"Come on, come on, don't stop!"

Lu Xiaofeng shouted happily.

"That was the off-site betting just now. There is no upper limit for the internal betting. You can place as many orders as you want.~"

"And the Demon Cult, you guys have bet so much, don’t you want to win more?"


Can you catch it?


Everyone present was looking at the ring, looking at Lu Xiaofeng, looking at Shi Feixuan, and looking at the elders of the Demon Cult.

Are they all crazy?

A hundred years of savings, must be gambled away in one go!?

"Can Jiang Chen win?"

"You can't win anyway, you still want him to win three more moves..."

"Oh no, it’s three swords!"

"this...You might as well just revive Lin Yuantu. Really, I think it's basically difficult to win...."

"Brother, be bold and it’s hard to remove!"

"If I win, I'll eat this table right now.~"......

Mu Qingcheng's heart was about to explode.

Fortunately, she was not the one who opened the game, otherwise her heart would have burst right there.

"Do you dare to continue gambling?"


Ye Ruoli didn't dare to look at it anymore. No matter how confident he was, he couldn't stand you guys playing like this.~

"Three swords!"

"If he attacked suddenly, he might still have a chance, but as long as the opponent's Tai Chi sword was deployed...."

Before he finished speaking,

Zhao Yi had already drawn his sword and swung the flower, and the Tai Chi Qi was lingering around him.

The ring.

That's it.

The defender can prepare in advance, but the attacker cannot draw his sword in advance.

Mu Qingcheng was also anxious when she saw this, but she didn't dare to suddenly call for a fight. After all, the bosses on both sides seemed to be gambling their lives.

If you are not careful and make a mistake, nine lives will not be enough.


"The third battle begins!"

"Eighth on the Jianghu Rookie List, Jiang Chen!"


"The Flying God and Demon disciple of the Demon Cult, Zhao Yi!"......

Before the fight even started, Zhao Yi had already drawn his sword and was using his strength. With the sword in his hand, he continued to move.

The Tai Chi Qi spread all over his body, and with its unique sticky properties, it could almost be said that as long as you swung your sword, you would be stuck by the Qi and carried away.

Jiang Chen, however, stood still and just watched the other person.


Everyone was watching with great tension, but the people on the stage were calm and composed.

"Damn, so depressing~"

"It's unbearable. It's such an important match with so many grandmasters from both sides watching. The pressure alone is enough to crush anyone!"

"That's right, I guess my legs would tremble if I went up there~"

"Look at Zhao Yi, his sword moves in an orderly manner, steady but not chaotic. He is definitely a player with a big heart!"

"Then Jiang Chen’s heart must be even bigger, since he hasn’t even drawn his sword yet?"


"Zhao Yi was very crazy in the beginning, but he suddenly calmed down in this game. You see he didn't even dare to speak, so you can imagine how terrible the pressure was, right?"......

Zhao Yi really didn't dare to say it.

Just now, he seized the moment when Shang Wanli was arrogant and turned defeat into victory.

He had seen Jiang Chen's swordsmanship.

It was too fast!

His body movements were just as fast!

Therefore, he had to concentrate, otherwise he would never forgive himself in his life if he accidentally capsized!......


One minute and one second passed.

The sword in Zhao Yi's hand never stopped.

Tai Chi sword must be powered by the sword, and the effect is best when it is in a state of quietness and sword movement.

If you attack, the Qi will be chaotic.

There is no move at all. Once you make a wrong judgment and the sword fails to achieve the desired effect, the opponent will catch the flaw.

Therefore, Tai Chi is best combined with Wuwo.

In that way, people are integrated into the world, and the moves are as natural as nature, so the power can be doubled.

Zhao Yi is not Wuwo and swordless, but he has a way to approach that state.

That is to defend!

As long as he defends, the sword force will be in an endless state. Even if there are flaws, he can make up for it with the Qi of the whole body. Even if Wuwo and swordless Shang Wanli come up, the effect will not be much better than him.

In a blink of an eye.

A few minutes passed.

Jiang Chen still did not draw his sword.

Although Zhao Yi's sword force was stable, his mentality was a little unstable.

He really wanted to curse.

But he was afraid that as soon as he opened his mouth and was distracted, Jiang Chen's sword would come to kill him.......


Shi Feixuan sighed secretly.

Even she didn't expect that Jiang Chen would solve this almost impossible-to-win game in this way.


It's not that she is stupid, it's not that she can't think of it.

It's just that she wants to see Jiang Chen solve it in another way that she expects.

As a result,

Jiang Chen directly used the simplest and most convenient way to solve the problem.

It seems that she was wrong again.

She thought Jiang Chen was a teenager, and his competitive spirit must be very strong.

But now that this game is over, she must admit that Jiang Chen's calmness and clear thinking are by no means comparable to any teenager. Let's talk about three swords at the beginning.

As long as he angers his opponent, he will have plenty of opportunities to find the opponent's flaws.

If the opponent does the opposite and defends forcefully.

Then his three swords agreement can also be invincible!


Shi Feixuan thought about it and couldn't help but admire it in her heart.

He looks careless, but his meticulous mind is not inferior to himself

"Senior sister, how can he be so smart?" Wu Qianyue was a little annoyed and said,"He acted so fierce at the beginning, but now he doesn't even dare to draw his sword to try. Humph, what a coward.~!!"

Shi Feixuan shook her head slightly

"The sea embraces all rivers, and is great because it is tolerant. The cliff stands thousands of feet high, and is strong because it has no desires!"

"In this battle, it is best not to draw your sword."

"If the strength of both sides is not much different, as long as you don't draw your sword, you will win."


You can win without drawing your sword?

Wu Qianyue was stuck in a dilemma and couldn't figure it out.


"Ha ha ha ha~!!"

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't hold it back any longer, his mouth was almost crooked with laughter.

"Jiang Chen, ah Jiang Chen, I really like this boy. He is smart, as smart as me!"

"Smart people should not think like pigs. What pigs think is their business. People should not think like pigs.~"......

What's going on!?

Jiang Chen didn't draw his sword, and Lu Xiaofeng's mouth was crooked with laughter~ and Shi Feixuan also said.

If you don't draw your sword, you win!

Damn it!

What kind of new fighting method is this? Not competing in damage, not competing in internal strength, not competing in moves, but competing in who doesn't draw their sword?

"Hey, does anyone understand this?"

"Come and explain it to me!"

"Urgent, waiting online~".......

The demon sect members were also somewhat confused.


"It should be a trap, but...Where is the trap?"

"I can’t see through it!"

"How can you win without using a sword?..."


A petite woman behind the Blue Luan God and Demon suddenly opened her eyes wide:"Oh no! We've been tricked. Lu Xiaofeng is simply...It's so despicable!!"

"Jiuer, what did you say? Qingluan God and Demon didn't understand it himself, so he asked hurriedly.

Feng Jiu's eyebrows twisted into a ball of anger.

"We were fooled from the very beginning. Jiang Chen was talking about three swords, and Lu Xiaofeng was also talking about three swords. They were swords, not moves!"

"So as long as Jiang Chen doesn't draw his sword, it doesn't count as one of the three swords."

Qingluan God and Demon thought to himself:"That's right, if he can't win with three swords, then we win~"


Feng Jiu sighed:"Master, but if he never draws his sword, what about Senior Brother Zhao?~?"

"Tai Chi sword moves consume a lot of internal energy. Not to mention that Senior Brother Zhao's internal energy is average, even if it is top-notch internal energy, or even the internal energy of a master, it can't be consumed like this, right?"



Now, everyone understood.

This battle only counts the number of swords, not the time.

Just consume it. No matter how deep your internal energy is, do you have the ability to dance with the sword until dawn?


Don't dance with the sword?

Okay, you stop and try!

Once this sword dance starts, it can't stop, otherwise it will definitely fall into a disadvantage.

Three swords.

Originally, there was no chance of winning. But now it seems that as long as Zhao Yi's internal energy is consumed, the chance of winning is infinitely raised.

After all, the Qi defense without internal energy is equivalent to no defense!


The Qingluan God and Demon smashed the door with one palm and angrily shouted:"Lu Xiaofeng, Shi Feixuan, you are shameless!"

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