"Jiang Hao, we underestimated you!" The killer, coldway.

"But it doesn't matter. Your destiny has already been predestined."

"You're dead!"

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao light smile, completely don't care about his threat and threat.

"Where is LV Chan?"

"Did you take the initiative, or did you force me to do it?" He said coldly.

Hey, hey

Suddenly, the killer grinned.

He stared at Jiang Hao and said in a cold voice, "if you want to save LV Chan, go to the woods in the southern suburbs."


The next second, he crooked his neck and killed himself by biting his tongue.


With a cold hum, Jiang Hao threw the body aside.

"The southern grove?"

In his eyes, the light twinkled, as deep as the stars.

"Uncompleted buildings in western suburbs, uncompleted buildings in western suburbs, garbage dumps in eastern suburbs, small woods in southern suburbs..."

Jiang Hao's eyes glittered and murmured, "is this a deliberate hook?"


Suddenly, he looked cold.

"I'd like to see what kind of trap you've laid with all your efforts!"

He had already seen that the kidnapping was a trap.

Specifically for his trap!

However, he was not afraid at all. On the contrary, he wanted to know who was going to kill him.


All of a sudden, he flew out of the house and went straight to the woods in the southern suburbs.

In a few minutes.

Jiang Hao arrived at the southern suburb woods.

Suddenly, he frowned.

Because it is not appropriate to call the grove in front of us as a grove. Instead, we should call it a jungle.

The trees here are very tall and luxuriant, with shrubs and thorns all over the place. When the breeze blows, a smell of decay will be released, just like a primeval forest.

This is one of the land tourist attractions in Jianghai city.

This jungle covers an extremely large area and is located at the junction of the two provinces and seven cities. It has a primitive style.

Besides, there are beasts and poisonous insects in the jungle.

Jiang Hao took a look, then stepped into the jungle.

Ten minutes later.

He went deep into the jungle and saw a wooden cottage.


Jiang Hao walked over, kicked open the wooden door and walked in.

Suddenly, all seven killers stood up.

Jiang Hao glanced and said with a smile, "seven seven star masters."

"One of them is the peak of Seven Star master."

"It seems that you are determined to kill me!"

Suddenly, a killer stares at Jiang Hao and says coldly, "are you Jiang Hao?"

"That's right." Jiang Hao nodded.

"Sure enough, waste is waste after all!"

The killer scolded: "I have already said that the group of waste, can not complete the task, the young master should not give the task to them!"


Jiang Hao smell speech, eyebrow a pick, ask a way: "little Lord is who?"

"Where is Lu Chan? Why do you want to kill me? "


The leading killer hums coldly: "dead people, don't need to know so much!"


Whew! Whew! Whew!

In an instant, all the seven killers disappeared, hid and launched a must kill attack at any time.

"Since you don't say it, I'll kill a few people first." Jiang Hao said coldly.


Suddenly, he gave a low drink and was shocked.

All of a sudden, countless sword Qi burst out of his body and swept all over the place, wrapping all the 30 meters around him.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Sword Qi, vertical and horizontal cutting.


In an instant, the whole wooden villa disappeared, and it was cut to pieces by sword Qi and turned into pieces of sawdust.

Then, it was cut into vermicelli.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Then, a string of blood, shot out from the void, like a fountain.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

the scream suddenly sounded and disappeared.

Patta! Patta! Patta!

Bones, falling from the void, fall to the ground.

There's blood on these bones.

Six seven star master's killers, in ten thousand sword Qi, the flesh and blood disappear, leaving only one bone.


In the void, seven star master peak killer, saw this scene, the pupil shrinks, the facial expression changes greatly.He's scared!

So, he wanted to escape, ready to run quietly.

Unfortunately, he couldn't escape.

Because, under Jiang Hao's golden eyes, he has no escape.

"Come here!"


Suddenly, Jiang Hao grabbed him by the neck and grabbed him out of the void.

"Tell me, where is LV Chan? What organization do you belong to? Who is the young master? " Jiang Hao asked.

"If you want to save LV Chan, go to the southern suburb Racecourse!" The killer, he said coldly.


Suddenly, he spewed out a mouthful of black blood, his neck was crooked, and he died on the spot.

He took poison and killed himself!

"Southern suburb Racecourse?"


Jiang Hao threw away his body and flew out to the horse farm in the southern suburbs.

Ten minutes later.

He arrived at the southern suburb racecourse.

The southern suburb Racecourse is the only Racecourse in Jianghai city. It is a high-level entertainment place in Jianghai city. People who come in and out of the racecourse are rich or expensive. They all have a lot of status.

On weekdays, people come and go at the southern suburb racecourse, which is very busy.

Today, however, it's very lonely. Looking around, you can't see people at all.

As soon as Jiang Hao entered the racecourse, he noticed several strong breath.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Suddenly, a wave of space, six figures, revealed.

"Five Seven Star masters, one eight star master."

Jiang Hao Mou Guang a coagulate, secretly way: "this killer organization, exactly is what origin, unexpectedly have so many experts?"

He was a little surprised!

You know, even if you are a six-star master, you are a master in the world of martial arts.

Seven Star master, eight star master, is a master.

There are not so many experts in the whole China, except the Wudao League and several super schools, and other forces, including several families in the capital.

In contrast, this killer organization has many experts.

Even, it's a bit rampant.

There are more than ten six star masters and nearly ten Seven Star masters who died in the hands of Jiang Hao alone.

Now, there are five seven star masters and eight star masters.

This killer organization is terrible!

"Are you Jiang Hao?" The only eight star master killer, glancing at Jiang Hao, asked.

"Yes, I am Jiang Hao!" Jiang Hao said coldly.

Eight star master killer, grinning: "you can come here, that other people have failed."

"Your strength is very good. No wonder the young master attaches so much importance to you!"

Jiang Hao raised his eyebrows and asked, "who is the young master?"

Hey, hey

Eight star master killer, grimly said: "when you get to hell, you will naturally know!"

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao said with a light smile, "since you won't say it, I'll change the question."

"Where is LV Chan?"

"Don't worry, she's fine." Eight star master killer way.

Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since she's OK, give her to me."

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