"Du Shao, put down the fire. Let's go to Feilong hotel." Xinya has a sweet voice.

"Go away!" Du Feng roared.

"Don't be angry, Du Shao."

Xinya nestles in Du Feng's arms, twists her body and gives him a few miso.

"Get out of here!"

Du Feng pushed her away.

Xinya stumbled and almost fell.

Her face, changed for a while, in the eye flashed one silk Yin ruthless.

Immediately, with a bright smile, he rushed to Du Feng.

"Du Shao, I..."


However, it was Du Feng who gave her a slap.

Xinya covers her face, a little confused.

"You Why did you hit me? "

"Go away!" Du Feng roared.

He was like a wild animal, full of danger.


New elegant eyes, suddenly cold up.


"Go away!"

Du Feng drinks angrily and slaps Xinya in the face again.

He vented his anger on Xinya.


Xinya is very angry and ready to scold.

As a result, Du Feng's slap on the face brought all the words back to his mouth.

"Go away!"

Xinya covers her face, deep in her eyes, full of resentment.

Since she joined several major directors, no one dared to scold her, reprimand her, disrespect her, let alone beat her.



She stares at Du Feng, hate surging, have a kind of rush up, scratch his face impulse.

But she didn't dare.

Yunzhou city's Prince, the status is too high, she can't afford to offend.


She left with a cold Snort and anger.

Sitting in the car, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

The anger in the chest, like the fire rising in the storm, is more and more vigorous.

She wanted to seduce Du Feng, and then fly to the branch to become a Phoenix.

I didn't expect that nothing could be done.

In the end, not only did he get nothing, he was slapped in the face.

She hates Du Feng, Meng Xing and Jiang Hao.

Especially Jiang Hao, if he didn't win Du Feng, leading to Du Feng's fury, she might be able to win Du Feng.

Meng Xing and Du Feng, the background is so terrible that she can't stir it up.


She has to take revenge on Jiang Hao!

Back at the hotel, Xinya was furious. She took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

The phone is through.

"Hello, is that brother Ba?"

Ten minutes later.

A tall, burly and fierce man walked into Xinya's room.

He is ba Ge, a gangster leader in Yunzhou city.

"Baby ~"

as soon as brother Ba enters the door, he embraces Xinya.


Xinya nestles in his arms and sobs.

Ba Ge saw the slap mark on her face and immediately became angry. He roared, "honey, who's going to hit your face? Tell me, I'm going to kill him!"

Xinya shakes her head and makes a pathetic appearance.

Brother BA was even more angry when he saw her pitiful appearance.

"Honey, who's fighting? Tell me, I'll avenge you!"

"Yes It's Jiang Hao. " Xinya sobbed.

She dare not deal with Meng Xing and Du Feng.

Therefore, we can only target Jiang Hao.

"Jiang Hao?"

Brother BA was stunned for a moment.

He knows all the influential figures in Yunzhou, but he has never heard of Jiang Hao.

"Where did he come from?" Asked brother ba.

Although he is big and thick, he is not stupid.

"I checked. He's not from Yunzhou. He's supposed to be a tourist. He doesn't have any background. Brother Ba, you must avenge me!" Xinya grits its teeth.

She deliberately conceals that Jiang Hao and Meng Xing know each other.

Because, she worried that Ba Ge was afraid to deal with Jiang Hao.

"Well, well, it's just a bully. I'll take some people with me tomorrow, and I'll just waste his hand." Ba Ge feels the new elegance and spoils the tunnel.

"No way!"

Xinya touched his still hot and painful face and said fiercely, "it's not enough to disable him with one hand. I'll disable his limbs and make him disabled all his life."

Hiss ~

brother Ba takes a breath of air conditioning, and is shocked by Xinya's ruthlessness.

Xinya gently beat brother BA's chest, coquetry way: "OK?"

"Good, good." Big brother agreed.

Don't say that ordinary people, even small outsiders with a background, can deal with their hands and feet.After all, he has some background in Yunzhou.

"I've agreed to your request. Tonight, you must make me happy enough!" Brother Ba gave a dirty smile.

New elegant charming smile.

"Officer, I'm ready."

"Come home, too!"

Brother Ba rubbed his hands and rushed up.


The next day.

In a small restaurant, Jiang Hao and sun Qing are eating.

Suddenly, a group of flowing ruffians burst in.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen..." Asked a waiter.

"Get out of here!"

A ruffian, can't help but say, rudely pushed the waiter.

The waiter faltered and fell to the ground. He knocked his elbow and inhaled in pain.

"Why do you beat people?"

Another waiter, seeing that his companion was beaten, came forward to talk.


"I'll fight if I want. Why don't you like it?"

A ruffian rushed up and slapped the waiter.

"Dare you speak?" The ruffian looked at the waiter.

The waiter covered his face and dared not speak.

"What? What are you doing? "

Big brother came slowly, his legs were a little soft.

Last night was so crazy that he was almost squeezed dry.

"I've said for a long time that we are civilized people, not gangsters. Don't be so manipulative. We should be civilized. Do you understand me?" Ba Ge cheered coldly.

"I understand!"

A group of ruffians answered in unison.

"What are you doing? Why hit people? " The restaurant owner rushed over and asked.

The boss is in his forties and looks honest.

"Leave now, or I'll call the police!"

"Call the police?"

Brother Ba narrowed his eyes when he heard the speech.

"You are paralyzed!"

Suddenly, he moved.

Slap the boss in the face.

Then, another kick kicked the boss in the stomach, kicked him, rolled on the ground several times.

"Grass, Lao Tzu said we should talk about civilization. I really think I don't do it, do I?"

Suddenly, he rushed up again and mended his feet.

"Spicy next door, get out of here. No matter what happens later, I don't see it. Do you hear me?" He said coldly.

The boss curled up and nodded.

Ba Ge looked around and yelled, "whatever you look at, get the hell out of here!"

After hearing this, a group of guests ran away.

Sun Qing was a little scared, so he took Jiang Hao and prepared to leave.


Suddenly, brother Ba yelled.

Sun Qing shivered and froze.

Ba Ge came slowly, and a group of ruffians surrounded Jiang Hao and sun Qing.

"You two, who the hell is Jiang Hao?"

"I'm Jiang Hao." Jiang Hao's light tunnel.

Ba Ge squinted at him and yelled, "honey, here you are. Come in."

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