
Two security guards, cold faced, walk to Jiang Hao and reach for him.

Jiang Hao glanced, his eyes were cold, and he scolded: "now get out, this time, I'll spare you!"

"Hahaha, boy, what do you say?"

"Spare us? Sorry, we don't want to spare you! "

"Dare to speak in front of brother Murdoch, have the courage!"

Several second-generation rich people laughed one after another.

"Go away!" Li Mo exclaimed angrily.

Li Mo was angry and the manager panicked.

He can't afford to offend limer.

"Get him out of here!" He said coldly with a wave of his hand.

Two security guards, holding Jiang Hao's arm respectively, want to get him out.

Jiang Hao is ready to start.

Suddenly, laughter came from outside the door.

"Master Zhang Mo, Master Lu Jue, who are you looking for?" Qian always asked carefully.

Zhang Mo looked around and casually replied, "my master."


Money is always confused.

Zhang Mo and Lu Jue are masters of traditional Chinese medicine. They have treated many important people with some background.

As soon as they enter the bar, Qian always comes out to accompany them.

As far as he knows, the masters of Zhang Mo and Lu Jue have passed away.

What happened?

"Get out of the way, don't delay me to find my master." Lu Jue impolitely pushed Qian away.

The three went into private room 111.

Mr. Qian saw manager Zhao and quickly waved, "Xiao Zhao, Master Zhang Mo and Master Lu Jue, you need to find master. Take two masters and look everywhere."

"Yes." Manager Zhao was overjoyed.

He knew that money was always creating opportunities for him.

If he can curry favor with Zhang Mo and Lu Jue, there will be many benefits.

"Two masters, please tell me how old your master is and what he looks like..." Manager Zhao asked respectfully.

Suddenly, Zhang Mo pushed him away rudely.

Then he strode up to Jiang Hao, bent down and said, "master."

So is Lu Jue.

Jiang Hao brows a twist, "you two how come?"

"Master, we are..." Lu Jue looked up.

Suddenly, there was anger in his eyes.


"You two dare to hold my master?"

He shoved a security guard.

Zhang Mo was also angry. "Damn it, how dare you be rude to my master!"

He had a hot temper and hit another security guard directly.

Two security guards dare not fight back.

Even general manager Qian is respectful to Zhang Mo and Lu Jue, and they dare not fight back with their courage.

"What's the matter?" Money is always a little confused.

"What's the matter? How dare you ask? "

Zhang Mo's face was as deep as water. "I asked you why my master was detained by your security guard and what was he going to do? Are you going to blow my master out? "

"It's not over!" Lu Jue gave a cold drink.

"Well This... "

On Qian's forehead, he was sweating.

Although Zhang Mo and Lu Jue are only old TCM doctors, their influence is terrible.

Because, all over the country, there are many dignitaries who have been treated there.

The two of them, in a word, might be able to seal the bar.

Even if the bar can't be closed, it's absolutely no problem to punish the boss.

"What's going on?" General manager Qian glared at manager Zhao and roared.

"I I... "

Manager Zhao panicked and his mind was blank.

He wanted to bombard Jiang Hao away because he wanted to earn some money and curry favor with Li Mo by the way.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Hao is not a fragile pig in his imagination, but a fierce tiger.

This is the proper way to play pig and eat tiger!

It's too deep!

The routine is too deep.

"I don't know what I am, say it!" Money always roars.

He thought highly of manager Zhao and wanted to promote him.

I didn't expect that he was in such a big trouble, and even implicated him.

Seeing Qian Zong's cold eyes, manager Zhao repented.

At the same time, he also hated Li mo.

"What's the matter?"

Suddenly, a man came in.

It's Meng Xing.

His face was a little ugly.

Qian always turned to see, immediately, showing a chrysanthemum like smile, "Meng Shao, how are you here?"

"I made a reservation." Meng Xingdao.

Manager Zhao heard the speech, his heart thumped for a while, and he had a bad premonition."Brother Jiang, what's the matter?"

Meng Xing asked: "Zhang Mo, Lu Jue, how did you two come?"

Zhang Mo said angrily, "Meng Shao, someone just stopped the master and wanted to blow him out."


Meng Xing was furious when he heard the words.

He glared at Mr. Qian, "Mr. Qian, what's the matter?"

"This I don't know. " Money is about to cry.

He didn't even know what happened, so he offended Zhang Mo, Lu Jue and Meng Xing.

If it's just Zhang Mo and Lu Jue, he'll give some blood to find a relationship, maybe he can settle it.

But Meng Xing, don't say it's him, even the people behind him, can't afford to offend.

The only child of the Meng family is the prince of Yunzhou and even Jiangdong province. It's too late to flatter him.

Offending him is basically over.

"What the hell is going on, you'd say?" Mr. Qian growled at manager Zhao.

He's angry!

Very angry, very angry.

At the same time, I was scared and scared.

Manager Zhao was in a daze.

The whole person is stupid.

"Say it?" Money always roars.

He raised his hand and slapped manager Zhao in the face.


Manager Zhao staggered and almost fell down.

He looked back, lowered his head and said weakly: "the Imperial Hall is full. Li Shao doesn't want to pack the Queen's hall, so So if you want to occupy this Imperial Hall, you have to blow up this gentleman Get out of here

"Do you agree?" Qian always asked.

Manager Zhao nodded gently.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Qian was so angry that he had to smoke white on his head. He slapped him again and smoked.

In fact, this kind of thing happened many times in the bar. He always turned a blind eye.

But not this time.

Because the people he provoked were extraordinary.


Meng Xing was furious when he heard the words.

A lunge, rushed up, kick over manager Zhao.

"You are so brave, even my brother Jiang dares to go away!"

He kicked a few feet and walked to Li mo.

"What are you, Li Shao?" He snapped.

Li Mo shivered with fright and woke up a lot.

"Yes I'm Li Shao He was weak.

"Little sister!"

Meng Xing slapped him in the face.

"You're very cute. You dare to rob the room I ordered, and you dare to blow my brother Jiang out. You're awesome!"

Li Mo's body trembled and admitted.

"Meng Meng Shao, I'm wrong! "

Meng Xing squinted at him, pointed and said, "throw them out!"

"Somebody, throw them out!" Mr. Qian yelled immediately.

In a flash, seven or eight security guards came out. They put Li Mo and others on a shelf to the door of the bar, and then threw them out directly.

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