
The elder of Yin Yang Normal University, with a cold hum, was shocked.

All of a sudden, a strong force, spray thin out, covering the shoes, isolated from the burning of high temperature rock.

Several other elders, like the model, acted one after another to protect their shoes.

However, the temperature here is too high. Rao Shi, the seven elder, the eight elder and the nine elder, are all the top experts of the nine star master, and they are all unable to bear it.

They sweat hot.

Bean sized sweat, constantly from the forehead, cheek, rolling down.

It is then quickly evaporated and evaporated into the air.

They were all wet through.

Especially nine elder, the most unbearable, not only the whole body is wet, even the hair is wet, wet dada stick together.

What's more, his skin is very red and hot.

Especially clothes, very hot, as if on fire.


Elder nine of Yin Yang division, with a cold hum, shakes his whole body. The inner strength of his body, like money, gushes out and condenses into a protective film.

He did his best to keep out the heat.

Because the temperature here is so high that even his nine star master can't bear it.

If the ordinary people were changed, they would be burned and roasted in three or five seconds.

Gulu ~~ Gulu ~

it's very quiet here, only the sound of bubbles bursting out from the hot and red magma flow.

All of a sudden, the elder of Yin Yang Normal University, holding his fist in both hands, bent down and stood on the rock, bowing to the rolling magma.

Then, respectfully said: "meet the king of yin and Yang!"

Several other elders also saluted one after another.

"Meet the king of yin and Yang!"

Gulu ~ ~ Gulu ~

however, in the rolling magma, there is a calm, only the magma is flowing and surging, and there is no one.

The nine elders, with their faces unchanged, were neither anxious nor dry, and kept the posture of bowing all the time.


All of a sudden, the slow flowing magma burst open.

All of a sudden, countless magma splashed in all directions.

At the same time, a figure flew out of the magma flow.

This man is tall and tall. His hair is as white as snow. It's all white without any black. At first glance, it seems that he is very old.

But he's very young.

Even, the young are a little over the top.

The skin on his face was very smooth and white, like the skin of a newborn baby, full and lustrous, without any wrinkles.

What's more, his facial features are very handsome. He looks like a handsome fresh meat guy in his early twenties.

In fact, his age is definitely over 80.

Even, probably a hundred years old.

He is the king of yin and Yang!

"Meet the king of yin and Yang!"

The elder of Yin Yang Normal University and others, seeing this man, bowed themselves to salute again.

The eyes of the king of yin and yang are deep, just like a dark abyss, overlooking the nine elders. His face is calm, not sad or happy.

His clothes were hot and stained with hair.

However, the magma did not burn him at all.

Even his hair and clothes are intact. It's like the magma is not magma, but water drops.

The elder of Yin Yang Normal University and others were shocked when they saw this scene.


It's terrible.

You know, magma is terrible.

The temperature of magma, up to thousands of degrees, can melt ordinary iron into iron juice.

And the king of yin and Yang, who has been immersed in the magma flow, has been devoting himself to cultivation for several months without any damage.

This shows that his strength has reached an appalling level.

"What's the matter?"

Suddenly, the king of yin and Yang spoke.

His voice is very low, but it contains an inexplicable Taoist rhyme, which makes the elder of Yin Yang king and others tremble and feel the impulse to kneel down to worship.

The elder of Yin Yang Normal University trembled, lowered his head and said respectfully, "report to the king of Yin Yang, the ten elders..."

"He's dead!"


When the king of yin and Yang heard the words, his face changed slightly.

Immediately, it returned to normal.

"What about that thing?" he said in a deep voice

"Did you get it back?"


The elder of Yin Yang Normal University shook his head and said, "the mission has failed!"


The king of yin and Yang uttered a few words coldly.

Suddenly, the nine elders all lowered their heads, and their faces showed the color of fear.In particular, the seven elders, eight elders and nine elders trembled and were very afraid.


The king of yin and Yang snorted, "who killed the ten elders?"

The elder shook his head and said weakly, "no I don't know! "


The king of yin and Yang scolded: "you are also a group of useless rubbish!"

All of a sudden, the elder, the second elder and others were trembling with fear.

They are afraid of the king of yin and Yang!

The Yin Yang king's eyes were deep and indifferent. He looked down at them and said coldly, "you came to me to figure out who killed the ten elders?"

"Yes Yes The elder of Yin Yang Normal University is worried.


The king of yin and Yang heard the words and hummed coldly, "why don't you go and get the spirit lamp of the ten elders?"

"Yes, yes."

The elder of Yin Yang Normal University nodded.

Then, he turned to the nine elders and said, "nine elders, go quickly and bring the spirit lamp of the ten elders!"


Nine elder dare not hesitate, quickly nod reply.


The next second, with the tip of his foot, the whole person rose up like a rocket and flew to the crater above.

Thirty seconds later.

When the nine elders came back, they also brought the spirit lamp of the ten elders.

This soul lamp, it seems, is a common bronze lamp.

However, there is no wick or oil in the lamp.

However, on weekdays, this soul lamp can burn without wick or oil.

But now the ten elders are dead, and the fire is put out.

"Come here!"

All of a sudden, the king of yin and Yang has a finger.

Suddenly, the spirit lamp in the hand of the ninth elder of the Yin Yang division got rid of it and flew straight to the king of Yin Yang, suspended in front of him.


Suddenly, the king of yin and Yang gave a low drink.

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

he flipped his fingers, pinched out one by one, and hit the soul lamp.

At the same time, there are words in the mouth.

As he kept pinching the formula, the whole volcano also had great changes.

Sobbing ~

all of a sudden, there was a strong wind, and the magma sea below was surging endlessly, setting off waves of magma, splashing all around.

Even some stones embedded in the sea of magma and inlaid on the stone walls were rolled away and thrown into the sky.

The nine elders of the Yin Yang division changed a little.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The next second, all of them have to release their inner strength, resist the strong wind and stabilize themselves.

Otherwise, they will be blown away.

They looked at the king of yin and Yang in mid air, and their eyes were full of horror and awe.

In particular, eight elders, nine elders and others were in awe.

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