"Later, even if it's broken to pieces, I'll fight for master Jiang and help him escape!" Xue Meng said in secret.

He clenched his fist, and his eyes were firm.

"Xue Meng!"

Suddenly, Ning Moyu spoke.

His eyes were cold, and he said, "I'll give you one last chance."

"Hand over the fruit of longevity, I will spare you from death!"

"No way!" Xue shouts fiercely.

His daughter had an accident and was in urgent need of longevity.

Therefore, he will not give up the fruit of longevity even if he dies!


Ning Moyu snorted coldly. In his eyes, he was killed.

"Since you want to die, I'll help you!"

With a wave of his hand, he ordered, "up!"

"Kill him and take back the fruit!"


One of the two middle-aged men standing beside Ning Moyu nodded.


Immediately, without saying a word, he went straight into the air and turned into a flash of lightning, killing Xue Meng.


In the airport, the people kneeling on the ground, seeing this scene, all their pupils shrunk, and their faces showed a thick sense of horror and fear.

After all, the scene was so shocking that it destroyed their three outlooks.

However, some people are very excited, staring at the sky, eyes do not blink, do not want to miss any scene.

Some people are scared, others are excited, and so on.

But they have one thing in common, that is

All people look at Jiang Hao and Xue Meng's eyes, revealing strong sympathy and compassion.

Obviously, they all feel that Jiang Hao and Xue Meng are dead!

"Master Jiang!"

Xue Meng said solemnly, "I'll stop them. You'll take the opportunity to escape. Don't hesitate!"

"No more."

Jiang Hao light way: "this kind of small role, don't need to hand can clean up!"

"Just stand by and watch!"


Xue Meng opens his mouth as if to persuade or stop Jiang Hao.

However, before he said a word, Jiang Hao started.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

All of a sudden, the invisible and terrible sound waves, like the huge waves on the angry sea, carrying a huge momentum, slapped at the middle-aged man who came rushing.


Suddenly, the middle-aged man spilled a piece of blood in the air and flew back.

"Catch him!" Seeing this, Ning Moyu ordered.

Shua ~

another middle-aged man beside him shoots out and catches the companion who flies backwards.


However, the huge impact, through his companion's body, bombarded him, making him snort, and his mouth showed a wisp of blood.


Seeing this scene, Ning Moyu's eyes were shocked.

Even, in the depth of his eyes, there was a faint sense of panic.

Obviously, Jiang Hao's strength is far beyond his expectation. He is shocked and scared at the same time.


Jiang Hao squinted at him and said with a smile: "this strength will scare you?"


When Ning Moyu heard this, he was about to burst out anger in his eyes, and he couldn't help but scold.

He was angry.

But he's not stupid.

He is very clear that Jiang Hao's strength is too strong. With only three of them, he can't beat Jiang Hao.


Quietly, his right hand, inserted into his pocket, touched the special messenger in his pocket and pressed the call for help button.

Hoo ~

suddenly, he was relieved and no longer so flustered.

As soon as the distress signal is sent, reinforcements will arrive within three minutes.

Therefore, he only needs to delay for three minutes!

"Who are you?"

Reinforcements will arrive soon, and Ning Moyu has more confidence in his heart.

He looked down at Jiang Hao with his eyes full of aggressiveness and exclaimed, "do you know that against my Ning family, there is only one way to die?"

How arrogant!

How arrogant!

You know, Jiang Hao's strength, far above him, a move to kill him, no difficulty, no one can stop.

But he is still very arrogant, completely ignore Jiang Hao.

In fact, this situation is very normal in Ningjia.

In the past, many big families and forces such as the Shen family and the long family oppressed the Ning family, which made all the people in the Ning family dare not be too presumptuous and can only behave themselves.

Sometimes, they even have to be servile and humble.But now the Shen family, the long family and other major forces are all finished.

No one in China could hold down the Ning family, so they began to be reckless and rampant. They dominated Zhonghai city and regarded themselves as local emperors.

Ha ha

Jiang Hao gave a cold smile and said, "I don't know if there is only one way to die against Ning family."


"I know, against me, you will die!"

"I can't save you!"


Ning Moyu said angrily: "how dare you

"Boy, I'll give you a chance!"

He said in a cold voice: "as long as you kneel down, kowtow to me, admit your mistake, grab Xue Meng's evergreen fruit and offer it to me, I will spare your life!"

Jiang Hao's eyes were cold when he heard the speech.

"Originally I didn't want to kill you, but you just wanted to die."

He shook his head and said coldly, "isn't it good to live? Why die? "

"What? Are you going to kill me? "

Ning Moyu was full of confidence and said: "dare you?"

"Now in Zhonghai City, our Ningjia family dominates. Except for one Pei family, who is a little threatened, the rest of the forces respect our Ningjia family and obey its orders!"

"My father is the owner of the Ning family."

"If you kill me, you will offend the Ning family and the whole Zhonghai city!"

"At that time, heaven and earth, you will die!"

He looked down at Jiang Hao with a banter smile.

"Now, do you dare to kill me?"

"What dare you do?"

Jiang Hao's face did not change. He said faintly, "I not only dare to kill you, but also dare to kill your father. Do you believe it?"

"What's more, if I kill you or your father, you'd rather not take revenge on me, but make an apology to me. Do you believe it?"

Sneer ~

Ning Moyu grinned.

He shook his head, sighed and said, "another crazy one!"

"What a pity! I'm crazy at such a young age!"

"For the sake of your madness at a young age, I'll just abolish you later. If I don't kill you, I'll spare your life!"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao said with a light smile, "it's a pity that I won't spare you!"

"Evil comes from the mouth!"

Once you die, you can't say something

"Is it?"

Ning Moyu smell speech, the facial expression suddenly chilly, in the eye eye, is to burst out a silk to kill machine.

"It seems that some people don't want to accept my kindness and kindness."

"In that case, be cold!"

"When it's time to kill, kill, and leave no one alive!"

"It's very loud."

Jiang Hao light way: "unfortunately, you can kill people?"

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