The master of the Wang family ordered: "find out the information of all the people who have relations with Jiang Hao."

"Then, kill them all!"

"Kill JiangHao all over the house again, no one will stay!"

"Yes Wang Xuebing, Wang Xuewu and others are excited.

Immediately, they are ready to go down to deliver orders and assign tasks.


Suddenly, Gao Qianqiu gave a cold drink and stopped everyone.

His eyes twinkled with cold light, and the expression on his face was very strange. The whole person revealed a strange atmosphere.

"No one is allowed to leave!" He exclaimed.


It should not be called reprimand, but Orders.


He's ordering everyone in the lobby, including Wang's father and Wang Qinglong!


Wang Xuewu looked at him coldly and scolded: "Gao Qianqiu, do you know what you are talking about?"

"What are you to command us?" Wang Xuewen disdains the tunnel.

Gao Qianqiu's eyes were bright, and said harshly, "no one is allowed to go!"

"There is no amnesty for those who violate it!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Wang Qinglong angrily scolded: "what are you talking about? Don't you kneel down and admit your mistake?"

"On your knees?"

Hey, hey

Gao Qianqiu grinned and said, "only my master is worthy of me to kneel down!"

"You They don't deserve it


Hearing the speech, everyone frowned and looked puzzled.

They all see it.

Gao Qianqiu, something's wrong.

"Who is your master?" Wang Xuebing asked.

"My master?"

Suddenly, in Gao Qianqiu's eyes, a strange light flashed and he yelled: "of course, my master is what you always want to get rid of Jiang Hao


This statement shocked everyone.

Especially Wang Qinglong, surprised, with a strong sense of anger.

After all, Jiang Hao is the enemy of the Wang family, and Gao Qianqiu is his apprentice.

If Jiang Hao is the master of Gao Qianqiu, he will be in an awkward situation.

"What are you talking about?" he said coldly


Wang Xuewu cheered coldly: "it seems that he has taken refuge with Jiang Hao and worked hard for him!"


Wang Xuewen nodded and echoed: "he must have taken refuge with Jiang Hao."

"Otherwise, Jiang Hao would never have let him back."

"He betrayed the royal family!"

In Wang Xuebing's eyes, the opportunity to kill is fierce.

"Those who betray the royal family will be killed!"

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, Gao Qianqiu looks up at the sky and laughs, and says crazily, "my master said, you mole ants, dare to disturb him again."

"He destroyed the Wang family!"

"I am the slave of my master, and I will punish you for him!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, he was full of fury.

His body, like a balloon, expanded rapidly, his veins and blood vessels expanded, and his breath became more and more violent.

People trembled and smelled danger.

"No, he's going to blow himself up!"

The master of the Wangs yelled, "everyone, step back!"

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The air broke.

Hearing the speech, the people's faces changed greatly. They all withdrew and rushed out of the hall.


The next second, there was a deafening explosion.

Then, a terrible explosion wave swept all over the world.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The sound of vomiting blood, one after another.

Wang Xuewu, Wang Xuewen, Wang Xuebing and others all vomited blood. They were swept by the explosion wave and were thrown out like rags.

As for some servants and guards, they were all killed in the explosion, and they didn't even have time to scream.

Rao is the master of the Wang family and Wang Qinglong, the two nine star masters. He has the strongest strength and the fastest reaction. He has not been spared and has been affected.

They didn't get hurt, but they were disheveled, dirty and ragged. They were two old beggars.

Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, the hall of the Wang family collapsed, raising smoke and dust all over the sky.

In this Wangjiazhuang garden, the most important, the most luxurious and the most extensive buildings have become ruins.

Wang Xuewu and others coughed violently and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

Half choked, half angry."Young Jiang Hao!"

The old man of the Wang family, his eyes as cold as water, just like an angry Beast, roared: "heaven and earth, I will kill you, destroy your door!"

Never before!

This is absolutely the unprecedented provocation and loss suffered by the Wangs in the capital in recent decades.

No one has ever dared to do this to the Wangs in Beijing!


Wang Xuewu said angrily, "you must kill that bastard!"

"If you don't kill this son, my family will have no face!" Wang Xuewen said sternly.

Wang Xuebing, with a murderous look on his face, arched his hand and said, "Dad, please allow me to take people to Jianghai city to kill this son and destroy his family!"

He volunteered to get rid of Jiang Hao.

Because, this tone, can't bear!

"Dad, I'm willing to take people to Jianghai city to get rid of Jiang Hao!" Wang Xuewen is also in charge.

Wang Xuewu hugged his fist and said, "it's the same with children!"

"Absolutely not!"

Suddenly, Wang Qinglong came out.

He looked at the master of the Wang family and bowed slightly: "master, in a few months, the master list will be reopened."

"At that time, there will be more and more wars. We must keep our energy and energy. We must not waste our strength in vain, let alone get hurt."

"JiangHao child, can easily kill four eight star masters, but also control my apprentice Qianqiu, his strength, must be nine star master."

"Wang Qinglong said in a deep voice:" to kill him, unless we two hands

"Otherwise, the others will not be able to kill him at all!"


The master of the Wang family hesitated after hearing the speech.

Others, too, look hesitant.

After all, what Wang Qinglong said is true.

A few months later, the grand master list will be reopened, and there will be a battle for ranking.

At that time, all nine star masters will go crazy and start a series of wars to compete for the top 30 places on the list.

Because there is a big chance for those in the top 30 of the master list, which is related to whether they can break through the NINE-STAR master and go up to a higher level.

Above the nine star master is the sage.

There is only one threshold between the two realms.

However, this threshold is like a natural moat, blocking 99% of the nine star masters, making them unable to break through all their lives and trapped in the realm of nine star masters.

Therefore, every nine star master attaches great importance to this opportunity.

The battle for the ranking of the master list is launched every ten years.

During this period, the ranking can be changed, but the battle for ranking will not start.

Therefore, a few months before the battle for the ranking of the masters list started, the vast majority of nine star masters would choose to shut down, conserve their energy and strength.

Some people even shut up a year or two ahead of time, and adjust their state while they are practicing.

Now, the battle for the ranking of the master list is about to start. No nine star master is willing to fight with a close enemy at this time.

It's the same with Wang family!

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