Xing Wu looked at Wu Daozi and said, "elder Wu Daozi, I suggest that Jiang Hao's accomplishments be abandoned."

"In my opinion, this punishment is the most fair and reasonable."

"What do you think?"


He's making Wu Daozi's army!

Because he knew that several law enforcement elders, especially Wu Daozi, were very good to Jiang Hao and defended him everywhere, so he pressed Wu Daozi step by step.

He forced Wu Daozi to abandon Jiang Hao's cultivation.


Suddenly, a Dharma elder stood up and yelled, "Xing Wu, how can you talk to elder Wu Daozi?"

"Don't forget who you are

"What happened to me?"

Xing Wu shrugged his shoulders and said, "very good."

"I didn't confuse black and white, and I didn't swear. What I said is true. What's the matter?"

"Is that all right?"

Hey, hey

Wang BA's several elder Dharma protectors grinned and agreed.

"Yes, elder Xing Wu said the truth. Can't you tell the truth?"

"This is the Presbyterian hall. We are all Dharma elders. Can't we express our personal views and opinions?"

"What? Do you want to deprive elder Xing Wu of his right to speak? "

They all sneer.

Words, armed, full of thorns.


All the Dharma elders were very angry.

"Be quiet!"

Suddenly, Wu Daozi gave a cold drink.

All of a sudden, everyone was quiet and didn't dare to talk any more.

Wu Daozi looked at the corner of his mouth

"Jiang Hao's death can be avoided, but his life can't escape."

"What do you think of my suggestion to abolish his cultivation?"


He is also a general, forcing Wu Daozi.

When Wu Daozi heard the speech, he had a calm face, no sadness, no joy, no anger.


He nodded and said indifferently, "what you said has some truth."

"Bronze medal elder Jiang Hao, after all, killed people. If he is found not guilty and does not do any punishment, it is really difficult to convince the public."

When Xing Wu heard this, he looked happy.

He knows, he won!

Although Wu Daozi likes, values and takes care of Jiang Hao, he is only one of the five law enforcement elders and can't defend Jiang Hao at all costs.

Without Wu Daozi's protection, Jiang Hao is the cutting board of fish and meat, let him butcher.

Ha ha ha

Xing Wu said with a laugh: "elder Wu Daozi is really selfless. He won't shield anyone for personal feelings. I really admire him!"

"In that case..."

"Please ask elder Wu Daozi to allow me to go to Zhonghai city immediately, arrest Jiang Hao, abolish his cultivation, and take him back to the headquarters!"

"Who said he would abolish Jiang Hao's cultivation?" Wu Daozi is indifferent.


When Xing Wu heard the speech, he was confused.

"Well How would you like to punish him? " He is very quiet.

Wu Daozi glanced at him and said, "Jiang Hao has killed people. It's hard to escape the blame."

"However, I remember that he once swept the foreign forces in the wonderland, killed several evil geniuses, cut off future troubles, and promoted the power of China."

"If the merits and demerits are equal, then..."

"Remove him from his position as a bronze medal elder and expel him from the Wudao League as a punishment."


Xing Wu was stunned and objected: "this punishment is too light. I don't want to..."

Shua ~

suddenly, Wu Daozi turned his head and fixed his eyes on him with deep and calm eyes.

"You don't accept my punishment?"


Xing Wu opened his mouth and finally swallowed it.

Wu Daozi's punishment is reasonable. There is no problem. He can't refute it.


Without Wang BA's support, he would not dare to fight with Wu Daozi.

"I I'll take it Xing Wu lowered his head, unwilling to speak.

"What about the others?"

Wu Daozi's unshakable eyes scanned everyone and asked, "can you accept the punishment I have imposed?"


"Elder Wu Daozi's punishment is fair and just. I agree with it!"

"I agree, too!"

"I'll take it!"

"This punishment is the most reasonable, I support it!"

A group of Dharma elders nodded in agreement.When Wu Daozi heard the speech, he had no expression on his face. He was not sad or happy. He looked at several Dharma guardians of Wang ba.

"And you?"

Several Dharma guardians of Wang Ba look at each other.

Then, all of them said in a deep voice, "I'll take it!"


Wu Daozi said faintly: "in this case, I will announce..."

"From today on, remove Jiang Hao from his position as a bronze medal elder. At the same time, expel him from the Wudao League!"

"Elder Wu Daozi is wise!" A group of Dharma elders said in unison.

Xing Wu and others agreed.

No way. The punishment has been fixed and no one can change it.

Xing Wu and others, although a little disappointed, but did not give up.

After all, after Jiang Hao was expelled from the Wudao League, he had no big backing and umbrella. At that time, there were many ways to kill him.

"Little bastard, even if Wu Daozi protects you, you will die!" The cold light in Xing Wu's eyes twinkled, and there was a dark way.

The same is true of the other Dharma guardians of Wang ba.

In their eyes, they were all thinking about how to get rid of Jiang Hao.

"I have one more thing to announce!"

Suddenly, Wu Daozi spoke again.

Hearing this, they all raised their heads and looked at him in unison.

Wu Daozi glanced around and said faintly, "the murder of Jiang Hao has given us a reminder."

"There are many moths in our Wudao League!"

Suddenly, his voice was cold.

"These moths, relying on the people of the Wudao League, have done a lot of despicable and dirty things and ruined the reputation of the Wudao League."

"At the same time, it also violates the regulations of the Wudao League."

"We must find out all these moths and punish them severely. We will not spare any of them!"


He said in a deep voice: "I announce that from now on, a group of people will be selected from the guard force of the headquarters to form an inspection team, from top to bottom, from large to small, to thoroughly investigate everyone in the Wudao League!"

"Once someone is found to have violated the rules of the Wudao League, no matter who it is, it will be punished severely and never spared lightly!"


As soon as the words came out, Wang BA's several Dharma guardians all changed their faces.

There was a trace of panic and fear in their eyes.

After all, over the years, the power of Wang Ba has developed very fast because of the use of many unclean means.

So to speak.

If you really want to find out, few of the people in the whole lineage of Wang Ba are clean, including some of their Dharma guardians.

Once they are found out what they have done, something will definitely happen.

Even, many people may be executed!

How can Xing Wu and others not panic?

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