"Yes? How awesome

Jiang Hao clapped his hands.

Zhang Mo glanced at him and said haughtily, "it's good to know, yellow mouthed child. Get out of here and save the old hero. It's not a family. I'll do it alone. Taking you with me will only drag me down!"

Jiang Hao sneered, "are you so confident? What if you can't cure the old hero? "


Zhang Mo raised the corner of his mouth and said: "if I can't cure the old hero, no one can cure him well!"

Ha ha ~

Jiang Hao shook his head and said with a sneer, "I don't know whether to say you are arrogant or to say that you should be modest. In this world, there are many stronger people than you."

"Better than me? Ha ha ha... "

Zhang Mo looked up at the sky and laughed, "maybe someone will be better than me, but not now, such a person has not been born!"

Sun Qing frowned.

Zhang Mo's words are really arrogant.

Not to mention other people, just a few old TCM doctors he knew were no worse than Zhang Mo, even better.

But they are all very low-key, and they never speak out, saying that they are the best in the world.

If he didn't invite them, would sun Qing invite Zhang Mo?

Jiang Hao shook his head, speechless.

Zhang Mo is arrogant to a certain extent and can't be saved.

"Yellow boy, go away quickly, otherwise, if you make a fool of yourself, you will lose your face as well as mine." Zhang Mo waved his hand and drove away.

"It's none of your business whether I go or not!"

Jiang Hao's face was cold. "President sun invited me here. Do you have anything to do with you? What are you to tell me to go away


Zhang Mo Qi arrived, ready to get angry.

"All right!"

All of a sudden, sun Qing said, "don't quarrel, Lao Zhang. I invited Xiao Jiang. I've seen his medical skills with my own eyes. It's absolutely no problem."

"Our aim is to cure the old hero, not to quarrel. We should say less."


Zhang Mo snorted coldly in his nose. From his eyes, face, smile, and inside out, he looked down on Jiang Hao.

However, he couldn't get rid of Jiang Hao.

Three people pass, take a plane and go to Yunzhou city.

When I got to the airport, I got my ticket and saw that the ticket I bought was economy class. Zhang Mo quit.

He threw the ticket on the ground on the spot and said coldly, "what's the matter with you, old sun?"

"Don't you know that I never fly economy class? Change the ticket quickly, I want to take first class


Zhang was embarrassed. "Lao Zhang, when booking last night, the first class seat was gone, only economy class, or would you like to make do with it?"

"I can't make do with it!"

Zhang Mo yelled, "I've never been in economy class. I won't be in economy class now or in the future. If you don't deserve the ticket, I won't go!"


Sun Qing committed a crime.

Zhang Mo was invited at a great cost. If he didn't go, how could he do it.

"I think economy class is also very good. Besides, it's only one hour, and it'll be over with a little patience." Jiang Hao is good at persuasion.

"Well, I can't bear it!"

Zhang Mo roared: "I'm different from you. I'm a person with status. How can I take economy class? Besides, the environment of economy class is bad. I can't stand it. I can't stand it for a minute!"

"In a word, Lao sun, if you don't change the ticket, I'll go back!"

"OK, OK, I'll go and see if there are any passengers in the first class who missed the flight and the tickets are available."

Sun Qing has no choice but to accommodate him.

Ten minutes later, sun Qing came back sweating.

"How's it going?" Zhang Mo asked, a pair of did not buy a first-class ticket, immediately left the appearance.

Sun Qing took a few breaths and said, "I bought it. Fortunately, several passengers didn't come and some seats were vacated."

Security check, waiting, boarding.

After a set of procedures, the three finally got on the plane.

Soon after, the plane took off.

The first time Jiang Hao took a plane, he was more curious. He looked east and West, felt here and patted there. It was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.


Zhang Mo loathed him, so he changed his position with sun Qing, far away from Jiang Hao.

More than ten minutes later, the freshness passed, and Jiang Hao was tired of it. He sat down quietly and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, a scream sounded.

Then, the whole first-class class crew was in a commotion.

Jiang Hao opened his eyes and saw an old man lying in the middle aisle.

The old man's limbs twitched and his eyes rolled wildly. It was obvious that he was ill.

"Dad, Dad, where's the medicine? Where is the medicine? "Next to a woman, crying quickly, groping on the old man.

However, no medicine was found.

The woman panicked and asked for help, "who are you doctors? My father has a heart attack. I can't find any medicine. Please help my father? "

When they heard the speech, they shook their heads.

Some people, press the button on their head, call the stewardess.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? "

A moment later, two stewardesses came.

The woman like to see a straw, grabbed a stewardess, sobbed: "my father heart disease, can't find medicine, help my father, help my father."

A stewardess, hold her, advised: "don't worry, don't worry, we will save."

Another stewardess squatted down to check for the old man.

The selection of stewardess is very strict, general stewardess, all know some first aid measures.

However, after some setbacks, the old man's illness did not get any better, or even worse.

All of a sudden, the stewardess panicked.

"I I can't help it

Wow ~

when the woman heard the speech, she collapsed and began to cry.

The stewardess was calm and asked the passengers, "are any of you doctors?"

The crowd shook their heads.

At this time, waking up Jiang Hao, ready to stand up.

However, someone got ahead.

"I am!"

Zhang Mo straightened his clothes and stood up slowly. "I'm a doctor."


As soon as the stewardess was happy, she even said, "please get out of the way and let the doctor save people."

The passengers made way one after another.

Zhang Mo went over, rolled his eyelids, measured his pulse, after a check, he said: "his condition is very serious, blood pressure is too high, heart disease recurrence, and caused cerebrovascular disease."

"If we don't rescue them immediately, we will die!"


The woman was paralyzed and nearly fainted.

The passengers were also shocked, with deep pity in their eyes.

"Well Can you save it? " The stewardess asked nervously.

"Of course!"

Zhang Mo haughtily smile, "this little disease, for me, is nothing."


Paralytic woman, full of blood resurrected.

Zhang Mo begged me to help her

The stewardess was relieved and said, "Sir, I hope you can save the old man."

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