In the hot and empty volcano, there is a strong wind, and Mars all over the sky gather together to form a fiery red tornado.

At first glance, as if this tornado, burning the same.

Hot and red magma, splashing everywhere.

A piece of gravel, or large or small, some from the depth of magma, some inlaid in the stone wall.

However, at the moment, they were all swept up by the strong wind and kept rising, as if they were about to splash out from the volcano.

The nine elders of the Yin Yang division all have dignified faces. Their strong and powerful inner strength surges out and turns into protective covers to resist the strong wind and stabilize their bodies.

The elder, the second elder, the third elder and others are a little better.

They have super strength and strong inner strength. They can completely hold their bodies and are not affected by the strong wind.

However, the seven elders, the eight elders and the nine elders had a hard time.

Especially elder nine.

Of the nine, he is the weakest. Although he tries his best to release his inner strength and resist the strong wind, the situation is not so good.

He swayed slightly, as if to be swept away by the wind at any time.

Shua ~

suddenly, a pure energy fell on him and quickly turned into a protective cover to help him block the invasion of the strong wind and stabilize his body.

Hu ~

nine elders of Yin Yang division, relieved, looked at the elder and said respectfully, "thank you, elder!"

It was the elder who helped him.


The elder of Yin Yang Normal University shook his head slightly.

Then, his eyes slightly coagulated and he looked up at the king of yin and Yang in the air.

The king of yin and Yang, suspended in the air, is dressed in robes, hunting, and his head is full of gorgeous hair. He is also flying in the wind, just like an expert who wants to do his best.


To be exact, he wants to be a person with high achievements.

"Back in time, back to the origin!"

Suddenly, the king of yin and Yang gave a big drink and hit the soul lamp in mid air with both hands.

"History reappears!"

Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua.

These lights, together, form a light curtain.

In the light curtain, a picture emerged.

There are two people in the picture.

One of them is the ten elders.

The other is Jiang Hao!

The screen displayed in the light curtain is the scene in which Jiang Hao takes out the bone sword, uses the thirteen swords of wind and thunder, and splits the ten elders of the Yin Yang division with one sword.


When the king of yin and Yang saw this scene, his eyes turned slightly.

He frowned, looked down at the nine elders and asked, "who is this son?"

The nine elders looked at each other.

Then they shook their heads.

"I don't know."


Yin Yang king Mou light a cold, scold a way: "immediately go to check, must find out his identity!"

"Yes, yes."

Hearing the words, the nine elders nodded.

Suddenly, the elder raised his head, looked up at the king of yin and Yang, and said weakly, "king of yin and Yang, that thing, I Do we need to send someone to rob it? "


The king of yin and Yang cheered coldly: "that thing must be snatched!"


The elder hardened his head and said, "who should be sent now?"

The king of yin and Yang was silent, as if thinking.

A moment later, he spoke.

Looking down at the seven and six elders, he ordered: "you two, set out immediately, sneak into China secretly, and you must take that thing!"

"Otherwise, you don't have to come back."

Seven elder and six elder hear speech, immediately embrace boxing bow.

"Obey the order of the king of yin and Yang!"

The king of yin and Yang was fierce in voice and color, and told: "remember, you should take that thing at all costs!"

"Even if you're going to die!"

Suddenly, the faces of the six and seven elders changed.

They regretted and didn't want to take on the task.

Because they don't want to die.

However, this task was handed over to them personally by the king of yin and Yang. With ten courage, they did not dare to refuse, so they had to take it.

"Yes The two of them said in unison.

"Go down!"

The king of yin and Yang waved.

The six and seven elders heard the words and gave a salute.

Then, get ready to leave.

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly, the king of yin and Yang opened his mouth and stopped them.

The sixth elder and the seventh elder stop, turn around, bow and listen respectfully to the instructions of the king of yin and Yang.

The king of yin and Yang pointed to Jiang Hao in the light curtain and said coldly, "if you sneak into China, if you have a chance, kill this son!""Remember, your first task is to take that thing!"

"The second is to kill this son!"

"Yes Six elders and seven elders said in unison.

"Go down!" The king of yin and Yang waved.

Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, six elders and seven elders, a little toe, turned into a streamer, soared to the sky, and flew to the crater.

The king of yin and Yang glanced at the other elders and said coldly, "go down, too!"

"Remember, no matter, don't disturb me!"


The elder, the second elder and others saluted one after another.

Then it flew out of the crater.

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

in a moment, nine of them turned into nine streamers and went straight to the elder hall.

On Mount Fuji, innumerable Yin Yang masters saw this scene and talked about it.

The nine elders ignored them and flew straight into the temple.

As soon as he entered the temple, the elder opened his mouth.

He gazed at the six elders and the seven elders, and said in a deep voice, "the six elders and the seven elders, since the king of yin and Yang himself has given you this task."

"Then, pack up and set out at once."


Hearing this, the six and seven elders arched their hands and planned to leave. When they were ready, they set out and sneaked into China to carry out their mission.


The elder looked serious and said, "this task has failed once!"

"You must never fail again!"

"Otherwise, it's likely to scare the snake and expose the matter."

"We'll probably never get that again!"

"That thing is very important to our Yin Yang teacher. We can't lose it!"


The elder of Yin Yang Normal University, with his eyes shining, said in a fierce voice: "this mission can only succeed, not fail!"

"Do you hear me?"

Six elder, seven elder smell speech, complexion one coagulate, heavily nod, sink a voice way: "heard!"

"Elder, please rest assured that even if we die, we will finish the task and take back that thing!"


Elder Wen Yan nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, he waved his hand and said, "OK, you go down and get ready!"


Suddenly, six elders and seven elders arched their hands and left the temple.

Then, after some preparation, he secretly left Mount Fuji, left the island country and sneaked into China.

In the hall of elders.

Four elders of Yin Yang division hesitated several times.

In the end, he spoke.

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