Ma Jia was surprised and said, "are you not poisoned?"

"Of course not!" Jiang Hao light way.

Suddenly, Ma Jia's face sank, glanced at the seriously injured Pan Yang and other three people, and yelled: "waste!"


He snorted coldly and said contemptuously: "boy, even if you are not poisoned, so what?"

"No poisoning, you're dead!"

"Today, you will surely die!"


He yelled, his body swayed, and went straight to kill Jiang Hao.

"Go to hell, boy!"

Ma Jia gave a violent drink, and his fist burst out with brilliant light, carrying a powerful force of thunder to Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao gave a cold drink and a wave of his sleeve.


There was a deafening explosion.

Billows of air swept in all directions.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, Pan Yang, Yu's father and Luo Han Wang were affected, and they were directly swept away by the air waves, spraying a mouthful of blood in the air.

Their injuries, more serious, have affected the foundation.

"Back up!"

Pan Yang yelled, "let's get out of here!"

Whew! Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, the three people dragged the wounded body, turned into three streamers, rushed out of the channel, away from the battlefield.

They can't bear the aftereffects of the eight star master level battle.

If you don't run away, you'll die!

Deng Deng Deng!

Ma Jia's body faltered, leaving a series of sunken footprints on the ground. He retreated more than ten steps in a row to stabilize his body.

"Your strength..."

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Hao in horror, very shocked.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Jiang Hao's strength was so strong, not the Seven Star master in intelligence, but Eight star master.

"Information is wrong, this boy is the eight star master!"

Ma Jia yelled: "let's go up together, kill him as soon as possible, and never let him run away!"


Suddenly, Dong Feng, you Jingrui and others nodded.

Their faces were serious, and there was no jest.

After all, Jiang Hao is the master of eight stars. He is on the same level as them. If he is not careful, he may escape.

Once he escapes, the consequences are serious!




There was a loud shout.

In a flash, Ma Jia, Dong Feng, the elder of Tiequan sect, you Jingrui, four eight star masters, together with four seven star masters, killed Jiang Hao.

"Old LV, step back!" Jiang Hao cheered coldly.

"Elder Jiang Hao, I..."

LU Hong did not want to step back.

He wants to help and fight side by side with Jiang Hao.

"Back up!" Jiang Hao raised his voice a little, he ordered.


LU Hong didn't dare to disobey, so he had to step back.

He can only step back.

Because, now he, in cartilage powder, a self-cultivation, simply can not play out, very weak, even ordinary people are inferior.

Willful and will only drag Jiang Hao.

This is not what he wants to see!

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, the whole passage shook, as if there had been a big earthquake.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Pieces of gravel, a dust, rustle down.

"What happened?" Ma Jia was confused.

Sudden accident, they can not help but stop action, temporarily stop killing Jiang Hao.

All of a sudden, a mass of evil spirit escaped from the deep of the passage and enveloped everyone in an instant.

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

in the depth of the passage, there was a terrible roar full of violence, which made everyone feel cold, cold and scared.

"This is..."

LU Hong's pupils shrunk and yelled: "this is the roar of the demon clan who was sealed!"


Ma Jia, Dong Feng, you Jingrui and others heard the speech, all the pupils contracted, and their faces changed greatly.

Rao is Jiang Hao. His face has changed.

These roars were so terrible that even though he was frightened, he felt a sense of insignificance in his heart.

Even, there is a sense of submission.

Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp.

A demon, from the surge of evil Qi, out of shape, without hesitation to kill Ma Jia and others.

"Go away!""To die!"


Ma Jia, Dong Feng, and others have taken action one after another.

Three or two times, it will blow up the demon.


Jiang Hao's blow also blew up a demon.


Suddenly, his face changed, and he was shocked and said: "these demons have become stronger again. They are comparable to the Seven Star master!"

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

suddenly, a deafening roar sounded again.

It was as if something was rushing out of the deep passage.

In addition, there is also a dark magic gas, which escapes.

The evil spirit is more and more strong, and the demons are more and more.

"What's going on?" Ma Jia yelled.


LU Hong's face was full of panic, and he cried out: "the sealed demons are going to get out of trouble!"


People's faces changed when they heard the words.

"How could that be?"

Ma Jia yelled: "haven't the demons been sealed all the time? Why do you rush out all of a sudden? "

Suddenly, you Jingrui's eyes were fixed, and he guessed: "someone may have moved the five elements magic array!"


Suddenly, everyone was shocked again.

"Who? Who moved the five elements magic array? "

"We are all here. No one has a chance to use the five elements to seal the magic array."

"No, there's a man who disappeared when he entered the center of Fengmo formation."

Ma Jia's face changed and she uttered three words coldly.

"Feng Yu Xiu!"

"How could it be him?"

Dong Feng was surprised and said: "Fengyu Xiuke is a man of Feidao sect. Why does he move the five elements Fengmo array to release the demons?"

"I don't know."

Majia shook her head.

Others, too, shook their heads.

They can't understand this problem.

"Is that him?"

Jiang Hao's eyes twinkled and speculated: "why did he release the demons?"

"Is the Feidao gate as related to the demons as the seven star gate?"

Immediately, he shook his head and denied the conjecture.

The flying dagger gate is different from the seven star gate.

In the past 20 years, the seven star gate has been dormant and mysterious, but the flying sword gate has always been active in the martial arts and Taoism of China.

If the Feidao sect really has something to do with the demons, it can't hide from the wudaomeng.

After all, the intelligence system of wudaomeng is very terrible.

"But Feidao gate has nothing to do with the demons. Why did Feng Yuxiu release the demons?" Jiang Hao frowned and said in secret.

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility.

"Is this fengyuxiu not really fengyuxiu, but someone else's disguise?"

It's very possible.

"What to do?"

Dong Feng looked at Ma Jia and asked, "the demons are coming out soon. What should we do?"

The elder of the iron fist sect shivered and said in a trembling voice: "I We're running

He's really scared!

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