"No problem."

Zhang Mo confident smile, take out a set of silver needles, "you all get out of the way."

The stewardess stepped back a few steps after hearing the speech, and then called on everyone to step back.

"Please get out of the way. Don't disturb this gentleman. Thank you for your cooperation."

All the people are of high quality, and they retreat one after another.

Zhang Mo took out the silver needle, disinfected it, and put it on more than ten acupoints of the old man.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hao nodded secretly.

Although Zhang Mo is very arrogant, he does have some skills.

His acupuncture and moxibustion method, is the famous heart hanging needle, specialized in the treatment of heart diseases.

Although Zhang Mo didn't even learn the essence of heart suspension acupuncture, he still had more than enough to cure general heart disease.

Even the elderly, not only heart disease, but also high blood pressure, cerebrovascular risk.

Sure enough, after more than ten injections, the old man's condition gradually stabilized.

Five minutes later, the old man woke up.

He glanced at the crowd in confusion and asked his daughter, "Xiaoru, what's the matter? Why is everyone looking at me? "

"Dad, you're OK at last. You almost scared me to death."

The woman hugged the old man and wept with joy.

"What happened?"

The old man was still at a loss.

"Dad, you just had a heart attack. I can't find the medicine. You almost Almost The woman was afraid, "fortunately, the old man saved you."

"Thank you, thank you."

The old man said thank you.

Zhang Mo waved his hand, "nothing."

The woman took out a check, filled in a number and handed it to Zhang Mo, "Mr. old man, thank you for my father's life. This money is not a respect. I hope you can help me."


Zhang Mo is not polite. He takes it on the spot.

He glanced at it and saw that the number on the check was 500000, which made him happy.

"What's your name, old man?"

Someone began to inquire about Zhang Mo's name.

His medical skills are too high. An old man with heart disease, high blood pressure and cerebrovascular diseases was saved by more than ten injections of his medicine, although he was on the verge of death.

It's amazing.

Everyone wondered who he was.

Zhang Mo coughed a few times and pretended: "Zhang mo."

"Zhang Mo?"

Most people are unfamiliar with this name.

But there are also knowledgeable people.

"Zhang Mo? Mr. Zhang, are you Mr. Zhang Mo, the special guest of "the world of traditional Chinese medicine" on TV


Zhang Mo nodded, deep in the corner of his eyes, showing a strong pride.

He was invited to participate in a TV program "the world of traditional Chinese medicine", which is one of his proud capital.

But he was too proud and bad tempered to contradict the director.

Plus that period, ratings plummeted.

So, in the next issue, the director didn't invite him, instead of someone else.

"It's really you, Mr. Zhang mo. I saw that issue of" the world of traditional Chinese medicine ". What you said is really wonderful!"

A passenger rushed over excitedly, holding Zhang Mo's hand, and was about to sign.

When people heard the words, they suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be Mr. Zhang mo. how could the old man have such superb medical skills?"

"Mr. Zhang Mo, your medical skills are amazing!"

"Mr. Zhang Mo, I heard that you are writing a medical book to reproduce the glory of traditional Chinese medicine. Is that so?"

"Really? Teacher Zhang Mo is going to publish a book? I must buy it! "

"Yes, I'll buy it, too!"

The passengers were all talking and talking, very excited.

This shows that Zhang Mo is quite famous.

Zhang Mo straightened his chest and said proudly, "I'm really writing a medical book called Zhang's traditional Chinese medicine. I've already written half of it, and it will be published in about three months."

"In this book, I have recorded my experience in traditional Chinese medicine for many years. There are prescriptions for health preservation, disease treatment and weight loss, which can be used by everyone."

A passenger asked: "Mr. Zhang Mo, in recent years, many medical professors have published books, but their sales are not very good, and the contents of the books are also lack of readability."

"Do you think your book is promising?"


Zhang Mo smell speech, cold hum a, show a touch of arrogant smile, "don't take those people with me, they are not qualified!"

"Although they are professors, how much do they know about traditional Chinese medicine? Even if they know something about it, it's just a piece of paper. The environment is changing. For the same disease, the symptoms will be different, and the treatment methods will be different. "

"I've been practicing medicine for decades, and they can't compare me with the experience I've accumulated in practice."Er

Many people look at each other.

Zhang Mo is crazy.

Even if he is famous and skillful in medicine, he should not despise all medical professors.

"What do you expect from your book?" Someone asked.

Zhang Mo looked up at the sky and said, "I hope my books can be compared with Huangdi Neijing, compendium of Materia Medica and treatise on Febrile Diseases and miscellaneous diseases, which will last forever and benefit millions of future generations."

The whole cabin was quiet.

The crowd opened their mouths, not in surprise, but in fright.

Yeah, it's a shock!

I was scared by Zhang Mo's arrogance.

It's too much for me!

Huangdi Neijing, compendium of Materia Medica and treatise on febrile diseases have been handed down for thousands of years, which can be called the peak of traditional Chinese medicine.

Although Zhang Mo's medical skills are very good, he is not as bad as Bian que, Li Shizhen and other sages of traditional Chinese medicine.

Since ancient times, Chinese medicine masters have sprung up in China, many of them are as good as Zhang Mo, and some of them are even more powerful than him.

Like Zhang Mo's master.

But none of these people can write such shocking classics as compendium of Materia Medica and Huangdi Neijing.

Zhang Mo even dared to say that he wanted to produce a world-famous book which was not inferior to compendium of Materia Medica.




Don't think too much of yourself!

Jiang Hao secretly shakes his head. He, who has been inherited by Xiuzhen, knows more about the profundity and profundity of traditional Chinese medicine. Even he is just a rudimentary glimpse of traditional Chinese medicine, not to mention Zhang mo.

Many passengers, hearing Zhang Mo's words, gave a discount to his impression.

Of course, there are still many people around Zhang Mo, exaggerating him, praising him, flattering him, asking for autographs and taking photos.

Ten minutes later.

Zhang Mo shook his sore arm and was relieved.

Although the signature was very tired, he enjoyed the feeling of being sought after.

As soon as he turned his head, he looked at Jiang Hao on the other side of the aisle and said with a smile, "yellow mouthed child, do you see that? You can't compare my medical skills. "

"So, you get off the plane and go back quickly. I can save the old hero by myself. I don't need you at all."

"do you need it? Has the final say?" Jiang Hao gave a reply.


Zhang Mo Leng drank, "what are you, dare to contradict me? Off the plane, immediately roll, I have in, do not need you this burden

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