He slammed on the gas pedal to the end.

Boom ~

suddenly, his car sped up and caught up with Jiang Hao's Ferrari.

Then, he hit it hard.


Jiang Hao's Ferrari was almost knocked off.

The rear of the car was out of shape. The iron lid flew out.

The house leaks, but it rains at night!

Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, two huge explosions, sounded.

A flat tire!

All of a sudden, Ferrari was like a wild animal, lost control and ran around the track.

"Hey, hey, I won!"

Du Feng Yin smile, driving sports car, rushed to the end.

"You want to beat me? What you think is so beautiful

The corner of Jiang Hao's mouth outlines a sneer.

He grasped the steering wheel with both hands and used his power to control the car.

Then, step on the gas.


Ferrari is like a rocket. It's coming out.

"I win..."

In front of the finish line, Du Feng was smiling. He was already cheering for the victory.

However, suddenly, his throat, like being pinched, could not make a sound.

Jiang Hao's Ferrari, like a flash of lightning, passed by him.

And, fly away.

He lost!

Although the gap is very small, in the eyes of many people, they reached the end at the same time, but they lost in the end.

"No No way. How could I lose... "

Du Feng can't accept such an outcome.

"You lost." Jiang Hao gets out of the car and stares at Du Feng.

"No, I didn't lose!" Du Feng quibbled that he would not admit losing.

"Yes, Du Shao didn't lose!" The new elegant help cavity way.

Meng Xing glared at her and looked at Du Feng, "Du Feng, I thought you were just mean, but I didn't expect you to be so shameless!"

"In order to win the race, I did some tricks on brother Jiang's car. If it wasn't for brother Jiang's good technique, something might have happened. Now I've lost and I don't admit it."

"Your father's face is a disgrace to you!"

Du Feng was a little ashamed and guilty, and lowered his head.

Xinya yelled, "you're bullshit, Du Shao didn't tamper with the car, and he didn't lose!"

"Shut up

Meng Xing turned his head and sternly rebuked, "when can I get your intervention?"

"I used to be blind. I liked a disgusting woman like you. Bah!"

"You You humiliated me? "

Xinya's delicate body was trembling and angry.

Relying on her youth and beauty, she collaborated with several well-known directors. In the performing arts circle, she was very successful. Even if she was a first-line star, she did not dare to offend her.

Have you ever been humiliated?

"Bitch, dare to scold me, slap me!"

Xinya raises her hand and slaps Meng Xing.


Meng Xing drinks violently and takes a hit later. She slaps her face.


Xinya staggered a few times and fell into Du Feng's arms.

She hugged Du Feng and sobbed.

"Woo woo Du Shao, this slut hit me, he hit me, you have to decide for me. "

"Shut up Du Feng drinks cold.

Xinya is too presumptuous.

Meng Xing is the son of Meng Jingguo and the grandson of the old hero. When he scolds him as a slut, he is not scolding Meng Jingguo and the old hero. He can't bear the charge.

"Du Shao, you..."

Xinya is surprised and angry at the same time.

She humiliates Meng Xing for Du Feng. Now she is beaten. Du Feng not only doesn't decide for her, but also scolds her.

"Shut up Du Feng rebuked coldly.

Then, looking at Meng Xing, he opened his mouth and said, "Meng Xing, let's just let it go. How about that?"

"No way!"

Meng Xing refused, "you lost, it's time to cash the bet, shouting three times: sorry, I'm wrong!"


Du Feng glaring, "you do not force me."

"What if I force you?"

Meng Xing also looked directly at him, "aren't you arrogant and arrogant all the time? Yes? Now you lose, but you want to default? "

"To be a good person, we can see each other in the future. Meng Xing, don't be too good!" Du Feng clenched his fist and cheered.

Ha ha

Meng Xing rolled his eyes and sneered.

"Do you know how to be a good person and meet each other in the future? Did you think of that when you beat me just now? Did you think of this sentence when you tampered with brother Jiang's car? "

"Did you think of that when you drove into brother Jiang?""Now tell me to stay on the line, so that we can meet in the future? Sorry, you don't deserve it! "

Meng Xing sonorous way: "hurry to shout it!"


Du Feng's face is full of anger, "Meng Xing, I give you Xinya, this matter, write off, how?"

"No way!"

Meng Xing refused on the spot, "this kind of broken shoes that thousands of people ride and thousands of people press, I'd better leave it to you."

He pulled out his ear. "Hurry up, I'm in a hurry!"

"By the way, don't try to default, otherwise, tomorrow's front page headlines must be you, the people of the whole country, will know what you Du Feng did tonight."


Du Feng is very angry, at the same time, a little timid.

It's a sensitive period now. If you hit a sports car maliciously, it can be either big or small. If it's posted on the Internet or in the newspaper, it may become a handle for the enemy to attack his father.

In that case, the consequences are serious.

He can't afford it, and neither can his father.

"Good, good."

Du Feng even said three "good" words, his face, ferocious incomparable, eyes light, revealed bloodthirsty cold.

"Remember, I will be a hundred times shameful today

Meng Xing raised his mouth, "I'll wait and start shouting!"

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong!" Du Feng clenched his teeth and whispered.

"Speak up, I can't hear you!" Meng Xing is smiling.

Du Feng clenched his fists, very hard, straight white, shaking all over.

He is in Yunzhou, but he is a famous prince.

In addition to Meng Xing, who dares to be rude to him is nothing but bowing and flattering.

He has always been the only one who forced others to apologize to him. How ever did he apologize to others?

What's more, it's in public, apologizing in front of a group of "little brothers.".

He was reluctant to apologize.

However, he had to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong!" He cried.

Meng Xing nodded, "good, good, continue, there are two."

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong!"

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong!"

Du Feng red eyes, staring at Meng Xing, voice hoarse tunnel: "enough?"

"Not bad, not bad."

Meng Xing waved his hand, but in the corner of his eye, he was full of proud smile.

Ha ha ha

"Brother Jiang, let's go."

He laughed, went to Lamborghini with Jiang Hao and left.

"Asshole, asshole, asshole..."

After Meng Xing left, Du Feng was so angry that he smashed things everywhere.

It took a long time to calm down.

"Meng Xing, Jiang Hao, you wait for me, this matter, will not be so forget, today's disgrace, I will return to you a hundred times a thousand times!" Du Feng roared.

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