
Xing Wu hesitated and stood up.

"Anyway, Jiang Hao killed hundreds of people."

"This is a capital crime, unforgivable!"

"What's more, he has too much heart to kill. Sooner or later, he will fall into the evil way."


"I suggest that you kill Jiang Hao, and you'll never have trouble again!" he said coldly

"I think elder Xing Wu has a point!"

"I agree!"

"I agree, too!"


As soon as the words came out, several Dharma guardians of Wang BA's pulse all nodded in agreement.

After all, Jiang Hao's feud with them is very deep and can't be resolved.

Wang BA's pulse of people, back and forth, died in the hands of Jiang Hao, more than double-digit.

Even Wang BA's family was killed by Jiang Hao.

How to resolve this feud?

What's more, Wang BA's people have never thought of resolving their hatred. They just want to kill Jiang Hao and avenge those people.

At the same time, he asked Wang ba for credit.


These Dharma guardians are determined to kill him. Anyway, they just want to take the opportunity to get rid of Jiang Hao.

"I object!"

Suddenly, a Dharma Elder spoke.

"In the final analysis, the fault lies in he Ming, he Tianxiang and Huang Feng!"

He said coldly, "it's them who, regardless of the rules of the Wudao League, force others to help them kill because of their personal feuds with their identity and strength."

"They deserve the most!"

"That's right!"

Another elder, nodding his head, said, "he Tianxiang and Huang Feng, damn it!"

"Even if they are not killed by Jiang Hao, I will kill them when they come back!"

"Because they have discredited and defiled the Wudao League!"

"I agree with that

The third elder of Dharma protector echoed: "it's not Jiang Hao's fault in this matter!"

"If someone wants to kill me, I will kill them like Jiang Hao. I will never wait for them to kill me!"

"Besides, he Tianxiang, Huang Feng and others deserve to die!"



"Well said!"

A group of Dharma elders nodded in agreement.


Several Dharma elders of Wang BA's pulse were angry and angry when they heard these words, and their eyes would burst out with anger.

Even, they want to do it.

But they dare not!

"In any case, he Tianxiang and Huang Feng are all members of the Wudao League!"

Xing Wu cheered coldly: "moreover, in Wudao League, the status is very high and the status is very noble!"

"It's a capital crime for Jiang Hao to kill them!"

"Yes, Jiang Hao must die!"

"He must not be spared!"

"Kill! Kill him

Wang BA's several Dharma guardians drank coldly one after another.

They are determined to get rid of Jiang Hao!

"All right!"

Suddenly, Wu Daozi gave a cold drink.

All of a sudden, everyone was quiet.

Wu Daozi said faintly, "it's no use discussing this matter any more."

"In that case, vote!"

"If you think Jiang Hao is guilty and should be killed, please raise your hand!"

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Before the words came out, several Dharma guardians of Wang Ba raised their hands.

Wu Daozi took a look and nodded: "OK, five votes in all!"

"So If you think Jiang Hao is innocent, please raise your hand! "

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

for a while, more than a dozen Dharma elders raised their hands.


Seeing this scene, Xing Wu's face was as gloomy as water, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

Several other Dharma guardians also look very ugly.

"Eleven votes."

Wu Daozi announced: "OK, I declare that this matter is over. Jiang Hao is not guilty."

"I object!"

Suddenly, Xing Wu stood up.

His face was overcast and he said coldly, "elder Wu Daozi, elder Vajra, elder longxuzi, elder sword five."

"I don't think it's fair."

Wu Daozi light way: "that you say, how unfair."

Hu ~

Xing Wu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I admit that he Ming, he Tianxiang and Huang Feng made a mistake first."

"But Jiang Hao is also wrong!"

"He Ming, he Tianxiang and Huang Feng, regardless of the rules of wudaomeng, killed ordinary people without authorization. If they committed the death crime, they should die, but not in Jiang Hao's hands.""Their crimes should be judged and punished by our law guardians."

"And Jiang Hao, just a little bronze medal elder, has no right to kill he Tianxiang and Huang Feng!"


Xing Wu stopped for a moment, then said: "Jiang Hao also slaughtered many forces in the military and Taoist circles of Zhonghai city."

"Those people are wrong, but sin does not kill them."

"But Jiang Hao killed them all!"

"This kind of thing is extremely bad in nature. If it is not handled properly and spread, it will certainly damage the reputation of our Wudao League."

"It even makes people in the martial arts and Taoism circles of China think that as long as they are members of the martial arts and Taoism League, they have the power to live and kill everyone. They think that anyone who makes a mistake can be killed."

"At that time, it may lead to great turmoil in the martial arts and Taoism circles of China, and the consequences will be unimaginable."


Xing Wu's eyes burst out a wisp of cold light.

"I think it's unfair to sentence Jiang Hao not guilty without any punishment."

"Even No

Second best!

Xing Wu knows very well that he can't kill Jiang Hao with the protection of a group of elder law guardians and several elder law enforcers.

Then, we can only take the second place.

If you can't kill Jiang Hao, punish him severely.

For example Waste his cultivation!

As long as Jiang Hao's cultivation is abandoned, he can't escape. He can kill if he wants to.

Wang BA's other Dharma guardians understood this, and his face showed a deep sneer.

So they agreed.

"Yes, Jiang Hao was sentenced to be innocent without any punishment. I think this decision is wrong!"

"That's right. Anyway, Jiang Hao also killed hundreds of people, causing extremely bad influence. Without any punishment, it's hard to give an account to the Chinese martial arts circle!"

"Yes, even though Jiang Hao's death can be avoided, he can't escape a living crime!"

"I suggest that we abolish Jiang Hao's cultivation, tell the world, and give everyone an account!"

"I agree to abolish Jiang Hao's cultivation!"

"It's a good decision, I agree with it!"

"I agree, too!"


This time, it was the other elders' turn to be depressed and angry.

Ha ha

Wang BA's Dharma guardians all sneered, and his face was full of detse.

Can't kill Jiang Hao, so what?

As long as his cultivation is abolished, he will be a dead man and doomed to die.


A group of Dharma guardians were very angry when they saw the Deze on the faces of Xing Wu and others.

However, they have nothing to do.


They have a point!

Anyway, Jiang Hao has slaughtered hundreds of people without any punishment. He really can't explain to the whole martial arts circle.

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