Ha ha ~

Jiang Hao sneered a few times and didn't care about this old idiot.

"Yellow mouthed child!" Zhang Mo snorted coldly.

He continued to ridicule Jiang Hao, but Jiang Hao turned a deaf ear to him.

After asking for no fun, Zhang Mo also shut up.

Half an hour later, the plane landed and it was dark.

Three people got off the plane, someone had been waiting outside.

"President sun, please follow us." It's humanitarian to pick up the plane.

Sun Qing asked, "do you want to go to the hospital now?"

"Tomorrow, now go to the hotel to have a rest."

Jiang Hao, three of them, followed the people who picked up the plane and arrived at a five-star hotel in Yunzhou city.

"Oh, old man sun, did you find a helper?"

Suddenly, a laugh came.

Sun Qing looked around.

Suddenly, his face became gloomy.

"What do you mean, old man Wang?" He questioned.

A tall and thin old man, leading several people, came slowly.

His name is Wang Han. He is the hospital president of other cities in Jiangdong province. He and sun Qing were classmates and rivals.

At the beginning, they both fell in love with a girl at the same time.

So, the fight began.

In the end, sun Qing won, holding the beauty back.

However, the fight between them has never stopped.

Last time, during the expert consultation, sun Qingli pressed Wang Han, which made him embarrassed.

Wang Han kept it in mind.

This time, he wants revenge!

He looked at Jiang Hao, raised the corner of his mouth, and said sarcastically, "old man sun, are you worried that you can't finish the task and that the people above will blame you, so you invited a little boy to make up for it?"

"It's none of your business!" Sun Qingleng drinks.

Hahaha ~

Wang Han laughs, "old man sun, I think you are old fool. Who is the old hero, his relatives and his subordinates, will you let a suckling little boy treat him?"

"Old man sun, you'll be criticized!"

Wang Han is very happy.

He saw at a glance that when Jiang Hao was less than 20 years old, sun Qing invited such a young boy to treat the old hero.

It can be seen that he can't invite others.

We can only make up with Jiang Hao.

"Old hero, I can save by myself. I don't need his burden!" Zhang Mo stood up and said haughtily.

Wang Han's face changed.

They are all doctors and have high attainments in the field of medicine. How could he not know Zhang Mo.

It's because we know each other that we are surprised.

Zhang Mo is a top figure in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

He did not expect that sun Qing had the ability to invite Zhang Mo out.

"Mr. Sun, I didn't expect that you invited Master Zhang Mo out. Is the price not small?" Wang Han joked.

"I will."

Sun Qing said with a smile, "old man Wang, where's the person you invited? Won't it scare you away? "

"Don't worry, the people I invite can cure the old hero." Wang Han is smiling and confident.


Zhang Mo couldn't listen, "who are you inviting? How dare you say such big things in front of me? "

"Zhang Mo, I haven't seen you for half a year. You are still so arrogant!"

An old man with a long beard is coming.

"Lu Jue!"

Seeing the visitor, Zhang Mo's pupil shrank.

Immediately, anger appeared on his face.

There have always been contradictions between him and Lu Jue.

Half a year ago, he offended the director of the TV program "the world of traditional Chinese medicine". He was cut off for the three scheduled programs. Lu Jue was his replacement.

Lu Jue is also a master of traditional Chinese medicine. His medical skills are not inferior to his.

Zhang Mo is very surprised, did not expect Lu Jue, unexpectedly will also come.

Now, he's under pressure.

Lu Jue glanced at Jiang Hao and said with a smile, "Zhang Mo, it seems that Professor Sun, who doesn't believe in your medical skills, invited others."

Zhang Mo felt angry when he heard the speech.

He glared at Jiang Hao and gave a cold hum.

"He's a soy sauce maker, and I'm the one who saves the old hero!"

Ha ha ~

Lu Jue sneered and waved his hand, "explanation is to cover up. Zhang Mo, if you are not good at medicine, don't talk about it everywhere. Go back to the mountains and read medical books."


Zhang Mo's face turned red with anger.

He can't say Lu Jue.

So he stares at Jiang Hao and spreads his anger on him.

"Yellow mouth child, it's all you. Get out of here and don't drag me down here!"

Jiang Hao Mou light a, retort a way: "have what relation with me?"

"Why doesn't it matter?"Zhang Mo scolded: "it's because of you that I'm ridiculed. You're a kid who doesn't have hair. What do you know about traditional Chinese medicine and want to save people?"

"Get out of here!"


Sun Qing can't listen any more.

Jiang Hao's medical skills, he has witnessed, absolutely no problem.

Besides, even if his medical skills are not good, he will not be so humiliated and despised, will he?

"Lao Zhang, you are a master of traditional Chinese medicine. Pay attention to your image." Sun Qingleng cheered.

"Pay attention to the image, do you hear me?"

Lu Jue sneered: "this is a public place. We need to talk about civilization. Do you understand?"


Zhang Mo was so angry that he almost vomited blood and hated Jiang Hao.

He thinks it's all Jiang Hao's fault.

Ha ha ha

Wang Han and Lu Jue, laughing triumphantly, walked into the guest room.


Zhang Mo glared at Jiang Hao and walked into the guest room next door.

"Xiaojiang, don't care." Sun Qing comforted.

Jiang Hao said with a smile, "Dean sun, I'll be fine."

This time, he was mainly to save the old hero. As for the taunts of Zhang Mo and Lu Jue, he didn't care much.

After all, he didn't want to make things big and embarrass sun Qing.

However, if they don't know what to do, they really piss him off.

He's not going to let it go!

"What are you doing?"

When Zhang Mo saw Jiang Hao, he went into the guest room and roared.

"What's the matter?" Sun Qing asked, puzzled.

"Get out, get out!" Zhang Mo pointed to the door and roared.

Jiang Hao frowned and said, "why should I go out? I'm invited by President sun. I'm qualified to live here! "


"What qualifications do you have?"

Zhang Mo harshly scolded, "get out of here, this guest room is where I live, you yellow mouth child, don't deserve to live here, get out at once!"

"Forget it, forget it."

Sun Qing stood up and became a peacemaker. "Lao Zhang, it's just one night. Let's make do with it. Otherwise, when you sleep in bed, I'll make a shop with Xiao Jiang?"

"No way!"

Zhang Mo Leng said: "I will never sleep in the same room with this kind of yellow mouthed child. He is not worthy of it!"

"Lao sun, hurry to drive him away, otherwise, I'll buy a plane ticket right away, and I won't save the old hero!" Zhang Mo threatened.


Sun Qing is in a dilemma.

Although Zhang Mo is arrogant and arrogant, he has real ability.

How can he let Zhang Mo go back?

"Xiaojiang, this..." He looked at Jiang Hao, some difficult to say.

Jiang Hao was very clever. Seeing his dilemma, he offered to leave, "Dean sun, forget it, I'd better change a guest room."

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