Zhang Mo believes that the old hero is cold and unconscious because of his imbalance of five elements and Yin and Yang.

Lu Jue thinks that the old hero may have been poisoned by some unknown poison.

The two men argued with each other.

Slowly, there was a fight.

Everyone looked at each other, but it was hard to interrupt them.

"You are all wrong. The old hero is cold and unconscious because of the cold poison in his body."

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao said.

He really can't stand it.

Zhang Mo and Lu Jue are both wrong.

If they give acupuncture and medicine according to the wrong cause, it is likely to lead to the old hero's illness, even worse.

By then, it will be a problem.

"Shut up, we're arguing. What's your right to butt in?" Zhang Mo glared and scolded.

Lu Jue also said, "you little boy, what do you know? Dare to say that we are all wrong! "

"Shut up and talk nonsense again, or I'll hit you!" Meng Xing waved his fist and threatened.

Meng Jingguo's face was a little gloomy. He said in a cold voice, "little brother, please don't talk any more, otherwise, you will have to go out."

Jiang Hao frowned and nodded helplessly.

His kind reminders were taken as nonsense.

To tell the truth, he was worried about Zhang Mo and Lu Jue. He didn't find out the real cause of the disease, so he randomly prescribed acupuncture and medicine.

Zhang Mo and Lu Jue quarreled for a few minutes, but they couldn't persuade each other, so they had to give up.

"General Meng, we have different opinions. What should we do?" Lu Jue asked.

Meng Jingguo is also in a dilemma.

He pondered for a moment, said: "can you be sure that your method is OK, even if imposed on normal people, there will be no accident?"



Zhang Mo and Lu Jue nodded at the same time.

Meng Jingguo heard the speech and made a decision, "OK, that's it. You two have a try. Who will come first?"

"Me Zhang Mo raised his hand.

Meng Jingguo nodded and agreed.

Zhang Mo came to the hospital bed and took out a set of silver needles. After disinfection, they were rooted in the old hero's acupoints one by one.

Everything is born, everything circulates.

The human body is also a cycle.

In ancient times, there were sages who determined the human body, similar to the micro universe, with five elements and Yin and Yang.

Five elements balance, yin and Yang coordination, then the body shoulder, no pain.

If the five elements are out of balance and Yin and yang are out of balance, you will get sick.

The heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney correspond to the fire, wood, earth, gold and water of the five elements.

Zhang Mo believes that the reason why the old hero is cold and unconscious is that his Yin Qi is strong and Yang Qi is insufficient, which leads to the imbalance of the five elements.

The solution is to weaken Yin Qi and strengthen Yang Qi.

One stitch after another.

In a flash, Zhang Mo pricked more than 20 needles.

Finally, Jiang Hao couldn't see it any more. He said, "stop it, you can't do it any more!"

When the needle was interrupted, Zhang Mo suddenly raised his head and roared: "yellow mouth child, you shut up for me, I am a master of traditional Chinese medicine, I know more about traditional Chinese medicine than you do!"

"General Meng, please send him out!"

Meng Jingguo looked at Jiang Hao with a strong dissatisfaction, "little brother, please go out."


Sun Qing stood up and pleaded for Jiang Hao, "general Meng, can you do it for my sake? Don't drive Xiaojiang out. I promise he won't talk any more."

Meng Jingguo glanced at Sun Qing and nodded: "OK, if he talks again, you two will go out together!"

"Yes Sun Qing answered.

Jiang Hao is helpless, because he is too young, so no one believes his reminder.

Twenty five, thirty, thirty-five

A moment later, the old hero was covered with silver needles.

The location of these silver needles is very particular.

Yin Yang needle!

What Zhang Mo shows is Yin Yang needle.

No, it's the incomplete version of Yin Yang needle.

The real Yin Yang needle is very magical. It originally nourishes Yin. If you change it a little, you can nourish Yang.

Zhang Mo's set of Yin Yang needles can only suppress Yin Qi and strengthen Yang Qi.

Hu ~

Zhang Mo breathed out a breath, wiped the sweat stains, and said wearily, "well, in less than three hours, the old hero will wake up..."

Didi ~

before he finished a word, all kinds of instruments sounded the alarm.

"What's the matter?"

Meng Jingguo was in a panic.

He knew that the sound of the alarm meant that his father was critically ill and would die at any time.

"Don't Don't worry, I'll see. " Zhang Mo was also flustered.He quickly checked and found that the silver needle was not tied wrong, but why did the instrument show that the old hero's temperature fluctuated violently.

It's cold for a moment, it's hot for a moment.

Not only that, the old hero's blood pressure, pulse, heartbeat, there are strange fluctuations.

What's wrong?

Zhang Mo is confused.

According to his conjecture, after applying Yin Yang acupuncture, the old hero's condition will gradually stabilize, and the imbalance of five elements and Yin Yang in his body will also gradually stabilize.

He'll wake up in less than three hours.

But now, it's totally different from what he thought.

Don't say wake up, can not directly sleep in the past, even if the Bodhisattva bless.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Lu Jue rushed over, pulled Zhang Mo apart, and assured: "I have said that Zhang Mo is wrong. The cause of the old hero is not the imbalance of yin and Yang, but a strange poison."

"The cause is wrong. Nature can't cure the old hero. On the contrary, it makes his illness worse."

"What should we do then?"

Meng Jingguo is very flustered and has no master.

Even in the face of the most ferocious bandits and enemies, he has never been so flustered.

"General Meng, you don't have to worry. With me, everything is not a problem!" Lu Jue smiles and confidently says.

"Good, good."

Meng Jingguo urged: "Mr. Lu Jue, as long as you can save my father, I will be rewarded heavily!"

Lu Jue smelled the speech and showed a smile.

Meng Jingguo is only in his 40s. He is already a major general and is likely to rise in the future.

If you take this line, Lu Jue is in Jiangdong province and can walk horizontally.

"Don't worry, it's on me!" He smiles confidently.

Lu Jue and Zhang Mo are different. Zhang Mo is good at acupuncture, while Lu Jue is good at traditional Chinese medicine.

He picked up a pen and wrote down a list and handed it to Meng Jingguo.

"General Meng, please send someone to take the medicine immediately according to the requirements on the list, and then fry it and send it to me."

Meng Jingguo handed the list to his guard, "do you hear me? Do it at once


The guard took the list and ran out as fast as he could.

Ten minutes later.

When the medicine is ready, the guard comes in with the medicine jar.

Lu Jue turns out to be a medicine pot, pours out the medicine juice, and then feeds it to the old hero one spoonful at a time.

After drinking the medicine, the old hero's blood pressure and heartbeat gradually returned to normal.

In an hour.

The old hero completely returned to normal, but he was still in a coma.

"Mr. Lu Jue, why hasn't my father woken up yet?" Meng Jingguo asked uneasily.

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