have that guy left, whose realm is not even first-rate, you are not still counting on him, are you?!"

"It's a pipe dream!"

"In my opinion, it's a waste of everyone's time.~"

"After all, we in the Divine Religion are not as leisurely as you bunch of rubbish!"

Shi Feixuan still looked calm and composed.

"Why are you so anxious? As long as you beat Jiang Chen, you can take the secret book and leave safely."


You bastard!

How dare you threaten us!?

「"Flying Gods and Demons" Zhao He glanced around. Now there are more masters inside and outside the Yicui Tower than before.

If Shi Feixuan doesn't speak, it will be difficult to leave.

""Disciple, end the fight quickly!"

Zhao Yi responded, turned around and shouted,"Jiang Chen, hurry up and come out to die~"


Jiang Chen glared at Shi Feixuan.

What about the promise that I would be the one to hang out in the whole show, get a pension in the backstage, and get the secret book for free?

In the end, I was the one who hung out in the end, and you still want me to do it!?

""Jiang Chen, are you going to come up or not?"

Zhao Yi urged impatiently:

"You are as timid as a mouse. If you don’t go up, you might as well just give up~"


Jiang Chen shook off the melon seed shells on his clothes and slowly stood up:"Why are you urging me? You have never died, right?"

"Are you eager to die?"


"Then hurry up, the three of you come together, so I don’t have to call out your names one by one~"


Zhao Yi was stunned for a long time after hearing this.

"You, what did you say!?"

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