Jiang Hao said indifferently: "as I said just now, they must count the coins on the ground clearly. If they make a mistake, they will slap in the face."

"Yes, yes." Mr. Feng nodded.

Then he turned around and yelled, "do you two hear me? Count the money quickly

Tao Xiong and Ali, trembling all over, squat down and start counting money.

"One, two, three..."

Suddenly, Tao Xiong was wrong.

Jiang Hao makes a look in his eyes, and general manager Feng immediately understands it. He orders a security guard to slap Tao Xiong in the face.


The slap was clear and loud. Ali, beside her, shivered when she heard it. The number she remembered was in confusion.

She's wrong, too.


The slap came again.

After counting 20000 coins, Tao Xiong and Ali's fingerprints on their fingers were almost polished and their brains were confused.

Their faces were so swollen that they couldn't remember how many slaps they got.

After counting, Tao Xiong and Ali collapsed on the ground.

Mr. Feng asked cautiously, "Jiang Shao, after they have finished counting, what else do you want to do with them?"

Hearing the word "disposal", Tao Xiong and Ali's bodies trembled.

"Let them go!"

Jiang Hao yawned, waved and turned to leave.


Mr. Feng looked at Tao Xiong coldly and yelled: "stand up for me, roll up and go away!"


Tao Xiong was stunned for a moment.

"I said, get out of here at once!" Mr. Feng cheered coldly.

After hearing the speech, Tao Xiong quit. He grunted and got up quickly, shouting: "why? I've admitted my mistake, apologized and counted the coins. Why should I be fired? "

"It's not fair, I don't agree!" Ali called, too.

"Who the hell are you? If you don't accept it, it's useless. I don't care if you accept it! " Mr. Feng scolded.

Tao Xiong looked directly at Mr. Feng and said, "Mr. Feng, I want to know the reason."


Feng general cold smile, "because you offended Jiang Shao!"

"You're going to fire me because of that mud legged son of a bitch?" Tao Xiong can't believe it. At the same time, he is not willing to complain.


Mr. Feng ran up to him, slapped him in the face, and then kicked him over.

"Grass Mud Horse, do you want to die? How dare you abuse Jiang Shao! "

Feng general Mou Guang Sen is cold, cold drinks a way: "do you know who is Jiang Shao?"

"Cao, he is the Savior of general manager Ma. Even general manager Ma is respectful to him. You are such a fool that you dare to humiliate him and ask him to kneel down and kowtow to you!"

When Tao Xiong heard that he was struck by lightning, he was stunned.

He knew that Mr. Ma, whom Mr. Feng talked about, was Mr. Ma Fu, the real boss of this large shopping mall and a man of the year in Chuzhou City.

Jiang Hao, such a big man and respectful, was scolded and almost beaten by him. He humiliated him in every way and threatened to make him kneel down and kowtow.

He knows. He's done.

It's really over!

"Get out of here!" Mr. Feng waved and drove away.

"For the sake of you following me for so many years, I advise you that Chuzhou has no place for you. If you leave immediately, you may have a way out."

Tao Xiong was so confused that his head was full of paste.

He didn't even remember how he got out of the mall.

That night, he bought a train ticket and left Chuzhou overnight.

All he had, overnight, was gone.

The house is gone, the money is gone, the job is gone, the wife is gone, the lover is gone, the sister-in-law is gone, everything is gone.

Although he is still alive, his life is not like death.

Two days later.

Jiang Hao went to the appointment and came to Chuzhou people's hospital.

Sun Qing is already waiting for him.

Next to sun Qing was an old man with short stature, gray hair, dishevelled, a little slovenly, but hale and hearty eyes.

The old man squinted at Jiang Hao and said contemptuously, "old sun, is he the one you want to wait for?"

Sun nodded.


The old man sneered, "old sun, are you a fool, a little boy who hasn't grown up yet? How can you attach so much importance to him and make me wait for him here for three minutes?"

Jiang Hao is dignified and frowns.

Inexplicably humiliated, he was very upset.

Sun Qing's face, also flashed a trace of displeasure, "Lao Zhang, pay attention to your words, Xiaojiang although young, but absolutely superb medical skills, I have seen with my own eyes."

Zhang Mo looked disbelieving and said contemptuously: "old sun, I can understand that you want to help the younger generation, but you have to know that old heroes are not ordinary people.""When you go to this little kid, be careful to make those big people unhappy."

"Don't worry about that. Xiaojiang's medical skills are absolutely OK."

Sun Qing's voice was a little cold, and he was not happy.

Last time, many authoritative experts in western medicine were helpless about the old hero's illness.

So this time, sun Qing specially invited Zhang mo.

Zhang Mo is arrogant and even arrogant.

But he has the capital to be arrogant.

He has been a master of traditional Chinese medicine since he was a child. He has great talent and high attainments in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. He is the president of Chuzhou traditional Chinese Medicine Association and his younger brother.

But he is not good at interpersonal communication, has been living in seclusion in the mountains.

This time, sun Qing paid a big price to invite him out.

Zhang Mo smell speech, the contempt on the face is more thick.

"Absolutely? How good is it? "

"It's not that I satirize him. Chinese medicine is profound, profound and complex. Many people, even if they study for a lifetime, may not have achieved anything."

"He's a suckling little boy. Even if he started to study traditional Chinese medicine in his mother's womb, how can he do it?"

"This time, what we want to save is the old hero. Take him, even if he is ridiculed by others. If he can cure the old hero, who can afford it?"

"Maybe we'll take our lives in then!"

At this point, Zhang Mo's face, has been very cold.

He said in a cold voice: "let's get rid of him. I can save the old hero by myself. I don't need other people to make trouble!"


Sun Qing is not happy.

Jiang Hao is invited by him. Even if he is not welcome, he should always act like an actor.

But Zhang Mo is good. It's humiliating, satirizing, and then driving people away.

Too much!

Jiang Hao smell speech, faint smile, "who are you?"


Zhang Mo snorted coldly, straightened his chest, and said haughtily, "I am Zhang mo."

"Never heard of it." Jiang Hao shook his head.


Zhang Mo stagnated for a while, shook his sleeve and cheered coldly: "yellow mouthed child, shallow knowledge!"

Jiang Haoshen said with a smile, "your medical skills are very good? Before I see the old hero, I dare to say that I can cure him. "

"Of course!"

Zhang Mo glanced at Jiang Hao and said, "the president of Chuzhou traditional Chinese Medicine Association is my younger martial brother. His medical skills are not as good as mine!"

"Looking at the whole of Chuzhou, my level of traditional Chinese medicine is absolutely the first!"

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