"Shut the hell up!" Ali glared at him angrily and yelled.

When she was a child, she was afraid of poverty, which led to a bit of psychological distortion. She loved money very much and looked down upon the poor from the bottom of her heart.

I even think that there should be no poor people in this world. All poor people should die. It's better to erase them from this world.

Niu Zhuang opened his mouth and did not dare to speak any more.

"You should shut up!"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "how much money do you have? How much have you contributed to this city? Why do you look down on migrant workers? "

"None of your business!"

Ali stares at Jiang Hao, "I warn you, my brother-in-law is the manager. Please behave yourself, or I'll ask my brother-in-law to find someone to abolish you!"

Ha ha ~

Jiang Hao sniffed at Yan and sneered, "I'll wait!"

"But now, right now, right now, apologize to both of them!"

"No way! No way

Ali shook her head again and again. "They two mean things, don't deserve me to apologize!"


Jiang Hao's eyes were cold. "They are mean. Are you noble?"

"You are such a vain, poor and rich man with low quality and no education. You are humble!"

"You How dare you scold me? "

Ali points to the tip of Jiang Hao's nose, her eyes burning.

Jiang Hao raised the corner of his mouth and said, "what if I scold you?"

"You son of a bitch, dog, look at your ragged clothes, you will know that you are a poor bastard, a rubbish with no quality, a bastard with no one to raise!" Ali yelled.

Jiang Hao's eyes narrowed. "How much do you make a year? How much money do you have at home? What's the right to look down on the poor? "

"Even if you are rich, is your father rich? Even if your father is rich, is your grandfather rich? In the eighteen generations of your ancestors, there will always be poor people. If you scold the poor people, you are scolding your ancestors

"It's unworthy of you to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors!"


Ali uttered a rude remark, shaking with anger.

"You humiliate and beat my friend because he is a migrant worker and has no money to buy shoes. Well, how much are the most expensive shoes here? I'll take it! " Jiang Hao said coldly.

Sniff ~

Ali sniffs at the speech.

She took a glance at Jiang Hao with Yu Guang and said with disdain, "little boy, I'm not big. I'm not small. Do you know how much the most expensive shoes are?"

"And you bought it? I've sold you, I've sold all your family, and I can't afford it! "


Jiang Hao snorted coldly and said coldly, "don't be wordy. How much is it? I'll take it! "

Pa Pa!

Ali clapped her hand, Yin measured the smile, "enough justice, enough righteousness, for brother willing to spend money, but, at that time you can't afford, don't blame me impolite!"

"How much is it?" Jiang Hao drinks cold and is a little impatient.

With a five million dollar card, he has a lot of confidence.

"Xiaohua, bring me the most expensive pair of shoes." Ali waved her hand and said.

A salesgirl ran out.

A moment later, he was holding a pair of shiny black shoes with labels on them.

Ali picked up the label and shook it in front of Jiang Hao's eyes? Can you afford this pair of shoes, which are nineteen thousand nine hundred ninety-nine? "

"Nineteen thousand nine hundred ninety-nine?"

Jiang Hao was stunned when he heard the speech.

He looked at the shoes carefully, but he didn't see anything special about them. Why are they so expensive?

A pair of shoes, 20000 yuan.


The most expensive shoes he wore were just over a hundred.

Rich people's world, really terrible!

Niu Zhuang was even more shocked when he heard the price. It took him a long time to recover.

He grabbed Jiang Hao and said, "Xiao Haozi, forget it, let's go!"

"Yes, yes." Huang Aiguo nodded busily.

A pair of shoes is 20000 yuan, which is really beyond their imagination.

Ali squinted at Jiang Hao, and her mouth turned up in a sinister radian.

Suddenly, she tugged hard and broke the label of the shoes. Intentionally or unintentionally, she scratched the shoes with her sharp nails.

Suddenly, draw a trace.

She exaggerated a cry, "ah, the label is broken, the shoes have been scratched, it seems that it can not be sold, so, son, this pair of shoes, you must buy!"

"If you don't buy it, I'll call the police and sue you for theft!"


Niu Zhuang quit after hearing the words, "you're framing. You tore the label and scratched the shoes. Why do you have to force Xiao Haozi to pay?"

"Yes, you've gone too far!" Huang Aiguo couldn't see it any more and muttered.Ha ha ~

Ali laughs, "I didn't frame it up. This little boy said that he wanted to buy shoes. Now the shoes can't be sold, so he has to buy them!"

"If you don't buy it, you'll be in jail. You two are partners, and you can't escape!"

"You..." Niu Zhuang glares at her, but he can't help her.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

"Who says I won't buy it?"

He patted Niu Zhuang on the shoulder. "Brother Niu, come on, take off your shoes. Try these shoes and see if they fit?"

"Ah No, no, no... "

Niu Zhuang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and refused.

"All right." Niu Zhuang is determined not to, and Jiang Hao is not reluctant.

He waved and said, "wrap up the shoes and I'll buy them!"

Ali did not move, coldly staring at him, eyes, flashing a cruel light, "money?"

"Where is the card machine? I swipe my card. " JiangHao road.

Ali was slightly stunned when she heard the speech.

Is this kid really rich to pay?

"Bring the POS machine." Ali said with half faith.

At this time, a cashier came out and said weakly, "Li Sister Li, the POS is broken. "

Ali frowned and said coldly, "find a good one."

"All It's all broken. "


Ali suddenly fire, scold: "a group of useless waste, POS machine is which fool broken?"

The cashier trembled and said, "yes You broke it. "

"Grass Mud Horse, you dare to frame up..."

Ali cursed subconsciously.

Suddenly, she shut up.

Because she remembered that the stock she bought fell sharply this morning and lost a lot of money. She was so angry that she broke the POS machine one by one.

Coughing ~

as soon as Ali's face was scalded, she coughed a few times and said, "there is no POS machine. There is a bank not far from the shopping mall. You go to get the money."

"Well, I warn you, don't touch my friend!"

Jiang Hao answered, and then looked at Niu Zhuang, "brother Niu, I'll be right back."

He turned and left.

As soon as Jiang Hao left, Ali got up.

She laughed wildly, looked at Niu Zhuang coldly and said sarcastically, "see? This is your good friend. He is smarter than you and knows how to make excuses to leave you here. "

"No, Xiao Haozi is not like that. He won't leave us alone!" Niu Zhuang retorts loudly.

"Fool, if you are sold, you will pay for the number of people!" Ali said sarcastically.

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