Creak ~

the door opens and Jiang Hao comes out.

He looked at Peng Yi and asked faintly, "what's the matter?"

Peng Yi said anxiously, "master Jiang, the story that you killed Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI has spread all over Zhonghai city."

"What did you say?"

Jiang Hao was surprised and said, "I killed Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI?"

"What did I kill them?"


Peng Yi was surprised and said, "didn't you kill them?"

"Of course not!"

Jiang Hao said indifferently: "although they offended me, they also hurt many innocent people."

"But sin does not kill!"

"I didn't kill them, I just hurt their foundation!"


Peng Yi was a little confused when he heard the speech.

"What's going on?"

"Did someone deliberately kill them to frame master Jiang?"

"Yes, it must be!"

He said firmly: "the person who framed you should be..."

"He Tianxiang!"

"It's absolutely him!"

"You abandoned his son and injured so many of his subordinates. He was resentful, but he was afraid to do it himself because of your strength."

"So, he set up a trap to get rid of you!"

Peng Yi has been involved in shopping malls for more than ten years. He has great wisdom. With a little speculation, he can guess he Tianxiang's plan.

In fact, he Tianxiang's plan is not so brilliant.

But it's very effective.

"He Tianxiang?"

Jiang Hao heard the words, and his eyes flickered with murder.


Suddenly, Peng Yi's face changed and he said in fear: "master Jiang, you are in danger now!"

"Run away!"

"Run away at once! Get out of Zhonghai

Jiang Hao glanced at him and said indifferently, "why do I want to escape?"


Peng Yi was stunned when he heard the speech.

Immediately, he said anxiously, "master Jiang, you You must escape


"Tomorrow morning, Huang Feng, the patrol envoy of Wudao League, will come to Zhonghai city."

"Inspector of Wudao League?"

Jiang Hao frowned, puzzled.

He joined wudaomeng for a short time, and was not applied to join, but was directly included by Wu Daozi.

Therefore, he didn't know much about wudaomeng.

At least, he had never heard of the inspector.

Seeing this, Peng Yi explained, "master Jiang."

"Patrol envoy is a special post of Wudao League. It has a small number of people, but it has a lot of power. It is equivalent to the Imperial Envoys in ancient times who patrol the whole country for Wudao League."

"At the same time, supervise and punish the people inside the Wudao League!"

"These people have the power of life and death. Once someone is convicted, they can be executed first and then executed under special circumstances."

"As far as I know, Huang Feng, the incoming patrolling envoy, has a close relationship with he Tianxiang, and is also a member of the law enforcement elder Wang ba."


He said in a deep voice: "tomorrow, he Tianxiang will definitely collude with Huang Feng and charge you with the murder of Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI."

"At that time, Huang Feng will order to arrest you."

"Even kill them on the spot!"

"If you resist, you will be against the Wudao League. The crime is even worse, and you will be doomed!"

"So you have to run!"

"Run now!"

"Get out of Zhonghai City, hide and avoid this period of time!"

"Run away?"

Jiang Hao's mouth rose and gave a cold smile.

"Why should I run away?"

"Whoever wants to kill me, just come, I'll wait for them!"

"But when they do it, they have to be ready."

"Ready to die in my hands!"

"One, I'll kill one; two, I'll kill a pair..."

"Ten, a hundred I'll kill every one of them

His words were cold and firm, full of domineering, which made Peng Yi shudder and have an impulse to worship.


Peng Yi was stunned.

"All right."

Jiang Hao glanced at him and said faintly, "it's very late. Go back to sleep!"

Then he turned and went into the room.

Creak ~

the next second, the door closes automatically.


PENG Yi was silent for a moment, finally sighed, turned and left.

The long night passed quietly in the restless hearts of countless people in the martial arts circle of Zhonghai city.The next day, early in the morning.

At the same time, Shen Tianyang and Shen Tianxing, together with more than a dozen Shen family members, came.

The old man of the dragon family is also here!

Behind him are more than 20 dragon families.

These people, the weakest in cultivation, are also six star masters.

Obviously, the master of the dragon family obeyed he Tianxiang's orders and brought almost all the masters of the dragon family to prevent accidents.

Someone from the Pei family has come.

However, the leader is not Pei Longting, but his housekeeper.

In addition to these three families, some other forces in the martial arts and Taoism have also sent many people.

In front of the gate of wudaomeng branch, more than 100 people gathered, each with a deep and deep breath, like a deep sea.

The essence released from their heads, like a giant dragon, rushed to the sky and scattered the clouds in the sky.


All of a sudden, he Tianxiang coughed a few times, scanned the crowd, and said with a smile, "everyone, I think you all know, just last night."

"My two capable men, Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI, are dead."


"The person who killed him is Jiang Hao hiding in the Red Queen Manor!"

He said in a deep voice: "this son has high strength and is said to be a nine star master."

"Although our branch of Wudao League has a strong army, it is somewhat reluctant to kill a nine star master."

"Such a devil must be removed!"

"Once he runs away, there will be a lot of trouble."

"So, in order to make sure that everything is safe, I'd like to wait for the inspector, elder Huang, to come and make a long-term plan."

"I didn't expect..."

He looked at the crowd, arched his hand and said: "I didn't expect that you were kind-hearted and righteous, and took the initiative to help he."

"He Mou is really grateful!"

When they heard the words, they immediately put on a fake smile and became polite.

"Where, where."

Shen Tianyang said with a modest smile: "wudaomeng is the patron saint of China."

"Brother he, as the head of the branch of Zhonghai Wudao League, has been in charge of Zhonghai for seven or eight years. He protects one side of the soil and water and one side of the square. He is a saint of the time. It's admirable!"

"Now, when you are in trouble, how can we not help you?"

"What's more, it's our duty to subdue demons and remove demons. How can we stand by and do nothing?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone nodded.

"Yes, brother Shen is right!"

"It's what we should do to help brother he to kill demons and demons. Brother he doesn't have to thank you!"

"Yes, yes!"

"Brother he, please rest assured that we will help you to kill the demons and demons!"

He Tianxiang glanced at the crowd and said with a smile: "he has remembered this kindness!"

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