Whew! Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, three figures appeared, hanging in the air, standing like a banished immortal.

"Flying in the sky?"

"Are they flying?"

"My God, I must be dazzled, otherwise how can I see someone flying in the sky!"

"I'll go. Who are these three people? They are flying in the sky without any tools. It's just too hanging!"

"It's so awesome. Shoot it and send it to the circle of friends on Weibo!"

, "quickly, quickly record it, and spread it to the jitter, and tiktok will burst!"

The whole airport people, seeing this scene, were all shocked, dumbfounded and muddled. Tiktok,

, some people quickly rebel, take out their mobile phone, take pictures, record videos, and send them to micro-blog friends circle or directly to the jitter.

In the sky, among the three figures, the only young man looked down.

Suddenly, his face was cold.

In the eyes, there is a cold light.


He snorted coldly and said, "a group of low-level wild monkeys!"

"Get out of here!"

Suddenly, he burst out.

All of a sudden, an invisible and terrible momentum, surging, spread to all directions, instantly covered the entire airport, shrouded everyone.

Poop! Poop! Poop!

In an instant, the whole airport people, like being crushed by mountains, all knelt down on the ground.

"Get up!"

"Get up!"

The crowd roared, trying to control their bodies and stand up.

However, no matter how hard they try, how they roar, it's no use.

Their knees, like welded to the floor, couldn't stand up at all.

"What's going on?"

"Asshole, why can't I get up?"

"My legs Is it useless? "

"Grass Mud Horse, what have you done to us?"

"Asshole, let me return to normal quickly, or I will kill you!"

"Spicy next door, dare to fight me, are you tired of living?"

Everyone was in a panic, even in fear.

However, there are also many people, showing a fierce side, staring at the three people in the sky, yelling, scolding, and even threatening.

Ha ha

The young man gave a sneer, and his face showed deep contempt.

"A group of uncivilized wild monkeys, shut up

He gave a cold drink, which aroused his inner strength.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

All of a sudden, the mouth of all the people in the whole airport was sealed by the inner force, so that they could not speak and could only make a whine.


It's weird.

All of them shivered, their bodies were like chaff, and their eyes were full of fear.

Even some people are scared to pee.

Outside the airport, many people gathered.

When these people saw this scene, they were all horrified. Without saying a word, they turned around and ran away for fear that if they slow down, they would get into trouble.

However, there are also many people who are very brave. Although they are very afraid, they still choose to stay and stand far away from the airport to watch the excitement.

The young man looked down at the crowd with a faint smile.

"It's much quieter now!"

"Xue Meng!"

Suddenly, his eyes burst out cold, staring at Xue Meng and Jiang Hao, who are still standing upright in the whole airport.

Of course, he mainly focused on Xue Meng.

As for Jiang Hao, he directly ignored.

Because Jiang Hao is too young, even if he is a warrior, he is at most a dark ant. He can crush him to death every minute, which is not worth mentioning.

"Xue Meng!"

The young man cheered coldly: "how dare you rob the yongshengguo of Ning family!"

"You're bullshit

Xue Meng was furious when he heard the speech.

He retorted: "I auctioned the fruit."

"It's mine, not yours!"

"On the contrary, you Ning family, in order to snatch my longevity fruit, chased and killed me for 30 Li. You are a big family in the martial arts world!"


Ning surnamed youth, cold hum a, Mou Zhan kill machine, way: "don't know good or evil thing!"

"Since you don't hand over the fruit, we'll kill you first and then take it!"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao said with a sneer: "what a crazy tone!"

He looked at Xue Meng and asked.

"What is the origin of this man?"

Xue Meng said in a deep voice: "master Jiang, this man is the son of Ning Moyu, the head of Ning family in Zhonghai city.""Ningjia is the most powerful family among the four families in Zhonghai city."

"It's not even weaker than the family in some ways."

He had a serious, dignified face.

"In the past two days, a god of killing suddenly appeared in Zhonghai City, killing many experts in the martial arts and Taoism circles of Zhonghai city. All the major forces in Zhonghai City, including the four families, were greatly weakened."

"Ning's family has nothing to lose."

"As a result, under the leadership of the NINE-STAR master, master Ning, the Ning family annexed many forces in the martial arts and Taoism circles of Zhonghai City, and their strength soared, surpassing the original four families at one stroke."

"Now, in the whole military and Taoist circles of Zhonghai City, the Ning family is respected!"


Xue Meng advised, "master Jiang, run away quickly."


Jiang Hao raised the corner of his mouth and outlined a radian of disdain.

"With two seven star masters and one one star master, I'm not qualified to escape!"

"Master Jiang, don't be impulsive!"

Xue Meng was a little impatient and explained: "Ning Moyu, these three people, are really no threat to you, but..."

"The Ning family also sent several eight star masters, and they will arrive soon."

"Even the master of nine stars, the first master of Ning family, may appear."

"Master Jiang, run while you are now!"

"Or it will be too late!"

Jiang Hao smell speech, faint smile, face is still a calm calm calm, can't see a bit nervous or flustered.

"Eight star master, nine star master?"

He said with a faint smile, "it's nothing to worry about!"

"Master Jiang, you..."

Xue Meng heard these words, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he was a little anxious.

In his opinion, Jiang Hao is young and energetic. He is afraid of losing face, face and dignity. He does not want to run away in public.

That's why he talks big.

He didn't believe in Jiang Hao's strength. He could really ignore eight star master and even nine star master.

After all, last time we parted, Jiang Hao was just an eight star master.

It's only a month since we last parted.

He doesn't believe that Jiang Hao's strength will be promoted from eight star master to nine star master in a month.

No one can do this miracle!

So he said in his heart: "before, master Jiang has saved my life many times and has been very kind to me. I can never let him have an accident!"

"Later, even if it's death, even if it's broken to pieces, I'll fight for master Jiang and help him escape!"

Xue Meng clenched his fist, and his eyes showed perseverance.

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