"Stop it

Suddenly, a cold cry rang out.

Immediately, a figure came running with a gust of fragrance.

It's Dou Qianqian!

"It's you?"

When Zhang Lun turned his head, his face became gloomy.

He stares at Dou Qianqian, scolds a way: "who allows you to come out?"

"Go back quickly!"

"No!" Dou Qianqian cold channel.


When Zhang Lun heard the speech, his eyes narrowed, showing a dangerous light.

"it seems that you haven't seen the situation yet, and who has the final say?"

"Come on, take her away and lock her up. Don't let her out without my order!"


In a flash, two people walked in the past, one left and one right, controlled Dou Qianqian.

"Let me go! Let go of me

Dou Qianqian struggled and yelled: "Zhang Lun, I warn you that there are so many people here. If you dare to mess with me, they will call the police!"

"Your uncle can't protect you then!"

"Call the police?"

Ha ha

With a grin and cold eyes, Zhang Lun scanned the crowd and said coldly, "do you think they dare to call the police?"

Suddenly, Ling Hu Rong, Fu Qing, Luo Hui and others all lowered their heads and remained silent.

Obviously, they didn't want to, and they didn't dare to meddle in their business. They had to pretend they couldn't see.


Now, Dou Qianqian is silly.

Then, she was scared, scared, and her heart trembled.

She thought that with so many people around, Zhang Lun didn't dare move her.

Even if you want to move her, there will be many scruples.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Lun had no fear of catching her in public, and was not afraid of the disclosure at all.

"Let me go! Let go of me

Dou Qianqian yelled and struggled violently.

However, I can't get rid of it at all.

"Take her away and lock her up!"

Zhang Lun said with an obscene smile: "when Lao Tzu handles this matter, he will go and enjoy her!"


Ling Hurong, Luo Hui, Zhang Rui and others trembled when they heard this word.

There was a trace of fear in his eyes.

At the same time, there is also a touch of envy.

Yes, they are envious.

Dou Qianqian is a popular little girl in the entertainment industry. She is only in her twenties. She is as tender as a girl and in excellent shape. She can be called the national goddess.

Enjoy her, which man is not envious?

However, Fu Qing and Ma Xueqi were very afraid, and they also had a sense of desolation.

The little girl in the entertainment circle was so miserable that she was reduced to a prisoner and plaything.

Therefore, the two of them are even more afraid of Zhang Lun.

In their opinion, Zhang Lun is extremely terrifying. Even a little girl in the entertainment industry can play with applause. It's not too terrifying.

In fact, they think too much.

Zhang Lun does have identity and background, but after all, he is only a small head, not a big man.

He can play with Dou Qianqian, in the final analysis, because Dou Qianqian offended Jiang Hao, so that the company behind her, are terrified, can only sacrifice her, calm Jiang Hao's anger.

Qian Dou doesn't dare to borrow Zhang Lunzi any more.

You can't change Dou Qianqian.

"Let me go! Let go of me Dou Qianqian cried.

When Zhang Lun heard the speech, he frowned and said coldly, "take it down!"


Suddenly, two men, one left and one right, are ready to fight Dou Qianqian down.

"Stop, let her go!"

Suddenly, a Jiao shouts, suddenly rings out.

A beautiful shadow came running over.

It's Jiang Yueyue!

"Who are you?" Zhang Lun glanced at Jiang Yueyue and asked coldly.


"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that you let go of Dou Qianqian immediately, otherwise, I'll call the police!"

"Call the police?"

When Zhang Lun's eyes narrowed, there was a dangerous light in them.

He Yin measures tunnel: "little girl, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Cut the crap!"

"Let go of Dou Qianqian!" cried Jiang Yuejiao

"In broad daylight, you openly kidnap and imprison Dou Qianqian, and even want to plot against her. You have broken the law!"

"As soon as I call the police, you're finished!"

Ha ha ha

Hearing the speech, Zhang Lun looked up at the sky and laughed.


"How silly and lovely"Do you think it's useful to call the police?"


When Jiang Yueyue heard the speech, she was speechless.

Tut tut

Zhang Lun rubbed his chin, smacked his mouth, and looked up and down at Jiang Yueyue. "Little girl!" he said

"Unexpectedly, your beauty is still above Dou Qianqian!"

"And you're younger."

"Well, well, that's great!"

Hey, hey

With a smile and a wave of his hand, Zhang ordered, "come on, put this little girl down, too!"

"I want to have a good time today!"


Linghu Rong smell speech, face a change, yelled.


All of a sudden, Zhang Lun eyebrows pick, face gloomy, eyes burst out of the moriran cold light.

His eyes are like hawk falcon, staring at Linghu Rong, coldly way: "boy, what did you just say?"

"I I I... "

Linghu Rong lowered his head, weak tunnel: "I did not say anything!"

Ha ha ha

Zhang Lun glanced at him and said with a laugh: "boy, you are very smart!"

Then, he looked at Luo Hui and Zhang Rui and said coldly, "I want to take this little girl away. Do you two have any opinions?"



Luo Hui and Zhang Rui shook their heads when they heard the speech.

"You're smart, too!" Zhang Lun praised.


All of a sudden, he sighs and stares at Fu Qing and Ma Xueqi.

"You two are not as beautiful as this little girl, but they are good. The key is tender!"


He pointed to Fu Qing and Ma Xueqi and ordered, "take these two away, too!"

"Lao Tzu is going to be crazy today!"


Suddenly, a few men rushed over and subdued Fu Qing and Ma Xueqi easily.

Fu Qing and Ma Xueqi's face changed dramatically, and their whole body trembled. They were very frightened.

"Help me!"

Fu Qing looked at his boyfriend Luo Hui and yelled, "ah Hui, help me

"Ruirui, help me, help me Ma Xueqi also yelled.


Luo Hui and Zhang Rui, seeing this scene, their faces turned ugly and black as the bottom of a pot.

In fact, any man, if his girlfriend is molested in public and taken away, his face will be very ugly.

Some people even beat people in public.

However, Luo Hui and Zhang Rui dare not beat Zhang Lun with their courage.

However, they came forward.

"Zhang Manager Zhang

Luo Hui hardened his head and said weakly: "you Can you give me face and let my girlfriend go? "

"Give you face?"

Zhang Lun smelt speech, a cold smile, disdain tunnel: "you special what thing?"

"Why should I give you face?"

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