"Good, good."

Sun Qing smell speech, face a joy, "Xiaojiang, you live next door, accommodation I pay."

"No more." Jiang Hao doesn't care about the tunnel.

"Hum, yellow mouthed child, fight with me, you are still young!" Staring at Jiang Hao's back, Zhang Mo smiles.

A moment later.

Sun Qing came back, looking at Zhang Mo's eyes, revealing a trace of disgust.

"Go to bed." Sun Qing said coldly.

Then, take a bath, turn off the lights and go to bed.

The next day, after breakfast, someone came to take them to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, before I got close to the VIP room, I heard an angry roar from the room.

"Get out of here, get out of here, a bunch of junks, a bunch of junkies!"


Then, there was a loud opening of the door.

Several doctors in white coats fled in a panic.

A young man in military uniform knocked on the door and said in a low voice, "Sir, here comes the traditional Chinese medicine."

"Let them in."


The young man in uniform answered and waved to Jiang Hao and others to get in quickly.

Sun Qing and others, with a nervous heart, went in.

In the VIP room, a lot of people gathered.

There are men and women, old and young.

There are a few men, dignified face, all over, full of the upper momentum.

Obviously, they are all officials.

Among them, a middle-aged man in military uniform is the most eye-catching.

He was tall, with tiger eyes and fierce spirit.

His name is Meng Jingguo. He is the eldest son and the most promising son of the old hero.

"You see, my father suddenly became cold all over. Several experts can't find out the reason." Meng Jingguo is sincere.


Several old TCM doctors invited by other cities in Jiangdong province nodded and went to the hospital bed.

"It's freezing!"

An old Chinese medicine doctor is ready to feel the pulse for the old hero.

As a result, as soon as he met the old hero, he immediately withdrew his hand as if he had been electrocuted.

The old hero's skin is too cold.

The old doctor held back the cold of his heart and put his hand on the old hero's pulse.

A moment later, he withdrew his hand.

"How's it going? What's wrong with my father? " Meng Jingguo asked nervously.

The old doctor shook his head.

"From the pulse, the old Chinese medicine doctor is very healthy, but he is cold and unconscious. It's really strange. I can't help it."

Meng Jingguo looks at other old TCM doctors.

Several old TCM doctors shook their heads one after another.

"The old hero's illness is really strange. Our medical skills are shallow and we can't help it."

"Trash, trash!" A young man scolded.

"When you were young, you made great contributions to our country."

"Now he is ill, but no one can save him. What's the use of you?"

"Xing'er, shut up Meng Jingguo gave a cold rebuke.

Then, he apologized to several old TCM doctors, "I'm sorry, xing'er is young and doesn't understand. Don't mind."

"It's OK, it's OK."

A group of old Chinese doctors waved their hands.

"This young man is right. They are a bunch of rubbish and junkies!"

Suddenly, Zhang Mo came out.

"What did you say?"


"Who are you?"

Several TCM doctors who didn't know Zhang Mo glared and scolded.

Zhang Mo glanced at them and said, "I am Zhang mo."


"Zhang Mo?"

Several TCM doctors were shocked by the speech.

They are all people who study traditional Chinese medicine. Naturally, they have heard Zhang Mo's name.

However, he had never seen himself, so that at first glance, he did not recognize him.

"Get out of the way, a bunch of useless rubbish!" Zhang Mo Leng said.


Several old Chinese doctors were very angry, but they didn't dare to contradict, so they had to step aside.

Meng Jingguo looked at Zhang Mo and asked, "Mr. Zhang Mo, can you save my father?"

"I'm here, no problem!" Zhang Mo is full of confidence.

"Zhang Mo, can you do it?"

Lu Jue teased and walked over.

"Who are you?" Meng Jingguo asked.

Lu Jue light smile, "I am Lu Jue."

Meng Jingguo suddenly realized, "it's Master Lu Jue Lu. Please help my father."

"Don't worry." Lu Jue said confidently.

Jiang Hao also went to check for the old hero."What are you doing? Go back Lu Jue turned around and yelled.

Zhang Mo also turned around and cheered coldly: "get out of here, where can I get your hand?"

Meng Xing, a young man, stares at Jiang Hao unskillfully, "what do you do?"

Sun Qing quickly stood up and explained, "I invited Xiaojiang to treat the old hero."

"Just him?"

Meng Xing looked contemptuous. "He didn't look as big as me. Did he study medicine? Is medicine all right? Let him save my grandfather. Do you want to kill my grandfather? "

"Xing'er, don't talk nonsense!"

Meng Jingguo scolded, "Dean sun, are you sure you invited this little brother to save my father?"

"Well." Sun Qing nodded heavily.

Meng Jingguo was still full of doubts, "this Little brother, you go down first. If you need me, I'll call you

He made it clear that he did not believe in Jiang Hao's medical skills.

In fact, everyone present, except sun Qing, didn't believe it.

Just because Jiang Hao is too young.

"All right."

Jiang Hao thought about it and retreated.

He wants to save the old hero, but he can't mess around.

If Zhang Mo and Lu Jue can save the old hero, he doesn't have to.

If you can't, it's not too late.

Sure enough, Zhang Mo and Lu Jue have some skills.

When the old hero is ready, the needle will return to normal.

His body, no longer icy.

However, still in a coma.

"Two gentlemen, good at medicine, can you save my father?"

Meng Jingguo's sincere admiration.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Zhang Mo and Lu Jue are really powerful.

Just now, several old TCM doctors were at a loss. After a few instigation, they solved the problem immediately.

"The old hero's illness is unheard of and unheard of. We need to discuss it." Lu Jue road.


Meng Jingguo nodded and motioned for silence.

"The old hero's body is very healthy. There is no big problem. Why is he so cold and sleepy?" Lu Jue muttered to himself.

"Zhang Mo, do you know?"

Zhang Mo shook his head.

The illness of the old hero is so strange that it baffles them.

Therefore, they put aside the gap for the time being, chose to cooperate, deliberated and discussed carefully, and then determined the rescue plan.

The content of their conversation was obscure and abstruse. Few of the people present could understand it.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed.

The two of them haven't come to a conclusion yet.

Even, they are divided.

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