"And him!" Meng Xing pointed to manager Zhao and cheered coldly.

"This..." Money always wants to plead.

"Throw it out!" Meng Xing drinks angrily.

"Yes, yes."

Qian did not dare to plead. With a wave of his hand, two security guards went over and blocked manager Zhao.

Manager Zhao tried his best to wriggle and struggle, crying: "no, no!"

"Meng Shao, I'm wrong; brother Jiang, I'm wrong; President Qian, I'm wrong!"

"Throw it out!" Meng Xing frowned.

Qian always said, "hurry up, throw him out!"

Two security guards, holding him up, quickly went to the door of the bar and threw him out like garbage.

"Let's go. Don't disturb us." Meng Xing waved.

Qian Zong nodded and said: "yes, Meng Shao, what happened just now is my fault. In order to make amends for Jiang Shao, I'm in charge. All your expenses tonight are free!"

"Let's go now!" Meng Xing is impatient and drives him away again.

Qian was afraid to stay and left quickly.

"Brother Jiang, are you ok?" Meng Xing asked.

Jiang Hao shook his head, "I'm ok. What's wrong with you? I found you were not very happy as soon as I entered the door."

"Oh, forget it."

Meng Xing clenched his fist. "On the way here, I met a man and something happened."

"Who dares to provoke you?" Jiang Hao is curious.

"Du Feng." Meng Xing fury tunnel.

Jiang Hao's face changed.

This Du Feng, he has heard of, is not inferior to Meng Xing in family background.

"What are you calling me to play with?" Jiang Hao changed the subject.

At the mention of this, Meng Xing was full of blood and resurrected.

He looked at his watch and said, "it's going to start soon. I'm sure it's wonderful."

A few minutes later, Meng Xing turned on the LCD TV and said excitedly, "here we go, here we go."

On TV, a beautiful woman, holding a microphone, is singing affectionately.

She's beautiful.

Black hair, soft and straight, pure face, a pair of watery eyes, shiny, skin, tall.

What the hell?

Jiang Hao is confused.

Suddenly, on the lower right side of the LCD TV, a line appeared: a reward of 1000 yuan for 110 rooms.

Meng Xing picked up the remote control and pressed it several times.

Suddenly, the words on the bottom right became: five thousand yuan for 111 private rooms.

At this time, Jiang Hao understood.

"Who is this woman? How do you feel familiar? " He asked.

Meng Xing excitedly said: "her name is Xinya. She only entered the performing arts circle last year. However, with her beauty and talent, she became a second-line star in a year and became a popular little girl."

"Besides, she has never had an affair!"

"Oh." Jiang Hao nodded.

He took a strange look at Meng Xing and found that the boy was very excited when he saw Xinya.

Ten thousand yuan for 110 rooms!

A few seconds later, the words at the bottom of the TV changed again.

Meng Xing immediately increased the price.

A reward of 20000 yuan for 111 private rooms!

A reward of 30000 yuan for 110 rooms!

Fifty thousand yuan for 111 rooms!

In the blink of an eye, the reward reached 80000 yuan.

Jiang Hao trembled and dissuaded: "Meng Shao, don't increase the price any more. Don't you just sing a few songs? A reward of tens of thousands of yuan is not worth it. "


Meng Xing firmly said: "cost-effective, very cost-effective."

"As long as I reward the most tonight, Xinya can have dinner with me. It's a traditional activity of violet bar, which is held once a month."

Jiang Hao touched the tip of his nose.

He can see that Meng Xing is in love with Xinya.

90000, 100000, 120000

A moment later, the reward soared to 120000.

At this time, only 110 private room guests are competing with Meng Xing, and others give up.

More than 100000 yuan. It's too luxurious to have dinner together once.

Room 110.

Du Feng asked the man beside him, "who is the man in room 111?"

People around you, go out immediately and ask for information.

A few minutes later, he came back.

"Du Shao, it's Meng Shao who lives in private room 111."

"Meng Xing?" Du Feng raised his eyebrows.


Du Feng raised the corner of his mouth, showing a smile, "interesting."

"It's said that Meng Xing likes Xinya best. Hehe He wants to have dinner with Xinya? No way

He picked up the remote and pressed it a few times.

One hundred and fifty thousand for 110 rooms!Meng Xing's heart jumped when he saw the number.

He has a great family, rich and powerful.

But his father is very strict with him. Apart from living expenses, he seldom gives him pocket money. His card has only 200000 yuan in savings, which he earns himself.

Meng Xing bit his teeth and gave a reward of 180000 yuan.

A few seconds later, Du Feng increased the price and offered a reward of 200000 yuan.

Meng Xing was in a hurry and asked Jiang Hao, "brother Jiang, do you have money? Lend me some. "

Jiang Hao is ready to promise, but Meng Xing shakes his head.

"No, no, if my dad knows that I borrow money to reward female stars, he will kill me."

Meng Xing lowered his head, a face of depression, "Xinya finally came to the violet bar, missed this time, it is estimated that there is no next time."

"You like her very much?" Jiang Hao pointed to Xinya on TV and asked.

"I I... "

Meng Xing's face turned red and said shyly, "where No, I I... "

Jiang Hao was surprised.

He did not expect that Meng Xing, who was arrogant and vicious in the ward, was so shy.

An hour later, Xinya singing time is over.

"Let's go."

Meng Xing waved his hand. He was in a state of depression and was ready to go back.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door.

Meng Xing opened a look, his face suddenly gloomy.

"What are you doing here?"

Du Feng said with a smile, "it turns out that you are the man in private room 111."

"I heard that you like Xinya very much. Why don't you compete with me? If you win me, you can have dinner with Xinya. "

"It's you!"

Meng Xing heard the words, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, it's me!"

Du Feng complacent smile, hand a pull, behind the new ya, pull over.

Then, embrace in the bosom, proud way: "your favorite new elegant, tonight is my!"

"Let go of me!"

New elegant willow eyebrow a Cu, face contain disgust, push Du Feng.

Du Feng looked down at her and said coldly, "don't move!"

Xinya was shocked.

"You let her go!" Meng Xing roars.

"Yo, yo, angry?"

Du Feng smacked his lips, "if you want to let go, I won't let go. What can you do to me?"

Meng Xing was angry and raised his fist.

Du Feng stepped back a few steps, far away, "want to hit me? Do you dare? "

He laughed: "if you hit me, your father won't let you go!"


Meng Xing glared.

However, at the thought of Meng Jingguo, he withered and put down his fist.

"That's good."

Du Feng smiles triumphantly.

"If you don't let me go, I'll call the police." Xinya's voice was cold, threatening.

Her public image has always been pure and lovely, and there has never been any gossip about her.

But now, I was held in my arms by a man.

If spread, her image of painstaking management will collapse in an instant.

Maybe the star road will be broken.

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