With a cold smile, Zhang Lun said with disdain, "what are you

"Why should I give you face?"

"Go away!"

He gave a cold drink and kicked Luo Hui in the stomach, kicking him to the ground.


Luo Hui covered his stomach, and his eyes were full of anger.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Lun cheered coldly: "dare to speak more, believe me to break your mouth?"

Luo Hui's body trembled, a little scared.


Zhang Lun snorted coldly and said, "now, I want to take away your girlfriend. Do you have any opinions?"

Luo Hui heard the speech, clenched his fist, gritted his teeth and kept silent.


Zhang Lun scolded: "I want to take your girlfriend, do you have any opinion?"


Luo Hui lowered his head, bit his teeth, shook his head in humiliation and said, "no problem!"

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, Zhang Lun said with a laugh: "boy, you are very smart!"

"In that case, I'll let you go!"

Then he turned to look at Zhang Rui and said coldly, "what about you?"

"Your girlfriend belongs to me. Do you have any opinions?"


Zhang Rui opened his mouth as if to say something, but he never spoke.

Maybe I dare not speak!

"Help me!"

Fu Qing looked at Zhang Rui with fear and hope on his face and yelled, "Ruirui Rui, help me

"Shut up

Zhang Lun yelled.

Immediately, he stares at Zhang Rui and says coldly, "your girlfriend belongs to me. Do you have any opinions?"

"No Opinions Zhang Rui lowered his head, weak tunnel.

"Ruirui, you..."

Fu Qing smell speech, stare at Zhang Rui, a face of can't believe.

At the same time, the eyes, revealed a strong disappointment.

Yes, she was disappointed!

"Zhang Rui!"

Fu Qing's face was cold, and he said coldly, "you are not a man!"

"From now on, I want to break up with you, between us, a clean break!"

Ma Xueqi also yelled: "Luo Hui, you coward, waste!"

"I want to break up with you, too!"

Ha ha ha

Zhang Lun looked up at the sky and said with a laugh, "two little beauties, don't be angry. They're not men. I'm men!"

"I promise, later, I'll make you happy enough!"

"Let me go! Let go of me Fu Qing cried.

Ma Xueqi begged for mercy: "Zhang Manager Zhang, I beg you, will you let me go? "


Dou Qianqian scolded: "Zhang Lun, you're going to let us go!"

"Otherwise, I will make you pay the price!"

"Threaten me?"

Zhang Lun grinned and said with disdain, "what I'm not afraid of is threats."

With a wave of his hand, he ordered, "take them all away!"


Suddenly, a group of subordinates escorted Dou Qianqian, Jiang Yueyue, Fu Qing and Ma Xueqi to the backstage lounge of Zhonghai gymnasium.

"Let me go, let me go!"

While struggling, Jiang Yueyue yelled: "otherwise, my cousin will beat you!"

Ha ha

"Don't be afraid, little beauty, I won't hurt you!" Zhang said with a grin


Jiang Yueyue spat and scolded: "rascal, let me go!"

"Otherwise, when my cousin does it, you'll be finished!"

"Is it?"

"I'll wait," Zhang said with a sneer

"But you'd better come with me now!"

Having said that, he reached out and tugged at Jiang Yueyue.

As soon as Jiang Yueyue's face changed, she cried out, "cousin, please help me


Hearing this, Zhang Lun grinned and said, "little beauty, it seems that your cousin is here."

"Unfortunately, even if he is here, it's useless!"

"The woman I like, who dares to stop, will die!"

He glanced at Jiang Yueyue and said with a smile, "little beauty, you are my man now. If you lend your cousin ten courage, he dare not stand up to stop me."

"Is it?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

"Let go of Yueyue, I will spare you from death!"

A voice full of chill reverberated throughout the gymnasium.


All of a sudden, Zhang Lun's face sank, and his eyes showed a killing chance.He scanned the crowd and yelled, "get out of here!"

Dada dada

The sound of footsteps.

Jiang Hao's face was expressionless and his eyes were cold. He walked out slowly.

He squinted at Zhang Lun and said indifferently: "give you three seconds, let go of Yueyue, and apologize to her!"

"Otherwise, you will die!"

"I will die?"

Ha ha ha

Hearing the speech, Zhang Lun looked up at the sky and laughed.

With a smile, his eyes, on the Yin Zhao, killing explosion flash.

He looked down at Jiang Hao and said coldly, "boy, do you know that the consequences of threatening Laozi are very serious?"


Then, instead of giving him a bird, Jiang Hao counted.

"To die!"

All of a sudden, Zhang Lun's face was ferocious and full of murders.

"Damn it

Suddenly, Linghu Rongda scolded: "boy, who allowed you to talk to manager Zhang like this?"

"Shut up and apologize to manager Zhang!"


Zhang Lun Mou Guang Leng lie, stare at Ling Hu Rong, cold way: "do you know him?"

"Recognize I know. "

Linghu Rong trills: "he is Yueyue's cousin, coming with us."


When Zhang Lun heard the speech, there was a gloomy light in his eyes.

"So, you are very familiar, in that case..."

"Not familiar! I'm not familiar with it

Suddenly, Ling Hurong interrupted him and yelled: "manager Zhang, I'm not familiar with him, not at all. We met for the first time today. We didn't recognize him before..."

"Shut up

Zhang Lun's face was cold, and he scolded: "I don't care if you are familiar with him. Since you are together, you will be punished with him!"

"Ignore Lao Tzu's words, break a hand!"

"Contradict me, break a hand!"

"Threaten me, break my legs!"


Abruptly, he pointed to Jiang Hao and Ling Hu Rong and ordered, "break their limbs!"


As soon as Zhang Lun turned his head and scanned Luo Hui, Zhang Rui and others, he said, "these people are with him. They all interrupt!"


Suddenly, a group of people rushed over and subdued Ling Hurong, Luo Hui, Zhang Rui and others.

"Mr. Zhang, spare my life!"

"Manager Zhang, I really don't know him well!"

"Yes, manager Zhang, this is our first time to meet him. We are not familiar at all. Please forgive me!"

All of a sudden, Linghu Rong, Luo Hui, Zhang Rui and others, have begged for mercy.

However, Zhang Lun's face was cold and unshakable.

"Shut up

He said coldly, "I don't care if you are familiar. Since he came with you, you will be punished with him."

"Blame him, blame him!"

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