One sword!


Everyone present took a deep breath at the same time.

He really did it!

Although the fight lasted for a long time, it was the longest one today.

But Jiang Chen kept his word and defeated his opponent within three swords.

In fact,

Zhao Yi didn't even catch a sword!

When Jiang Chen drew his sword, he was waiting to die. He had no power to resist!

In front of him, I really don't know how it can be easy except for playing around.


"This is a real master!"

"My child is coming~"

"Today I finally understand what a true master is!!"......

Is Zhao Yi weak?

Yuan Du of Huashan Qi Sect, whose Purple Cloud Divine Art was almost at level 200, was killed by him in just a few moves. Shang Wanli, one of the top ten in Wudang, was also defeated by him without any delay once he found a flaw.

As a result, facing Jiang Chen, who was at the first-class level, in terms of attributes, I am afraid that except for his body movement, all other attributes were unilaterally suppressed by him.

However, he lost because of his body movement attribute!

And he lost miserably!.......


Lu Xiaofeng laughed wildly towards the sky


"Who else wants to go up?"

The whole place was silent.

Even Jiang Chen was speechless by his arrogant laughter.

If you didn't know, you would think he had killed the enemy.~.......

"I don't want to play anymore.~"

""Master Lu, we have learned a lot today. We admit defeat. We don't want to get back our money. Just play by yourself~"

He cried!

All the people who made bets were cheated and cried.

What a guy.

This is a pure abuse game. He was so foolish that he thought he would win. He wanted to get back his money?


Jiang Chen is not on the same level as his opponent.

Just kidding.

He talks all day and makes the old generation dizzy.

You want to fight him?

Even if his attributes are not as good as yours, so what?

It depends on the operation!

It depends on the brain!.......

"Hey, don't~"

Lu Xiaofeng immediately restrained himself when he heard it.

"Look, there are still two masters on the opposite side who haven’t appeared yet!"

"With this experience, and relying on the background of the Demon Sect, if we can get some tonic pills and powerful pills, we will definitely win."

"Let's do it again~"

No no no~

Everyone shook their heads frantically.

Lu Xiaofeng smacked his lips and said,"Then just one sword! How about it? No matter who is on the opposite side, we will just use one sword, no more than one sword, how about it?"

No no no~

Everyone continued to shake their heads

"Still not working? Then what should we do?"

Lu Xiaofeng became even more anxious:"If it really doesn't work, let go of one hand, then one foot, that should be fine, right?"


Everyone thought about it.

"No, no, no~"

"Let nothing come~"


"I really don't want to play anymore~"

"No matter who is on the other side, even if it is really a top-notch one,..."

"That’s not fun either!"......


A great shame!!!

Even at the top of Mount Huashan, the six great veterans of the Demon Cult had never lost face like this!

"This is disrespectful.~"

"Fucking hell!"

"No matter who you attack, you can still defeat them with one sword, and you can also use one hand and one foot, what are you pretending for! ?"


「Qingluan God and Demon" Shangguan Feng shouted directly:"Jiuer, go down and kill him!


Feng Jiu was immediately overwhelmed:"Master, my flaming sword is really useless against such a swift master....There's really no chance of winning...."

There is no way.

Zhao Yi lost miserably.

He attacked with all his strength, but he couldn't touch the opponent.

It's true that her flame sword is extremely powerful, but you have to hit it.

Her routine is similar to that of Huashan Qi Zong, both of which are fighting methods.

Of course.

She naturally has many ways to make up for the shortcomings of not being able to hit, but for a pervert like Jiang Chen who has ridiculously fast body movements, and can also integrate man and sword and dodge perfectly. If she really goes up, no method may work. If she can't catch him, she can't catch him. As long as she makes a mistake and reveals a flaw, the opponent will come at her with a sword, and her life will be in danger.

As for Zhuge Ren on the other side, his face was also not looking good.

"Damn it!"

Several elders looked at the disciples around them, feeling disappointed, but they couldn't say anything.

After all, they were all disciples they had personally raised, and if they were to be sent to die, they would be reluctant to do so.

In one battle!

Jiang Chen had already been beaten down by all those below the super first-rate.

Don't even try to achieve the same level of state and extremely high comprehension as No One and Sword Integration, No Self and No Sword.

Trying would mean death!......

"Hey, are you still going to fight the Demon Cult members?"

Jiang Chen stood still with his sword in hand, waiting for a long time but no one from the Demon Cult came.

"Everyone is busy. If it doesn't work, then we can all come down together and finish the fight early."

The faces of the demons turned red, but they couldn't find a suitable candidate.

They could only bite the bullet and say

"Boy, don't be so arrogant. Let me let you rest for a while and fight you later!"


Jiang Chen has never seen such an idiotic excuse.

"Stop pretending. I see there are a lot of people up there. Aren’t you tired of carrying them all back?"

"Anyway, since we are here, we can call a few more people down."

"Come down together, pack together, so that you can travel light, and avoid bringing a bunch of burdens back and having to take care of them on the way~"


The demon cult members are really vomiting blood.

"Boy, you are so arrogant. I have to sacrifice my dignity and strangle you to death with my own hands!"


Still want to fight?

Lu Xiaofeng was about to speak, but Ximen Chuxue said first:"It's just right. My sword hasn't seen blood for a long time."


Now, there was really no way to speak.

Below the top level, the Demon Cult couldn't find anyone who could fight Jiang Chen.

Whether it was a one-on-one fight or a group fight, it seemed that there was no chance of winning.

Above the top level, there were Lu Xiaofeng, Ximen Chuixue, Shi Feixuan and her junior sister, and the bald donkey and old Taoist priest outside....

This doesn't even include the Huashan Sect's people~

Don't forget, this is the foot of Huashan Mountain, and the masters of Huashan Sect can come in large numbers.

No matter how trashy or how despised they are, the Huashan Qi Sect's purple cloud sword energy is like a tidal wave, and they still can't stop it.

Is it a dead end?

Do we still have to admit defeat?

Without fighting, we admit defeat?

In the past hundred years, when has the Sun Moon Sect ever lost such a person! ?.......


Shi Feixuan sighed lightly, with some regret:"Young Master Jiang, you are taking a different approach with your swordsmanship and pursuing extremes. Your swordsmanship and body skills are almost half a step into the path of evil. You must be extremely careful in the future."


Only half a step?

Jiang Chen felt that his swordsmanship had probably been possessed by the devil for a long time, but the attributes were too poor to be brought into play.

Now that his body skills have skyrocketed, the power of the devil swordsmanship can be reflected.

If you don't go crazy, you won't live!

If everyone had the opportunity of Shi Feixuan and Wu Qianyue, they would be at the peak when they landed, and they would be a martial arts master when they learned casually, and a leader of the righteous path when they came out of the mountains. With occasional guidance, they would be able to influence the world.

Then no one would have to go crazy.

Who would like to go crazy if they have nothing to do?


Although Jiang Chen's realm is first-class, even enough to look down on all players below the super first-class, this strength is probably only enough to barely stand firm.

If there is any stagnation or regression, we will immediately face the encirclement and suppression from Huashan Society, the Demon Sect, and even the Righteous Alliance led by Cihang Jingzhai.

So, don't talk to me about madness now.

Too naive!......

On the other side,

Feng Jiu suddenly realized:"Master, didn't Jiang Chen say he wanted to join the Demon Sect? Judging from his swordsmanship, he is obviously not a good person. How about you take a look at whether you can recruit him to join the sect?"

Hmm! ?


The six gods and demons thought about it and nodded:"Jiu'er, no wonder your master always praises you for being smart. Okay, I'll leave this to you!" Zhao He threw the Zhenwu Sword over.

Feng Jiu came out with the sword:"Next, this is your trophy!


The treasure of Wudang, Zhenwu Sword!

Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, and threw it out.


The scabbard went straight into the pillar beside Shi Feixuan and stuck horizontally on it.

The sword is a good sword!

It is of the best orange gold!

And it is made of rare treasures like Bingpo.


This sword cannot be used by people other than Wudang.

It's not that they dare not use it.

But without Wudang swordsmanship, it would be embarrassing to use it by force.

And Shi Feixuan came here today, most likely for this sword.

She is the leader of the righteous. She brought a group of younger brothers to make a living in the world. If there is no benefit, who will follow her in the future.

Therefore, even if she is beaten to death, she will never give the sword to herself. So.

Just be quick.

Throw it out and let her hand over the Dahuan Dan and the secret book honestly.

People need face and trees need bark.

To deal with the righteous, you still need some tricks.......


Wu Qianyue just made a move and the Zhenwu Sword was pulled out of thin air and flew into her hand.

She didn't understand Jiang Chen's behavior.

"The little bastard is definitely not a good person, why not take this sword?"

Shi Feixuan was also a little surprised.

But today, she was surprised by too many things, and each one was beyond her expectations.

She knew that Jiang Chen might win, but she never thought that he would win so easily. The sword technique is really possessed by the devil. With such sword technique, no matter whether it is the good or evil, it is difficult for anyone to fight him for more than a hundred moves. Even if he has the unity of man and sword, it is probably not possible. His sword technique is too extreme.


"The Demon Cult, should not intend to fight for victory anymore, right?"Shi Feixuan took the Zhenwu Sword, and threw out the Dahuan Pill and the secret book.


The pill and the two secret books were obtained at the same time.

Jiang Chen was relieved.

On the opposite side.

Feng Jiu said without any concealment:"Young Master Jiang's swordsmanship is superb, and his martial arts are unparalleled. It is indeed not something I can win. This battle, I lost.~"

"But our Divine Religion has not lost."


You don't even dare to fight, how can you say you lost?

Everyone was about to start scolding.

Feng Jiu said bluntly:"Mr. Jiang, not long ago, I saw you being besieged by this group of seemingly righteous but actually despicable and shameless righteous people. I was really upset. If I hadn't had a mission, I would have come down to help a long time ago."

"You did win this battle, but will these righteous people remember you?"

"In my opinion, I'm afraid not.~"

"They bullied others, and you killed a few of them. Isn't that normal? Why do you allow them to bully others and not allow others to resist?"

Everyone was confused.

They had no idea what Fengjiu was doing here.

But what she said was definitely not good.

"Hey, you evil witch, stop stirring up trouble here!"


Feng Jiu sneered:"If you are really good people, then my stirring up trouble is useless. But the reality is that Huashan Society wants Jiang Chen to die!"

"Not only did they want him dead before, they still want him dead now!"

At this point,

Feng Jiu stared straight at Yuan Yuzun and said confidently:"I am most familiar with this old man's style. Whenever there is a good thing, he will definitely put it into his own pocket."

"Two divine books and a Great Huan Dan are enough for Huashan to send tens of thousands of masters to raze Jiang Chen and Yicui Tower to the ground!"

Jiang Chen smiled and shook his head.

He already knew what she was going to say next.

"Girl, you may not know me very well, so it is meaningless to say these empty words."

"Let's get practical"

"Take out a copy of Dugu Jiujian or Fuyu Jianfa, and I will join the Demon Cult immediately!"

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