One minute, two minutes, three minutes

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.

Jiang Hao hasn't come back yet.

Ali leaned against the soft chair and gave a cold smile. "Can't you argue now? Two idiots, your good friends, have abandoned you for a long time

"No It won't be Niu Zhuang turned pale.

In his heart, he was extremely unwilling to believe that Jiang Hao would abandon them and run away alone.

But facts speak louder than words!

More than 200 meters away, there is a construction bank.

Normally, a round trip, plus cash withdrawal, will take only three minutes at most.

But now, ten minutes later, Jiang Hao has not come back.

Although he was very reluctant to believe it, there was a great possibility that Jiang Hao would abandon them and run away alone.

"Well, that little boy, do you really think he can run? Unless he leaves Chuzhou immediately, I have plenty of ways to get him back! "

Ali stood up with a cold hum, "as for you two, haha..."

Suddenly, she waved her hand.

"Arrest them, aunt. I'm in a bad mood. I want to smoke them!"


A Biao nodded, suddenly, four security guards rushed up, three under five divided by two, controlled Niu Zhuang and Huang Aiguo.

Ali walked up to Niu Zhuang and said with a ferocious smile, "madder, didn't you just be very horizontal?"


Give it a slap.

"What are you doing? Why don't you give it to me? "


"Grass Mud Horse, poor mud leg, dare to yell at me, you are tired of living!"


"Mean dog, I'll beat you to death!"

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Ali left and right bow, a slap and then a slap, constantly pumping on the face of Niu Zhuang, but also from time to time waving sharp nails, in his face, a burst of random scratch.

A moment later.

Niu Zhuang's face was beyond recognition. It was red and swollen like a pig's head, and there were bright red bloodstains. It was very sad.

Ali was tired, she shook her hand, then changed her goal and began to smoke Huang Guoguo.

Two minutes later, she was very tired and panting. She sat down on the soft chair and said, "keep beating me, as long as you don't kill me!"


A Biao grinned, walked to Niu Zhuang and raised his arm.


He was stronger and harder. He screamed bitterly in pain.

"Does it hurt?"

In his eye pupil, burst out a wisp of fierce light, "still have more painful!"


A more powerful slap in the face, smoked down.

Pa Pa!

He was very happy to smoke and enjoyed it.

"Stop it

Suddenly, a cold cry came.

They turned around and saw Jiang Hao come in with a black bag.

His eyes were very cold; his face was very gloomy.

He's angry!

"Little Xiao Haozi, I I knew you You won't run. " Niu Zhuang turned his head and forced out a smile.

His face, almost out of shape.

Red and swollen as a pig's head, bloodstains, mouth is bleeding.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Anger, a flash.

Jiang Hao roared and lunged to a Biao. His eyes were fierce and his fist hit him on the chest.


A Biao ejected a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

Jiang Hao, with his five fingers like iron hoops, clamped his throat, lifted his neck and smashed him on the floor.


Ah Biao vomited a big mouthful of blood, rolled his eyes wildly, and almost fainted.

Jiang Hao kicked him away and rushed to other security guards.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, several security guards, all lying on the ground, rolling and wailing, could not stand up.

Jiang Hao's eyes are cold and he goes to Ali.

Ali shivered with fright and bounced up from her soft chair. She said, "you What do you want to do? "

Jiang Hao said nothing and stared at her coldly.

Now, Ali was even more afraid, "I I warn you, my brother-in-law is It's the manager. If you dare If you dare to beat me, my brother-in-law doesn't I won't let you go! "

Suddenly, Jiang Hao moved.

He raised his hand, slapped Ali in the face, knocked her to the ground, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

"You son of a bitch, I warned you not to move brother Niu. You didn't listen to me and beat brother Niu so badly!" Jiang Hao scolded.

He bent down, picked up Ali, gave her a puff on the other cheek, and knocked her over again."I said, I have money!"

Jiang Hao smashes the black bag at Ali, then takes out a stack of brand-new hundred yuan banknotes and slaps them on her face, "see? This is money, I have money! "

He put the money back in the black bag, zipped it up, picked it up, turned and left.

"No one is allowed to move until I come back!"

Looking at Jiang Hao's back, Niu Zhuang was a little confused.

Huang Aiguo and Ali are also confused.

The onlookers were even more confused.

Two minutes later, Jiang Hao came back.

He was carrying a big sack in his hand.

People are stupid.

Jiang Hao came over and put the sack down. Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

He untied the sack and kicked it over.

Ping Ping

A dollar coin, jumped out, scattered all over the floor.

Jiang Hao brought ali over and yelled, "I've paid. Now count it for me. If you count one wrong, I'll slap you!"

He was really angry this time and decided to punish this woman!

Ali saw the coins all over the floor, and was stunned.

"Can Can we not count it? "


Jiang Hao's eyes glared and he said coldly, "count quickly!"

"Yes, yes." Ali trembled and counted.

"One, two, three, four..."

A minute later, she made a mistake.

Jiang Hao raised his hand and slapped her in the face.


Ali began to cry.

"What are you crying for? Count Jiang Hao drinks cold.

Ali pursed her mouth, tried not to make a sound, and then continued to count.

"What's the matter?"

All of a sudden, cold cheers rang out.

A middle-aged man with a big stomach and some balding came over.

Ali smell speech, eyes a bright, immediately the hands of the coin tossed, fly into the middle-aged man's arms, sobbing.

"What's the matter? Ali, is someone bullying you? " Tao Xiong, a middle-aged man, patted Ali on the back and asked.

Ali's crying pear blossoms with rain are heartbroken.

She pointed to Jiang Hao and said, "brother-in-law, that's him. That's this little bastard. He hit me."

"You see, my face has been swollen by him. Maybe it will leave traces in the future. Brother in law, you have to avenge me!"

Tao Xiong touched Ali's face and coaxed: "don't worry, my brother-in-law will take revenge for you!"

Then he turned around.

His eyes suddenly become sharp, scolded: "boy, you're tired of living, dare to beat Ali, no matter who you are, don't want to walk out of the mall today intact!"

"Don't you ask why?" Jiang Hao frowned.

"Whatever the reason, if you hit Ali, you deserve to die!" Tao Xiong drinks angrily.

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