
Jiang Hao doesn't care, even doesn't care.

Because he didn't pay attention to Gao Qianqiu at all.

Eight star master, in other people's eyes, may be very strong, or even a rare master in the world, but in his eyes, he is as weak as a mole ant.

If he wants to move his mouth, he can kill him.

Alas, ~

seeing this, LU Hong sighed: "elder Jiang Hao, you think things are too simple."

"I know that you are so powerful that you don't pay attention to Gao Qianqiu."

"But behind Gao Qianqiu's back is the king's family in the capital!"

"The Wangs in Beijing are more powerful than the first-class schools such as the Lingnan Majia and the tiequanzong."

"What's more, behind the Wang family in the capital, there is Wang Ba, the law enforcement elder of the Wudao League. You can't make trouble at all."

He said firmly, "you've let Gao Qianqiu go."

"When he goes back, he will certainly add oil and vinegar and distort the facts to discredit you and arouse the anger of the Wangs in the capital."

"When the time comes, the Wangs in the capital are really angry. They will get rid of you!"

LV Hongyue said that he was more worried.

Finally, he suggested, "elder Jiang Hao, please go to the headquarters of wudaomeng."

"Several law enforcement elders respect you very much. You follow them. No matter how brave the Wangs in the capital are, they dare not fight against you."

"No need."

Jiang Hao light way: "small capital Wang family, I still don't put in the eye."

"This time, if I don't kill Gao Qianqiu, I will give them a chance."

"If they don't understand, I will destroy the Wang family!"

What he said was easy and casual.

"Elder Jiang Hao, you..." LU Hong hears speech, facial expression changes, admonish a way again.

"No more."

Jiang Hao waved his hand and interrupted him.

"Let's go back!"


The next second, his body was in a flash, turned into a streamer, and flew away.


LU Hong sighed deeply and then followed.

On the other side.

Gao Qianqiu fled five kilometers at a time and then stopped on a small hillside.

Wheezing ~ wheezing ~

he gasped: "I'm not dead, I'm alive, ha ha ha..."

"Jiang Hao!"

His eyes, burst out moriran killing, gnashing his teeth: "you do not kill me, will be your life, the biggest mistake!"

"When I go back, I will certainly help you with your message."

"By the way, I'll make it for you!"

Hey, hey

He said with a smile: "at that time, I will lead the Wang family to kill you, kill your family, and take revenge!"




He was crazy, roaring and venting his anger and grievance.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Eight star master's momentum, surging out, all around the explosion, including flowers and trees, rocks and debris.

The whole hillside was leveled two or three meters.

After a moment, Gao Qianqiu gasped and calmed down a little.

"Go back to Beijing!"

The next second, with a little bit of tiptoe, he spread out and went straight to the capital.

Along the way, he almost did not stop, has been on his way.

Go all out!

Finally, five hours later, he came back to the king's house in the capital with a tired body.

Wang family in the capital, a secret room.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

There was a knock at the door.

In the secret room, the man who is practicing with his eyes closed suddenly opens his eyes and shoots out two rays.

He is the master of the Wang family!

Hoo ~ Hoo ~

the old man of the Wang family is full of spirit and slowly converges his terror.

This momentum is extremely powerful, ten times or even dozens of times stronger than the eight star master.

Master Wang is a nine star master!

Moreover, he has a deep breath and strong inner strength. He is by no means an ordinary nine star master.

"Come in." He did not feel sad or happy.

Creak ~

the door of the secret room was pushed open and the old housekeeper came in.

He bowed his head and said respectfully, "master, Gao Qianqiu has come back."


The master of the Wang family, with his eyebrows raised, asked, "have they brought back the murderer who killed my Wang family?"


The old housekeeper shook his head and said, "the task has failed."

"Except for four thousand years They're all dead. ""What?"

The old man of the Wang family heard the words, and his eyes burst out with cold light.

At the same time, a frenzy of breath, surging out.


Suddenly, the old housekeeper knelt down on the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and said in fear: "master, calm down! Master, calm down


The old man of the Wang family hummed coldly: "a group of junkies."

"Follow me."

Having said that, he went straight to the hall of the king's family.

The old housekeeper quickly stood up, wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and flew away.

When the master of the Wang family arrived, the hall was full of people.

Wang Xuewen, Wang Xuewu and Wang Xuebing are all here.

Wang Qinglong also arrived.



As soon as the old man of the Wang family appeared, they immediately saluted.

Wang Qinglong is no exception.

The master of the Wang family waved his hand.

Then, looking down at Gao Qianqiu, he cheered coldly, "what happened to you? Why are the other four people dead? Let's talk about it in detail."


Gao Qianqiu answered.

Then, he told the whole story.

Of course, he has processed a lot, describing Jiang Hao as arrogant, arrogant, cruel and violent.

"Son of a bitch!"

The old man of the Wang family was furious when he heard the speech.

"What a Jiang Hao! It seems that he thinks he is the bronze medal elder of Wudao League, so my Wang family can't help him!" He said coldly.

"Old Master

Gao Qianqiu trills: "that little bastard, still Let me also convey a word to you. "

"What's that?" Asked the master of the Wang family.

"I I... "

Gao Qianqiu's lips are murmuring. He wants to talk but stops. He seems to be afraid to say it.

"What he wants you to say, say it!" The old man of the Wang family scolded.


Hearing this, Gao Qianqiu trembled and said: "he He said, "his patience is limited. I ask you to stop and don't disturb him any more."

"Otherwise, he He just

The old man of the Wang family cheered coldly, "he'll do what he wants. Speak quickly!"

Gao Qianqiu's lips trembled: "otherwise, he will destroy the Wang family!"

"Son of a bitch!"

"What a big tone!"

"The dead and the dead!"

With this remark, everyone in the hall was furious.

Especially the master of the Wang family, his eyes were bright and his whole body was full of murderous ideas.

"Good, good."

He sneered, "it's been a long time since anyone threatened my Wang family."

"Maybe my Wang family has been dormant for a long time, forgetting the power of my Wang family."

"I haven't killed anyone in years!"

"We need blood on our hands!"

The master of the Wang family, scanning the crowd, said: "send the order down, find out Jiang Hao's address immediately, and find out the information of all the people who have relations with him."

"And then..."

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