Xing Wu and others are all flustered.

In the Presbyterian hall, many of the Dharma guardians from other factions also showed a little uneasiness.

However, they are not flustered, there is no color of fear.


They or their subordinates have also violated the regulations, but it is not serious. Even if they are found out, it will not be a big problem.

"Well, that's a good decision."

All of a sudden, longxuzi opened his mouth.

He nodded and said, "the forest is big. There are all kinds of birds!"

"It's really time for us to clean up inside the Wudao League and clean up some rubbish!"

"Good proposal."

"The inspection team should be set up as soon as possible," he said

"Then, act quickly, investigate everyone, prevent some people from cheating, cover up the crime and erase the evidence."

"I agree!"

The five characters of the sword are concise and comprehensive, and they utter three words coldly.

The three law enforcement elders all agreed with Wu Daozi's proposal.

So, this proposal is certain.

As a result, a group of Dharma elders also agreed.

"Good proposal, I agree!"

"I agree, too!"

Xing Wu and others, hearing these words, turned darker and darker.

The confusion in the pupil of the eye is becoming more and more intense.

However, no matter how flustered or frightened they are, they can't show it. Otherwise, they will come to terms with themselves.


They could only hold their noses, nodded and said, "we also agree with elder Wu Daozi's decision!"


Wu Daozi nodded slightly.

"Break up!"

Hum ~ hum ~ hum ~

suddenly, the space fluctuated, and the four law enforcement elders Wu Daozi, Jianwu, Jingang and longxuzi disappeared out of thin air.

Hey, hey

A longxuzi Dharma elder, looking at Xing Wu and others, grinned and said, "before long, the inspection team will find you."

"Are you scared and flustered now?"

Ha ha ha

A Dharma elder of Vajra pulse said with a laugh: "it's more than a panic?"

"In my opinion, they're going to piss!"

"Scared to pee?"

The elder Dharma protector of sword five one pulse, with a sneer on his face, said deliberately: "is there such exaggeration?"

"Did they do a lot of bad things?"

Another elder protector of the Dharma said, "they have done more than a lot of bad things."

"I'm afraid I can't count it."

"This time, the inspection team will clean up, and I think many people will be executed."

"I just don't know if there will be some of them among the dead."

Ha ha ha

One man looked up at the sky and said with a laugh, "I expect there will be!"

"Even, maybe more than one!"

Ouch ~ ~

a Dharma elder smacked his mouth and said with a sneer, "I'm going to die soon?"

"So miserable?"

"It seems that some people have to take advantage of the last moment to eat, drink, play and have a good time."

"Otherwise, when you get to hell, you won't have to enjoy it!"

Ha ha ha

When they heard the words, they all laughed wildly.

It's a pain in the neck!

They are happy to do such things.

After all, in the past two years, the influence of Wang Ba has become more and more powerful, which has led to the people in Wang BA's line acting more and more arrogantly and excessively.

They've had a lot of experience.

Everyone has a fire in his stomach, but he can't let it out.

Now, here's the chance!

They will not miss such a good opportunity.


Wang Ba is a bald old man with angry face and bright eyes. Occasionally, there is a chance to kill him.

"Do you want to die?"

He's furious!

Angry want to kill!

Ha ha

Hearing the words, the elder protector of sword five one pulse sneered and said contemptuously, "what? Want to kill us? "

"Come on!"

"My sword, already thirsty!"


The bald old man uttered a rude remark and his eyes were burning.


All of a sudden, he was shocked, and the weather broke out, sweeping the elder Dharma protector of sword Wuyi.

At the same time, he raised his fist.

He's really going to do it!

"Stop it

Suddenly, Xing Wu gave a cold drink and stopped the bald old man."Let's go!"

He tugged at the bald old man and turned away.

Wang BA's other Dharma guardians, with cold and sharp eyes, took a deep look at all the Dharma guardians.

"We remember that!"

Whew! Whew! Whew!

They put down a word, then, also body shape in a flash, galloping away.

Outside the Presbyterian hall.

"Let go of me!"

The bald old man threw away his hand and broke away from Xing Wu.

Immediately, he glared at Xing Wu and said coldly, "Xing Wu, why did you just stop me?"


Xing Wu snorted coldly and said, "if I don't stop you, you are a dead man now!"


The bald old man was not angry at the words.

He retorted: "although he is a member of the five elders of the sword and majored in swordsmanship, he has strong fighting power, but I am confident that I will not lose him, and I can even beat him!"

"And then?"

Xing Wu said coldly, "can you hold them together?"


Suddenly, the bald old man was speechless.

"Well, don't make any noise."

The tall elder, frowning, said, "the most urgent thing is to discuss how to keep those secrets and our lives when the inspection team searches."

"And how to get rid of Jiang Hao instead of arguing about these trivial things!"

This speech, Xing Wu and others, all silent.

Obviously, they are at a loss.

The tall elder Dharma protector has a sad face.

"Can't you help it?"


Several people shook their heads.


they all sighed, and their faces were full of worry and confusion.


A moment later, Xing Wu clenched his teeth and said coldly, "let's go to find elder Nongxing!"

"He'll find a way!"

Hearing the words, everyone's eyes brightened, as if people in despair saw hope.

"Yes, elder Nongxing!"

"Elder Nongxing will have a way!"

"Come on! Let's go

Whew! Whew! Whew!

In an instant, they turned into streamers and went straight to the residence of Nongxing.

Nong Xing's mistake is not serious. In addition, he has a high status, so the place where he was detained is his residence.

A moment later, Xing Wu and others arrived.

As soon as he entered the door, Xing Wu asked for help and said, "elder Nongxing, we really can't help it. Please..."


Suddenly, Nongxing made a silent gesture.

Xing Wu and others wake up and shut up.

"Follow me!" Nongxing cold channel.

Then he took the lead.

Xing Wu and others, look at each other, quickly followed up.

A minute later, they all went into a very secret room.

This secret room is hidden in his mansion.

However, few people know.

Without him to lead the way, even if you come in and search, you can't find it.

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