"What are you running for?"

Ma Jia said coldly, "don't worry. The five elements' magic array is arranged by stone breaking the sky."

"Don't say that Feng Yuxiu, even the nine star master, or even those who surpass him, can't be destroyed. At most, it's just a little bit changed."

The elder of the iron fist sect felt a little relieved.

Ma Jia is right!

The five elements magic array is laid by the last God on the earth. It is immortal for thousands of years and immortal for thousands of years. Even those who surpass the nine star master can't destroy it.

Feng Yuxiu is just an eight star master, even more impossible.

So, don't worry, don't be afraid.


"What are we going to do next?" he asked


Ma Jia squinted at Jiang Hao and said in a fierce voice, "kill this boy first, so as to avoid danger later."

"Do it!" Suddenly, you Jingrui urges a way.

He was tired of waiting.


Ma Jia grinned, looked at Jiang Hao coldly, and joked: "boy, I'm sorry, no matter what happens today, you're dead!"


LU Hong was furious when he heard the speech.

"Are you still human?" he said angrily

"Everyone knows the horror of the demons."

"The age of Xiuzhen has disappeared. Now it is the age of martial arts."

"The martial arts of this era are far less powerful than those of Xiuzhen era."

"Once the demons get out of trouble and look around the world, no one can deal with them, and then the whole world will be destroyed."

"The whole mankind, even the whole earth, will perish!"

"And you?"

LU Hong angrily scolded: "you people, even at this time, still want to protect your personal enemies and get rid of your own people!"

"Are you all animals?"

"Son of a bitch!"

Ma Jia was trembling and his eyes were burning.

Others, too.

"How dare you abuse us like ants?"

"Go to hell!" Ma Jia yelled.


He was shocked all over. His momentum, belonging to the eight star master, burst out in an instant. Without reservation, he killed LU Hong and Jiang Hao with his murderous spirit.


You Jingrui also gave a cold drink and started directly.

Others, keep up.

They are determined to get rid of Jiang Hao and LU Hong!

"Oh, it seems that I appeared at the right time. I just saw a good play of dog biting dog!"

All of a sudden, a voice of banter rang out.

A figure, suddenly, appeared.

Impressively, Feng Yuxiu has disappeared for a long time!

Suddenly, everyone stopped and looked at him warily.

Ma Jia narrowed his eyes, gazed at Feng Yu Xiu, drank and asked, "did you just move the five elements magic array?"

"That's right."

Feng Yu Xiu gave a faint smile and said, "how? Are you surprised? What a surprise? "

You Jingrui smell speech, Mou Guang a coagulate, cold shout a way: "you are not Feng Yu Xiu!"

"Who are you?"

"The gold medal elder of wudaomeng really deserves his reputation."

Feng Yuxiu praised, "I'm not really Feng Yuxiu!"

"That guy, I killed him a long time ago."

"I'm Song Tao from seven star gate!"

All of a sudden, he reaches out his hand, grabs his face and tears it.

Suddenly, he tore off a mask of human skin, revealing his true face.

"I didn't expect that we'd let you seven star gate find a loophole and sneak in." You Jingrui said in a deep voice.

He looks very serious.

However, there was no panic, but confidence.

He is confident in his own strength!

Ha ha

Song Tao grinned and said, "there are many things you can't think of!"

"For example, from today on, the Seven Star gatekeeper will rise again and reign all over the world, and your alliance of martial arts and Taoism will be weak and declining!"

"In three years, it will be destroyed by our seven star gate!"

"Don't be ashamed You Jingrui cold road.

"You don't believe it?"

Song Tao said with a faint smile, "in that case, I'll let you see it with your own eyes."

"All the demons, listen to me!"

Suddenly, with a cold drink, he turned his fingers, pinched out the formulas and hit them in all directions.

"Change shape!"

All of a sudden, the evil spirit in all directions, rolling surging, forming one demon after another.

"Give me Kill Song Tao pointed his hand and ordered.Jiji ~ ~ Jiji ~

all of a sudden, the overwhelming and dense demons, like the tide, rushed to you Jingrui, Jiang Hao and others, drowning everyone.

There are a lot of demons.

Each one is comparable to the Seven Star master.

Some of them are more powerful than the Seven Star master, only a little weaker than the eight star master.

"Get out of here!"

Ma Jia gave a loud drink, and his whole body was full of strength. His firepower was fully opened, and his fists burst out one after another.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, one demon after another, burst open, turned into a wisp of evil gas, dissipated in the world.

A moment later, he wiped out hundreds of demons.

Although the strength of these demons is comparable to that of the Seven Star master, they are very fragile. Even the five-star master can't match them, so they are easy to be killed.

On the other hand, Dong Feng, you Jingrui and the elder of Tiequan sect are also like this.

They seem to incarnate into a peerless God of martial arts, one man at the gate, ten thousand at the gate.

Even if they are surrounded by countless demons, they are not afraid at all. On the contrary, they kill them crazily.

They are all eight star masters. They can deal with these demons easily.

However, the other four seven star masters are very difficult.

They can also kill demons.

However, it takes more than ten seconds to kill one.

Even dozens of seconds.

It took a long time. Before one demon was killed, several demons came to encircle and suppress. They were in a hurry.

Ah ~

all of a sudden, there was a shrill scream.

The Seven Star master of the Ma family in Lingnan was injured. His arm was torn by the demon and he became a one armed man.

Ah ~

all of a sudden, the scream started again.

The Seven Star master of the Dong family in Changxi was also injured. He was scratched by the demon's claws on his chest. It was bloody and the wound was very deep.

Dimly, it seems that the bone stubble of Bai Sensen can be seen.

Ah ~ ah ~

the next second, two screams sounded almost at the same time.

The Seven Star masters of Tiequan sect and Wudao League were injured one after another.

In particular, the Seven Star master of the iron fist sect was the most seriously injured.

He was scratched by the demon on the neck, and the blood was pouring out.

"Big Elder, help me He cried with difficulty, covering his neck.

Hearing this, the elder of Tiequan sect immediately rushed up to save him.

Unfortunately, he was a little late.

Jiji ~ ~ Jiji ~

in an instant, dozens and hundreds of demons rushed to the Seven Star master of the iron fist sect and drowned him.

Ah, ~

he just uttered a scream, and nothing happened.

A moment later, dozens of demons scattered.

The Seven Star master of the iron fist sect disappeared. Only a few pieces of clothes and some blood stains were left on the ground.

He's eaten up by the demon!

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