
Lu Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows:"After all, you are over a hundred years old. If you can't afford to lose, you can go home. Why are you embarrassing yourself by coming out?~"


「"Blue Luan God and Demon" Shangguan Feng was so angry that his face was shaking:"You despicable guy, you still dare to quibble!?"


Lu Xiaofeng couldn't hold it anymore.

"I thought pigs were stupid, but I didn't expect you could be even dumber!"

"It is said that Jiang Chen only has three swords, so it is three swords"

"But did we say we won’t attack you?"


"I'm standing here and letting you hit me, but you don't hit me. How dare you come out and scold me? If I were you, I'd go home and retire early~"


That's right!

When everyone heard this, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Yes, this is a ring, a battle of life and death!"

"Are you here to dance with the sword?"

"Is it fun?"

"If it's fun, then go down and play. Don't come up here and embarrass yourself.~"......

「"White Ape God and Demon" Zhang Chengyun frowned:"Everyone please be calm~ We still have the advantage at the moment! Don't disturb Zhao Yi's thoughts~"


「"Blue Luan God and Demon" Shangguan Feng retreated angrily, there was no way, she could not find the words to refute the other party.

Arena battle.

It was originally a test of the actual combat experience of both sides.

Attack or not, that is your own choice.

But under normal circumstances, they would not stand off for so long.

Because concentrating on the confrontation is very exhausting. If either party loses focus during the process, the other party will directly attack.

If it doesn't work, they can also start scolding.

The party that is scolded can't stand it, and they will always start fighting.

Jiang Chen is a fast sword, he should take the initiative and must seize the initiative.

But the restriction of the three swords is too harsh, the initiative is not enough, even if you have the advantage, you can't solve the enemy by suppressing the attack.

So you have to use a surprise move.

As for Zhao Yi.

There are not many choices at present.

Continuing to dance with the sword is definitely a dead end.

You can only attack by force, or withdraw the sword to rest, and then look for opportunities.

No matter which one, it will make him lose his current Tai Chi sword momentum and make his defense less perfect.

"Take a gamble!"

「Flying God and Demon" Zhao He pondered and said,"If it really doesn't work, we can only attack with force. Although the boy's sword is fast, its power is very weak. Even if the sword energy bursts out, it is not enough to hurt my apprentice's life...."

At the same time,

Jiang Chen leisurely drew out the Mystic Ice Sword, stared at the icy blade, and said calmly:

"Zhao Yi, do you know why you lost?"

"Obviously, you have a higher level of martial arts, more unique skills, and many of your methods are also honed in battle. You should have ways to deal with and respond to any enemy. Why did you lose so aggrievedly?"


Zhao Yi's lungs were about to burst after hearing this, but he had to suppress it.

He had experienced a lot of battles and knew that Jiang Chen deliberately said this to disgust him, anger him, and force him to attack.

"That's not because you're dumb or stupid."

Jiang Chen knew he couldn't speak, so he asked himself

"It's because you haven't met a good teacher, nor have you met a real master in battle."


As soon as this was said, everyone present had a question mark in their heads.

Shi Feixuan and Lu Xiaofeng didn't know what he was talking about.

As for the others, they were even more confused.

"What is he doing!?"

"Teacher Zhao Yi can't do that, he is one of the six great gods and demons, the elder of the Demon Cult!!"

"Or is he the real peerless master?"

"Ah this..."

All the righteous martial artists were scratching their heads.

"Flying God and Demon" Zhao He blew his beard and said,"You bastard, are you saying that I can't teach my disciples?"

Jiang Chen nodded slightly,"Yes."


Jiang Chen did not wait for the other party to refute, and then explained:

"The martial arts of the Demon Cult are indeed amazing. There are many of them and they are very powerful, but it is undeniable that they are very complicated."

"At the same time, the Demon Cult itself is not a sect, and gang-style management and training apprentices are not your strong points."

"The sects are different. Although there are not many martial arts, they are definitely suitable for you, and they all have complete teaching procedures and ideas."

"For example, Shang Wanli, although he is a little bit stupid, once he deploys Wuwo Wujian, it will be very difficult for me to fight him."

"As for you, Zhao Yi, you do have a chance of winning, but the prerequisite is that the opponent must make a mistake, otherwise the game will be crushed!"

At this point ,

Zhao Yi almost couldn't help it.

Of course,"Flying God and Demon" Zhao He couldn't help it even more:"You are talking nonsense!"

"Fighting is all about how you use what you have learned and your experience. Although Shang Wanli has good skills, he lacks experience and will be vulnerable sooner or later!"

Jiang Chen did not refute, but instead said:"That's right"

"So what are Zhao Yi's own advantages, and how does he use them? Does he rely on the opponent to reveal his flaws?"

"Can this be called a master?"

"Is the meaning of being a master just to wait for the rabbit to come! ?"



「"Flying Gods and Demons" Zhao He was a little stunned by the question.

He has many disciples, and they learn a lot of martial arts, which means that he himself does not know all of them.

So how can he teach them how to play to their strengths?

Of course, go and fight!

If you fight, then you will understand it.

But you have to summarize it....

Isn't this embarrassing?

If I had read so many books, would I have come out to the underworld and joined the cult?......

At this moment, even Zhao Yi himself began to think about what his advantage was.

Tai Chi Sword?

Without Wuwo Wujian, he was really not strong! Hidden weapons, that was not his specialty.

Frost Palm, that was not his main skill.

Qinggong and internal strength, I learned from my master, of course they were good, but..........

""Did you find out?" Jiang Chen asked back:"Your Qinggong and internal strength are actually not compatible with Tai Chi sword at all, and you can't bring out the advantages at all."

"When I said three swords, I meant you should fight me with swords. But your sword skills are flawed, so you will not be able to withstand my three swords."

"If you abandon the sword and use your palm, even if your palm technique is not high level, you can at least fight me ten moves away."


Shangguan Haitang suddenly came to his senses.

"There is actually this layer?"

"Why does it feel like Young Master Jiang’s understanding of martial arts is almost catching up with my master?"

"This is something that can only be realized by a master, right?"

If Shangguan Haitang didn't like studying martial arts, he might not be able to react so quickly.

"「"Flying God and Demon" Zhao He's martial arts are good. As long as he practices, he will be very strong. But Zhao Yi just wants to learn unique skills, and in the end he doesn't match"

"This kind of mismatch is simply invisible unless you meet an expert."

"Normally, enemies can be easily crushed by their unique skills and levels, but once they encounter a master, they will be helpless in an instant."


It was said so simply.

But some people just don't believe it.

"What are you talking about?"

"If you say so, then Jiang Chen is a true master! ?"


"He is only at this level of martial arts, and has only been in the martial arts world for a few days. He doesn't even have a master. Are you kidding me! ?"......


Lu Xiaofeng shook his head helplessly:"I said that there are still many idiots in the world, they can't understand even the explanation!"

"I have no idea what a master is, but a master is someone who at least knows what his or her strengths are, and then constantly expands his or her strengths through practice and combat."

"Jiang Chen, you have extremely fast movements and excellent swordsmanship. It doesn't make sense to force an attack. You have to break the opponent's strong defense. Do you understand?"


Shangguan Haitang nodded heavily:"In short, people who know how to practice will find their own advantages, and then bring the opponent into their own advantage area, and then use their own advantages to decisively defeat the opponent."......


Zhao Yi finally couldn't help it and roared on the spot

"My comprehension was 94 points when I was born. Even Qin Shang from the Sword Sect is not as good as me. The martial arts I chose will never be wrong!"

"Jiang Chen!"

"How do you have the advantage?"

Zhao Yi turned the sword in his hand and thrust it quickly.

"You know, my Qinggong is better than yours!!"

"Even the Tai Chi sword technique is something I have learned and improved through countless battles."

"You don't understand the power of no moves at all!"

Facing the incoming sword, Jiang Chen just slightly turned sideways and deflected it.

The speed was so fast.

The sticky nature of Tai Chi Qi was not able to be used in time, because it could not touch it at all.


Zhao Yi turned to attack, and there was no way he would let go.

After holding back for so long, he was mocked by a younger generation in the martial arts world. Even a clay man would have to have some temper!

What's more, he was not a clay man.

Point, collapse, cut, sweep......

The sword moves were really fierce, chasing Jiang Chen's flaws.


Jiang Chen has flaws.

But don't be afraid.

As long as the speed is fast enough, the enemy's sword can't catch up with you.

Tai Chi sword is not a fast sword.

Zhao Yi's internal strength, Qinggong, although there is acceleration���The effect was not matched with the sword technique and could not be used at all.

Because it was originally a bonus effect of the Ice Palm. If you insist on using the sword, how can it be suitable?

In one breath, a hundred swords!

Zhao Yi's sword never touched the corner of Jiang Chen's clothes.

He attacked forcefully.

Jiang Chen still did not use his sword........

"Playing around~"

"Oh shit!"

"So cruel......."

"Young Master Jiang, that is a disciple of the Demon Sect, can you be any more cruel?"


"This really proves the saying, you can't kill him even if I tell you to!"


"I didn't expect that there is a routine in the martial arts world that can perfectly dodge all attacks with just body skills. This must be replicated~"......

Before seeing Jiang Chen's body movement, no one thought that this kind of operation could be performed by ordinary players.

Anyone who can play it is an NPC, a master, or a pervert like Dongfang Bubai!

Others can do it, why can you do it too?

Body movement to dodge?


Don't you know that if you take a wrong step, you will die?

How many lives do you have? Do you have to jump back and forth in front of the gates of hell?

To be honest.

Even if many people really learn this body movement, they still won't use it.

It's too dangerous.

What if it's wrong?

What if you can't dodge it?

With this small body, there is no defense, no bones, isn't it a sure thing to be killed by a knife, and see you directly at the resurrection point?......

""Jiang Chen, draw your sword!"

Zhao Yi's eyes were red with anger. Seeing the opponent right in front of him, his swordsmanship couldn't even touch the opponent.

This feeling was too disgusting.

Should he really give up the sword?

Zhao Yi was a little hesitant.

At first, he didn't believe it.

Now, he had to believe it.

With a sword in hand, he was indeed much slower than the opponent. If he used palm skills, his bare-handed speed would definitely be much faster, and there were also acceleration effects in the palm skills.

Originally, the Ice Palm was not a fierce palm method.

In actual combat, it would take advantage of your unpreparedness, use Qinggong to dodge past, and stick a palm to you, severely injuring the enemy while sealing the enemy's meridians.

Then continue to kill if you can, retreat immediately if you can't kill, try not to fight hard, and only slap people at the best opportunity.

If you slap one palm, your meridians will not be smooth, and the second palm will only come faster, and you will be more difficult to block.

He has seen his master take action, and he is very strong. Even a top-notch master can't stand him tossing back and forth like this several times.


But this palm technique is not a unique skill!

Level 180 is the upper limit!

His master can use many years to break through.

Why can he do that?

Does he have so much time?


So learning Tai Chi sword is inevitable.

However, this Tai Chi sword is obviously a unique skill, why does it seem so weak when facing Jiang Chen? ?

The sword is slow, and the sword energy is even slower!

Can this kind of sword technique also kill people?

Zhao Yi really didn't know why he just realized now that Tai Chi sword seemed to be unable to kill people.

But Jiang Chen must die!

A faint light flashed in Zhao Yi's eyes, and then he turned around and stabbed the sword.


The left hand shook the hilt.

With a whoosh, the long sword shot out, missing only Jiang Chen's back.

"If you abandon your sword, you should���" I regret telling you this!"

Zhao Yi laughed in his mouth, but his hands secretly grasped eight silver needles.

With a low shout in his heart, the eight silver needles left his hands at the same time, and his whole body flew over with the silver needles.

This must-kill move was figured out by him.

Just now, dealing with Shang Wanli was just a small test.

The strongest move was to use the power to burst out eight flying needles in an instant!

Swish~ Jiang Chen's figure flashed and disappeared from his sight in an instant.

Going up the ladder!

? Zhao Yi looked up, but did not see Jiang Chen taking off.

Instead, he saw a cold light, like the sun in winter, which was dazzling and painful, and cold enough to make people shiver.

"How...How is it possible! ?"

The Qinggong of climbing the ladder to heaven, just started, how could it turn around so quickly.

The movements and moves, don't even need the most basic stagnation and unloading?


The Xuanbing sword stabbed straight down and hit the Baihui point on the top of the head.

This sword.

Zhao Yi couldn't even see it, and there was no extra movement to block it when he burst out with all his strength.

The Tai Chi Qi had been dispersed in the continuous pursuit.

And the roots of his internal strength were not deep enough to ignore the attack of the top-grade sharp blade on the vitals.

There was no choice but to die.


Zhao Yi's eyes were full of unyielding, staring at the top.

This way of dying is too aggrieved!

What I have learned in my life is useless!

Just because I was wrong, I blindly chose a Tai Chi sword?

But...But who has ever explained to me why I can’t choose Tai Chi Sword?! No one has ever told me that! At most, the master would say that it is not recommended to learn it, but that is a unique skill. If it is not recommended, does that mean I can stop learning it? I don’t accept it! Zhao Yi really doesn’t accept it. This time, he was tricked and took the wrong path. It’s not his problem!!! Absolutely not!!


【Victory in the battle, gain 9,000,000 experience points】


【Defeat the strong with the weak, and gain 3,000,000 additional experience points】


【Kill with one strike, gain an additional 1,000,000 experience points]

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