The rules of the race are very simple. If you run around the track, the one who reaches the end first wins.

However, this track is very difficult.

There are a lot of corners, and there are several sharp turns. Even a professional Racer should be careful.

Meng Xing's driving skills are really good.

By the time he was ten, he was already in the lead.

But, slowly by Du Feng catch up with, even beyond.

Gradually, Meng Xing fell behind.

"Damn, how did his racing skills suddenly become so good?" Meng Xing cursed secretly.

At the same time, hold the steering wheel tightly with both hands and keep accelerating.

Du Feng saw Meng Xing's sports car through the rear-view mirror and drew a proud smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Meng Xing, Meng Xing, in order to win you, I've been looking for a professional racing driver for half a year. This time, I want you to lose to the ground!"

He stepped on the gas suddenly, and the sports car ran out like a flash of lightning.

The car was roaring and the whole audience was cheering.

"Du Shao, come on, Du Shao, come on!"

"I haven't seen you for half a year. Du Shao's driving skills have improved a lot."

"Yes, even Meng Shao is going to lose!"

The second generation of rich people are shouting and cheering.

Xinya is curious about Du Feng's identity, so she looks at Mingming and asks, "excuse me, what is Du Shao's identity?"

Mingming looks at Xinya strangely, "don't you know him?"

Xinya shakes her head.

"He is the prince of Yunzhou."

Mingming tells Xinya the true identity of Du Feng.

Xinya opened her mouth when she heard the words.


It's amazing.

It turns out that Du Feng is so big.

At this time, he is more determined to win Du Feng.

If she can get close to him, she will really become a Phoenix.

Buzzing -

the wind is blowing and the sports car is roaring.

Du Feng's driving skills, especially the treatment of curves, are obviously much better than Meng Xing's.

The distance between the two sides is growing.

Ten minutes later.


Du Feng's sports car flashed across the finish line.

He won!

Stop the sports car, Du Feng came out, looked at Meng Xing provocatively, the corner of his mouth tilted up a radian, "don't accept?"

Meng Xing stares at him, silent.

Du Feng hooked his finger, "where's the car key? Bring it, bring it. "

"This Lamborghini is mine now!"


Meng Xing stares at him angrily.

Du Feng mouth a Yang, "how? Isn't Meng Shao planning to default? "

"Who Who's going to default? "

Meng Xing's neck.

Du Feng sneered, "if you don't default, just give me the car key."

Meng Xing didn't move.

"Du Shao, drink some water."

Suddenly, Xinya hands Du Feng a bottle of drink with a soft smile on his face, just like a gentle little wife.

Du Feng glanced at her and held her in his arms.

Then, provocatively looking at Meng Xing, "Meng Shao, your favorite goddess, tonight is mine, your favorite sports car, now is mine."

"Excuse me, what's your mood at the moment?"


Shame of chiguoguo!


Meng Xing clenched his fist and glared at him angrily.

"You let go of Xinya!"

He pushed Du Feng away and pulled Xinya over.

As a result, Xinya directly got rid of him.

"Don't touch me!"

Meng Xing was stunned.

Xinya smile, soft body, like a snake, nestled in Du Feng's arms, and said in a sweet voice: "Du Shao, you are so powerful!"

Du Feng put his arms around her, touched her, and said haughtily, "of course I'm good at Du Feng!"

"But I have something more powerful. Would you like to try?"

In his eyes, a ray of lust flashed.

Xinya understood, rubbed in his arms, said coyly: "good."

"Come on, I'll take you in tonight, you goblin!"

Du Feng embraces Xinya's Willow waist and is ready to leave.

Suddenly, Meng Xing came out.

He glared and yelled at Du Feng, "let go of Xinya!"

"I won't let it go..."

Du Feng picked his eyebrows.

Suddenly, Meng Xing started and pushed Du Feng.

Du Feng staggered a few steps and almost fell down.

Xinya quickly holds him, and then goes to Mengxing. Liu Mei frowns and shouts angrily, "what are you doing?"She was angry.

Meng Xing panicked and quickly explained: "Xinya, he touches you, he's taking advantage of you, he..."

"What's your business?" New elegant cold rebuke.

"No, he..." Meng Xing explained again.

"Shut up

Xinya cold drink, "I don't want to see you, immediately disappear from my eyes."

She's arrogant.

Although, she knows that Meng Xing's identity is not simple, but she thinks that she doesn't need to be afraid of Meng Xing if she is near Du Feng.

Moreover, she can see that Du Feng and Meng Xing are enemies.

If you scold Meng Xing, you can please Du Feng.

"You..." Meng Xingxin has a little pain.

His favorite goddess actually said such words to him.

You know, in the bar, he always protects her and stands out for her.

As a result, it is such a sentence.

Ha ha ha

Du Feng laughed wildly and said, "Meng Xing, do you hear me? Your favorite goddess told you to go away


Meng Xing is very angry, more heartache.

"What are you doing? Get out of here!" Du Feng waved and drove away.

Hey, hey, hey

Suddenly, he gave out a series of evil and obscene laughter.

"By the way, I'm going to Feilong hotel with Xinya. Do you want to open a room next door and listen to the news? I don't mind Du Feng continued to stimulate.

"Hun Asshole, you are not allowed to have a room with Xinya! "

Meng Xing's face turned red.

He raised his fist and hit Du Feng.

"What are you doing? Go away

Xinya is like a female tiger. She protects Du Feng, pushes Meng Xing away and scolds: "who I'm going to open a room with, it's none of your business. Get out of here, now!"

"You You... "

Meng Xing stuttered.

It is because the new elegance in front of him is totally different from the new elegance in his mind.

The new elegance in his mind is pure, lovely and clean. In the turbid performing arts circle, he can keep himself clean and clean.

But the new elegance, vulgarity, hypocrisy and influence in front of us.

The most important thing is that there is no shyness when it comes to opening a room with a man.

It can be seen from this that she has opened rooms with men quite a few times.

Otherwise, they would not be so calm and calm.

The goddess in my heart, collapsed.

Meng Xing was in a state of depression.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao shook his head.

The water in the performing arts circle is muddy.

Du Feng looked at Meng Xing and said sarcastically, "Meng Xing, you don't always think that the goddess in your heart is a virgin, do you?"

Meng Xing is silent.

Ha ha ha

Du Feng looks up to the sky and laughs, "Meng Xing, Meng Xing, I didn't expect that you still have this kind of hobby. If you like the chick, aren't you also a chick?"

Meng Xing didn't retort.

"Ha ha ha In his twenties, he was still a baby. "

Du Feng laughs, "tut Tut, Meng Xing, I feel sorry for you. I'm so big, and I haven't enjoyed the taste of a woman. I'm sorry."

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