"Off What's your business? "

Meng Xing's face turned red.

Du Feng said with a smile, "why don't I give Xinya to you so that you can break it tonight?"

"No way."

Xinya twisted her nose in Du Feng's arms and said, "Du Shao, people only like you. Everything belongs to you."

"Not bad, not bad."

Du Feng smiles with satisfaction and touches her.

"Meng Xing, do you hear me? Xinya can't give it to you, or I'll help you find a career with experience and good technology, which will make you feel better? "

"Du Shao, is that enough?"

Jiang Hao couldn't see any more and stood up.

"Not enough!" Du Feng drinks cold.

Jiang Hao said with a smile, "I want to see you in the future. Don't go too far."

Du Feng squinted at him, "what if it's too much?"

"Who are you to scold me?"

"Get out of here!"

He scolded coldly and looked at Meng Xing, "Lamborghini belongs to me now. Where are the car keys? Give it to me. I'll find you a girl. "

Meng Xing holds the key of the car tightly.

This Lamborghini was bought by Meng Jingguo after he begged his father for half a year.

Bought less than a month, lost to Du Feng.

If Meng Jingguo knew about it, he would not break his leg.

"Oh, how come Meng Shao, who lost the bet, didn't admit it?"

Du Feng mouth a Yang, showing a sinister smile.

"It's OK not to admit it. Tomorrow I'll go to some news media to publicize general Meng's son. If I lose the bet, I won't admit it. I'll make you famous overnight."

Meng Xing heard the words and excited Lingling to shiver.

How cruel!

Du Feng is too cruel.

If he doesn't hand over Lamborghini, his scandal will spread all over the country. At that time, his father's reputation will be affected.

But when he handed over Lamborghini, with his father's strict family education, he was inevitably beaten and scolded.

Jiang Hao saw the difficulty of Meng Xing, pleaded for him: "Du Shao, forget it, anyway, you don't lack this car."

"Your sister!"

Du Feng scolded, "what are you, when I speak, what qualifications do you have to interrupt?"

"Get out of here!"

"Du Feng, pay attention to what you say!" Meng Xing drinks cold.

Jiang Hao saved his grandfather, and his family are respected by Jiang Hao. How can they tolerate Jiang Hao being abused.

"Oh, Meng Xing, I can't see that you are kind to your dog legs." Du Feng mouth a Yang, sneer.

"Shut up

Meng Xing denounced, "brother Jiang is not a dog!"

"Brother Jiang?"

"Tut Tut, Meng Xing, the more you muddle along, the more unbearable you are. You call him brother Jiang, bah, what a shame!" Du Feng sneered.


Meng Xing is furious.

He can't scold Du Feng.

"Cut the crap, give me the car key, and I'll go to the Feilong hotel." Du Feng hooked up.

Meng Xing holds the key to the car.

He couldn't give up and couldn't give up.

"No, right?"

Du Feng gave a sly smile, "it's OK not to give it. Let's gamble again. You win. I don't want the car. Xinya is also yours, but..."

"If you lose, you have to kneel down and call me big brother three."

Du Feng's mouth turned up, "how about it? Bet or not

"No way!"

Before Meng Xing spoke, Xinya objected.

She hugged Du Feng's waist, put her head on his chest, miso a few times, coquetry way: "Du Shao, people are yours, people only like you, don't take it as a bet, OK?"

Du Feng ignored her words, looked at Meng Xing and asked, "bet or not?"

"No gambling!"

Meng Xing refused directly.

"No gambling?"

Du Feng sneered, "it's OK not to gamble, but I believe that tomorrow morning, if you don't admit your defeat in Mengxing competition, it will spread to all major websites and newspapers."

"Hey, hey, I can't guarantee that the content on the news will be embellished?"


Meng Xing is biting his teeth and wants to hit people.


This is the threat of chiguoguo.

He had no choice but to accept the challenge and gamble again.

However, he understood that his driving skills were not as good as Du Feng's, and he would lose another round of gambling.

He has no way to go!

What to do?

Suddenly, Jiang Hao stood up.

"Du Shao, I'll bet with you, OK?""You?"

Du Feng squinted at him, "what qualifications do you have to bet with me? Get out of the way

"why did Jiang Hao sneer? Is it that Du Shao is afraid to lose and dare not compare with me? "

"A bad way to motivate."

Du Feng satirized a game, "however, your success angered me."

"Since you want to bet, increase the bet!"


Jiang Hao eyebrows a pick, "how to increase?"

"If you lose, I'll break your hands and feet!"

Du Feng eyes, burst out a wisp of cold light, "how? Dare you gamble? "

"No problem." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

"However, my bet has increased, your bet should also increase, if you lose, shout three times: sorry, I'm wrong, how about it?"

"Good!" Du Feng smiles.


He didn't think about it, because he thought it was impossible.

Meng Xing, hearing the speech, touched Jiang Hao and asked in a low voice, "brother Jiang, are you a professional racing driver?"

"No Jiang Hao replied.


Meng Xing Leng for a moment, "how long have you been practicing racing?"

"Never touched a racing car." Jiang Hao said calmly.


Meng Xing almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

Five thunderbolts!

He was so confused that his mind was blank.

My mother, you haven't even touched a racing car. You are confident enough to accept Du Feng's challenge.

My God!

Where do you get your confidence?

Meng Xing is depressed.

A wool match!

The game hasn't started yet. The end has been decided.

There is no doubt that he will lose.

Ha ha ha

Du Feng heard the content of their conversation, laughing, "boy, have courage, have courage, did not touch the car, actually dare to race with me."

"You're awesome

He seems to praise Jiang Hao, but the irony in his tone can be heard by anyone.

"Little beggar, which Valley did you come from? You are really a fearless ignorant person. You dare to race with Du Shao PK, and you can't measure yourself." Xinya laughs.

"Shut up Meng Xing rebukes coldly.

Now, he doesn't like Xinya at all.

Even a little disgusted.

This woman's real face is disgusting and not worth his liking.

"You..." Xinya stares at Fengmu.

Du Feng patted her on the shoulder and looked at Jiang Hao, "boy, now admit defeat, kneel down, kowtow to me, call grandfather, I'll let you go."

"What? Are you scared? Are you afraid to fight? Dare not compete with me? " Jiang Hao stares at him.

"I I'm afraid? "

Ha ha ha

Du Feng looked up and laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke.

Suddenly, his expression became very cold and gloomy.

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