After seven turns and eight turns, Nongxing, Xingwu and others walked into a secret room.

This secret room is very secret. Even the people in Wang BA's vein only know about Xing Wu and other Dharma protectors, but the rest don't.

"Go ahead."

Nong Xing looked at Xing Wu and others and said faintly, "what's the matter?"

Xing Wu said in a deep voice: "just now Wu Daozi announced that an inspection team would be set up to thoroughly search everyone."

"Once the problem is found out, it will be severely punished!"

"What shall we do?"


The bald old man nodded and said, "elder Nongxing, you have to find a way."

"Otherwise, once we are found out, Wu Daozi will never let us go."

"We're all going to die!"

"What's the matter?"

Nong Xing glared at him and yelled.

Then he looked at Xing Wu and said in a leisurely way, "this matter, please tell me in detail!"


Xing Wu nodded.

So he repeated Wu Daozi's words to Nongxing almost word for word.

"Choose from the guards to form an inspection team?"

After hearing this, Nong Xing tilted his mouth slightly and showed a calm smile.


He was calm, and there was no panic or fear in his heart.


Seeing this, Xing Wu picked his eyebrows and said, "elder Nongxing, you're still smiling

"Do something quickly!"

"Otherwise, we'll all die!"

Nong Xing shook his head and said, "don't worry."

"I can't die, and neither can you."

"No one can die!"


Several elder Dharma protectors, hearing this sentence, were slightly stunned.

Then they all breathed a sigh of relief and looked happy.

Xing Wu asked, "elder Nongxing, have you come up with a solution?"

"Tell me what you can do."

Several other Dharma guardians also raised their ears, ready to listen.

However, Nong Xing shook his head and laughed.

"I didn't think of a way!"


All the people were dumbfounded when they heard the words.

Xing Wu said anxiously: "elder Nongxing, you didn't think of a way. Why do you still say we can't die?"

"Because we really can't die!"

Nong Xing calm face, calm way: "don't worry, our business, small inspection team, can't find out!"


When Xing Wu and others heard this sentence, they were dubious.

"Of course it's true!"

Nongxing confidently and confidently said: "don't forget, who is the person behind us?"

"With him, we can't die even if it's revealed!"

Suddenly, Xing Wu and others' eyes brightened, and they all recovered their composure.

There was even a smile on his face.

Obviously, they have great confidence in him.

"So it is."

Xing Wu said with a smile: "we are really worried about the sky."

"With him, we are absolutely safe!"


Several other Dharma elders also nodded.

"All right."

Xing Wu light way: "this matter, is not a matter, then discuss the second thing, how to deal with it."

All of a sudden, his face was cold, and his eyes burst out of moriran.

"How can we kill Jiang Hao?"

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

suddenly, everyone looked at Nongxing, waiting for his orders and arrangements.

"It's better to deal with it!"

With a faint smile, Nong Xing said, "Jiang Hao was expelled from Wudao League. Without the umbrella of Wudao League, it's easy to kill him."


"We are not fit to fight."

Xing Wu frowned and asked, "why?"

"Wu Daozi and others like and value Jiang Hao very much."

Nong Xing said in a deep voice: "although he expelled Jiang Hao from the Wudao League, he will certainly remind Jiang Hao to guard against us."

"Even, he may secretly send someone to protect Jiang Hao."

"With preparedness, it's very difficult for us to kill him."

"If it's someone else, the success rate will be higher!"

Nong Xing, with an expression of wisdom, said: "if the final plan fails, it will not affect us."

"Good plan!"

After hearing this, Xing Wu couldn't help exclaiming."If we don't fight, who will kill Jiang Hao?"

Xing Wu frowned and said, "you know, although Jiang Hao is a little boy, he is very talented and powerful. He Tianxiang and Huang Feng are even better."

"Even the master of the Shen family in the middle of the nine star master died in his hands."

"Ordinary people, even if it's a sneak attack, it's hard to kill him!"

"Don't worry about that."

Nong Xing said with a faint smile: "Jiang Hao's strength is not so exaggerated."

"The old man of the Shen family, although he was in the middle of the nine star master, was too old. His Qi and blood were dry and his body was in decline. His strength was not much better than that of Huang Feng."

"Therefore, a little more powerful nine star master in the middle of the people, enough to kill him."


All of a sudden, he grinned at the corner of his mouth with a bloodthirsty and ferocious smile.

"In order to make sure everything is safe, we will send the people in the later period of master Jiuxing to kill him!"

"Well, be safe!"

"Yes, this time, we must get rid of Jiang Hao!"

"The cultivation of master Jiuxing in his later period is more than enough to kill him!"

Xing Wu and others nodded.


Xing Wu frowned and said, "who are you going to send?"

"I already have a candidate in my mind."

Nong Xing grinned and said, "Xing Wu, please contact huangquan valley now and order them to send one immediately..."

"No, order them to immediately send two masters of the late nine star master to Zhonghai city to kill Jiang Hao!"

"The valley of the yellow spring?"

When Xing Wu and others heard these three words, their pupils all shrank.

Five years ago, the valley of the yellow spring suddenly appeared.

As soon as he came to this world, he slaughtered a super class sect, from the supreme elder of the nine star master to the servants who had no power to bind chickens. There were more than 1600 people in total, all of whom were sacrificed by blood.

As a result, the paradise where this super class school is located has become a forbidden place full of ghosts. It's like nine hell. If you get close to it, you will die.

Blood sacrifice to more than 1600 people, too crazy, too bloody, too cruel.

Such a terrible massacre, throughout the whole modern times, did not appear a few times.


As soon as this incident spread, it caused a sensation in the martial arts circle all over the world.

At that time, several law enforcement elders of Wudao League were furious.

They went out in person and led a group of Dharma guardians and gold medal elders. They wanted to wipe out the whole valley.

However, they threw themselves in the air.

The terrible and cruel valley of huangquan suddenly appeared and disappeared.

No matter how the wudaomeng searched or searched, no trace could be found, just as huangquan Valley did not exist at all.

In the end, it's not over.

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