
He Tianxiang glanced at the crowd and said with a smile: "he has remembered this kindness!"

"After getting rid of that devil and avenging my subordinates, I will hold a reception to thank you all."

"I hope everyone will not refuse at that time!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!"

"How can you refuse to drink?"

"Brother he, don't worry, we will go then!"

"Ha ha ha When that happens, everyone will not come back drunk. "

"Well, if you don't get drunk, you won't come back!"

They all laughed.

In front of the gate of wudaomeng branch, there was a lot of laughter, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

But that's the surface.

In the dark, everyone had their own plans.


All of a sudden, the air burst out.

A human figure came from the sky, very fast.

In the blink of an eye, it's here.

The man was dark, short and thin, with cross eyes, broken eyebrows, garlic nose, sausage mouth and buckteeth. He was very ugly.

And, at first glance, it's obscene and treacherous.

It doesn't look like a good person.

However, the faint breath of his body is extremely powerful, no less than he Tianxiang.

Inspector Huang Daofeng!

When he Tianxiang saw him, his face was very happy. He bowed down and said, "welcome to Mr. Huang!"

Others saluted one after another.

"Welcome to Mr. Huang!"

"Welcome to Mr. Huang!"

Huang Feng stood with a negative hand, looking down at the crowd, and said in a deep voice, "you're welcome."

"Get up!"

He wants to be an expert.

However, his appearance, his temperament, so that he can not pretend to be an expert style, forced imitation, will only be nondescript.

It's like bathing in a monkey's hat. It's funny and ridiculous.

However, no one dares to laugh.

Everyone wanted to laugh, but they could only hold it back and didn't dare to laugh.


All of a sudden, a laugh, like thunder, seemed very harsh at this moment.

A young man from a small force, unable to restrain himself, burst out laughing.

Suddenly, Huang Feng's face sank, and his eyes burst out with cold light.


Suddenly, he gave a cold drink.

Immediately, he raised a finger, shot out a finger awn, pierced the young man's eyebrows, and killed him on the spot.

Poop! Poop! Poop!

All of a sudden, the other four members of this small force all fell on their knees and begged for mercy.

"Elder Huang, we are wrong!"

"I'm not sensible enough to offend elder Huang. I beg elder Huang to be extra kind and spare us!"


"Elder Huang, don't kill us!"

They're scared.

Even if their heirs were killed, they didn't dare to have any anger and complaints. Instead, they knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Shut up

Suddenly, Huang Feng gave a cold drink.

He looked down at the four people and said coldly, "young people are not sensible and deserve to die!"

"You elders, if you don't teach him well, you'll be even more damned!"


His Mou Guang Sen is cold, a face murderous spirit, way: "you all go to die!"

Whew! Whew! Whew! Whew!

Before his voice fell, he bent his fingers to pop up four fingers and bombarded them respectively.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, the four men's bodies exploded into a blood mist, and then they were blown away with the wind.


In front of the gate of wudaomeng branch, it fell into a dead silence.

More than 100 people gathered here.

But at the moment, there was no noise.

Not even breathing.

Shen Tianyang, Pei's manager and others were all trembling with a sense of fear.

Rao is the old man of the dragon family. He Tianxiang and others are also a little uneasy.


Huang Feng is terrible! Too vicious!

Kill if you don't agree!

And when you kill five people, you don't even blink an eye. You don't have any hesitation or can't bear it.

On the contrary, he Tianxiang was still smiling. He was not surprised by Huang Feng's sudden killing.

Because Huang Feng is also Wang BA's subordinate, they are very familiar with each other.

He knew that Huang Feng hated being ridiculed for his figure and appearance.

Who laughs, Huang Feng will kill!


Suddenly, Huang Feng cold hum, bloodthirsty eyes, scanning everyone, cold way: "brother he!"He Tianxiang clasped his hands and said, "elder Huang, what's the matter?"

Huang Feng said coldly: "those people just now were disguised by the devil. They deliberately mixed in the crowd and tried to assassinate me. I saw them through and killed them on the spot!"

"I suspect that the people of their influence are all disguised by the people of evil way."

"You immediately send a team of people to encircle and suppress the people of that force!"


His face was ferocious and he said, "it's our duty to kill demons and demons!"


"Don't let go of any of the evil masters of that force!"

"Yes He Tianxiang answered.

Then, he immediately sent out all the experts in the branch.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

For a time, the sound of breaking the air was heard all the time.

A group of figures came out from the branch of wudaomeng, flying away with the smell of killing, and went straight to the forces of those people just now.

Hiss ~

when people at the gate of wudaomeng branch saw this scene, they all took in cold air.

They are trembling, really scared!

Some people are shivering and shivering all over.

It's not vicious.

It's bloody!

It's bloody!

Just because a young man couldn't help laughing, Huang Feng killed five people on the spot.

Then, we need to send people to wipe out all the forces they belong to.

How cruel! It's bloody!

He Tianxiang, the only one among the people, was not surprised.


Huang Feng has done this many times.

He was involved once.

Cough ~ ~

HUANG Feng coughed a few times, scanned the crowd, and said faintly: "well, don't panic, just a few evil people, they can't make waves."

"Before long, we should be able to wipe them out."

He said with awe inspiring righteousness: "it's our duty to kill demons and demons. There's no need to praise them."

When Shen Tianyang heard the speech, his eyes turned and he understood the voice of his painting.

Therefore, he arched his hand and said, "elder Huang is really worthy of being the patrol envoy of the Wudao League. He never forgets to kill the demons and protect China."

"It's really great!"

When other people heard this, they responded.

So they praised Huang Feng one after another.

"Yes, elder Huang is really great!"

"Elder Huang, what a saint

"Yes, Mr. Huang is great!"

"I have never admired a person in my life, but today, I really admire elder Huang!"

"Yes, I also admire elder Huang!"

Ha ha ha

When Huang Feng heard the speech, he looked up to the sky and laughed, feeling very happy.

"Where, where." He waved his hand and pretended to be modest.

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