Wheezing ~ wheezing ~

LU Hong gasped, out of breath, and said, "Chu Shao, hurry up Go and save elder Jiang Hao

"What happened to brother Jiang?" Chu Tianzi's face changed and asked.

LU Hong gasped: "Jiang Elder Jiang Hao is in danger

So he told the whole story to Chu Tianzi and others.


Xia Wushuang said firmly: "this is definitely a trap!"

"Yes, it's a trap."

Luo Yan nodded and said, "I just don't know who this trap is aimed at?"

"It should be aimed at brother Jiang."

Xiao Long analyzed: "according to LV Lao, the people who kidnapped LV Chan are killers."

"And it's the six star master, and even the more powerful killer."

"If their target is LV Lao, they don't need to kidnap LV Chan at all? Isn't that unnecessary? "

"What's more, they don't need so many places to attract people step by step."

"But they did, then..."

Xiao Long said in a deep voice: "I'm sure the target of these killers is brother Jiang!"

"Lv Chan is just a bait!"


Xia Wushuang worried and said, "if so, brother Jiang will be in danger."

"Let's go and save him now!" Luo Yan urges a way.


Chu Tianzi shook his head and said: "since the target of those killers is brother Jiang, and at the beginning, the six star master was dispatched."

"It shows that they are determined to kill brother Jiang."

"The killer behind is definitely better than the six-star master, probably the Seven Star master or even the eight star master."

"Just a few of us can't save brother Jiang."

"We have to get help!" Chu Tianzi said in a deep voice.

Xia Wushuang, Xiao Long and Luo Yan heard the speech, and their eyes were bright.

"You mean..."

"That's right."

Chu Tianzi nodded and said, "those people must be invited out."

"Come out!"

He gave a cold drink.

Shua ~

suddenly, a man about 50 years old suddenly appeared beside Chu Tianzi.

He bowed his head and said, "young master!"


Chu Tianzi nodded slightly.

Then, he said in a loud voice, "other seniors, please show up. We need your help."

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

suddenly, three figures appeared, standing beside Xia Wushuang, Xiao Long and Luo Yan.

These four people are powerful, and they are all strong masters of eight stars.

What's more, their breath is not much weaker than you Jingrui who died in the five elements magic array.


LU Hong was shocked.

At the same time, there is also a little vigilance and fear.

"Lao Lu, you don't have to be afraid."

Xia Wushuang said with a smile: "these elders are arranged by the family to protect us."

"I see."

After hearing the speech, LU Hong immediately bowed to him.

"Meet some of your predecessors."


Several eight star masters all nodded slightly.

"Young master, call us out. What can I do for you?" An eight star master, looking at the emperor of Chu, asked.

Chu Tianzi said in a deep voice, "Mr. Chu, I want to ask you to help me save my friend."

"Who?" Old Chu asked.

"Jiang Hao!"

Several eight star masters were all surprised when they heard the speech.

"Is that Jiang Hao, who is known as the first genius of China, in Wuji fairyland, has made great achievements and ascended the Qianlong list

"Yes." Chu Tianzi nodded.

"Let's go now!"

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The sound of breaking the air rang out, and the people turned into streamers and went straight to the eastern suburb dump.

However, by the time they arrived, the dump in the eastern suburbs had become a ruin.

In the ruins, there are several charred bodies.

Old Chu came forward to check, and said in a deep voice: "these people are all six star masters. They were almost hit by the powerful thunder at the same time, and they were killed instantly!"

His face was a little dignified.

The other three eight star masters were also a little dignified.


They feel that the thunder of killing these killers is so powerful that even they are not sure they can bear it.

"Let's have a look and see if elder Jiang Hao has left any clues." Suddenly, Lu Honglang said.

So people began to look for it.

Nothing, however."What's the matter?"

LU Hong frowned and said, "why didn't elder Jiang Hao leave a clue this time?"

"Time is urgent, too late to leave clues; or an accident?"

At the thought of this, LU Hong became anxious and worried.

"What to do? What shall we do? "

Others are also in trouble. They are worried about Jiang Hao, but they have nothing to do.

I don't know where Jiang Hao is, how to save people?

Suddenly, Chu Tianzi looked at LV Hong and asked, "old LV, does brother Jiang have a mobile phone with him?"

"Yes." LU Hong nodded.

"Well, I'll call the family." Chutianzi said with a smile.

After that, he took out his mobile phone and called his father, the owner of the Chu family in the capital.

"Hello, Dad, you help me locate a mobile phone with GPS."

"I have something urgent. Hurry up."

A moment later.

A map appeared on Chu Tianzi's mobile phone.

On the map, a red dot was marked.

This red dot is where Jiang Hao is.

"Brother Jiang is in the east suburb. Let's go! "Chutianzi yelled.


He took the lead in action.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Everybody else, keep up.

East suburb, somewhere.

Jiang Hao came here according to the information disclosed by a killer before he died.


He kicked the door open and went straight in.

Suddenly, everyone in the room stood up and watched Jiang Hao warily.

"Who are you?" One of the killers cheered coldly.

"Jiang Hao!"

Jiang Hao lightly spits out two words.

"It's you!"

A killer, squinting at Jiang Hao, sneered: "wait so long, you finally come!"


Jiang Hao said with a smile, "you've been waiting for me."

"It seems that you have wasted a lot of energy in order to kill me."

"Come on, who are you? Why kill me? "


A killer hums coldly: "these questions, you save to go to hell to ask Yama!"

"Do it!"

Whew! Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, the six killers, all of them in the void, waiting for the opportunity to assassinate.

"That's another little trick!"

Jiang Hao lifted the corner of his mouth and outlined a smile of disdain.

"Nine turn Yin thunder!"


He snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, five golden thunders appeared out of thin air and split into the void.

Poop! Poop! Poop!

The next second, five charred bodies fell to the ground and broke in an instant.

"Want to escape?"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao sneered: "can you escape?"

Shua ~

he reaches out his hand and grabs at the empty air.

Suddenly, caught a person.

It's the last killer!

This killer, staring at Jiang Hao, coldly said: "Jiang Hao, unexpectedly, we all underestimate you!"

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