
Jiang Hao gave a cold drink and waved his hand.

Suddenly, he called out the thunder sea, to meet the thunder sea in the sky.

The two thunder seas collide with each other. Endless thunder and lightning strike each other and counteract each other.

The mountains and rivers under the thunder sea are temporarily preserved!

However, this is not a long-term solution after all.

The thunder sea in the sky has been expanding and expanding.

In less than ten minutes, the thunder sea summoned by Jiang Hao would not be able to stop the gradually gathering and expanding thunder sea in the sky.

At that time, the disaster of thunder like destruction will still come.

And it's going to be more terrifying.

"No way!"

Jiang Hao said in a deep voice: "if we go on like this, the consequences will be very serious."

"We must stop the expansion of the thunder sea."


Suddenly, he gave a cold drink.

Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, two strands of red gold flames burst out of his eyes, and quickly turned into a raging fire, a sea of gold fire.


Jiang Hao pointed his hand.

In an instant, the golden sea of fire flew to the thunder sea in the sky, and the terrible burning force broke out, burning and vaporizing the thunder in the thunder sea.

"It works!"

Jiang Hao's eyes brightened.

Then he reached out and took off the pendant from his neck and threw it to the sky.

Suddenly, the pendant became bigger in the wind and turned into a bone sword as white as jade.

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder, chop!"

Jiang Hao holds the bone sword and cuts it out with a sharp sword.

In a flash, a sword light cut into the thunder sea, instantly wiped out all the thunder within a hundred meters.

However, the next second, countless thunder, and poured in to fill the vacancy.




Jiang Hao's eyes were shining, and he waved his bone sword, and split five or six swords in a row.

The sword is like a dragon, annihilating countless thunders.

Jiang Hao broke out one after another, using the two unique skills of chijintong and the thirteen swords of wind and thunder, which can be regarded as a little to curb the rapid expansion trend of Leihai.

However, there is so much activity here that people in the suburbs and urban areas of Zhonghai have seen it.

On the street, countless vehicles, countless passers-by, all stopped, the main family looked out, and gave out a scream of horror or fear.

Countless people at work, hearing the news, also ran out.

Then they all screamed, pale with fear and fear.

Everybody panicked!

"My God, what happened?"

"What's that over there? Thunder and lightning? "

"Lei Hai! What a sea of thunder

"Well, why is there such a big sea of thunder all of a sudden? Is it the end of the world? "

"No, thunder sea is coming!"

"Has the disaster come?"

"The end! It's the end of the day

"Woo woo I haven't *, I don't want to die! "

"Jade Emperor! Buddha! God! Jesus! Who can help me? I don't want to die


Endless panic!

The sudden appearance of such a large thunder sea has shocked ordinary people, and naturally also the warriors in Zhonghai city.

Even the warriors in several cities around Zhonghai city felt the wave of terror.

Pei family, Zhonghai City, in the training room.

Daddada ~

all of a sudden, a rapid sound of footsteps sounded, and a person entered the training room.

It's the old housekeeper of the Pei family!

He went to Pei long ting and said in a low voice, "young master, something's wrong!"

Shua ~

suddenly, Pei Longting opened his eyes and shot two flashes of lightning, which hit the hard wall and broke through the wall, leaving two holes.


He nodded slightly and said, "I feel it already."

"Shenxiang mountain in the suburb, just now there was a terrible explosion, and then there was a strong thunder energy."


The old housekeeper of Pei family nodded and said, "there is a large thunder sea on the other side of Shenxiang mountain."

"According to Lao Nu's estimation, the coverage of Lei Hai may reach two or three kilometers."


Pei Longting was shocked.

"Such a big sea of thunder?"

His face, instantly dignified.

If it is a general thunder sea, even if it is hundreds of meters, he is not afraid.

However, two or three kilometers of Lei Hai, he is very sure that he can not stop.Unless he can break through and become a saint.

"Have you found out?"

Pei Longting asked: "why does Shenxiang mountain suddenly appear such a big thunder sea?"

"Calm down, young master."

The old housekeeper of the Pei family bowed down and said, "old slave The cause has not yet been found out. "

"Forget it."

Pei Longting waved his hand.

Then he asked, "I feel that the energy of thunder is getting stronger and stronger."

"And it seems to be getting closer."

"What's going on?"

"Young master."

Pei family old housekeeper respectfully way: "god elephant mountain that piece of thunder sea, don't know how to return a responsibility, still keep expanding, more and more big."

"Moreover, the thunder sea is also slowly approaching Zhonghai city."

"According to Lao Nu's estimation, ten hours later, the thunder sea will come over Zhonghai city."

"At that time, the coverage of Lei Hai will be expanded to tens of thousands of meters, even hundreds of thousands of meters. "

" at that time, endless thunder will pour down, which may destroy the whole Zhonghai city in more than ten minutes and turn every inch into scorched earth. "


Pei Longting was shocked again.

Is Lei Hai moving?

What's more, it is expected that in ten hours, it will come to Zhonghai City, destroy everything and annihilate everything?

He's a little flustered!

You know, one or two kilometers of Leihai, with his strength, has been difficult to resist.

Tens of thousands of meters, even hundreds of thousands of meters of Lei Hai, he absolutely can't stop, even for a second, will be blown into powder.

Even if the sage comes, it can't stop him.

"Damn it

Pei Longting's face was very ugly and he swore.

Over the years, he has been hiding behind the scenes. He has been operating in Zhonghai city for nearly ten years, arranging numerous secret games and planning many plans.

Now, these plans are almost successful.

However, he suddenly learned that a thunder sea of more than 100000 meters was coming to Zhonghai City, destroying his years of hard work. Would he not be upset?

Especially that plan, he planned for three years.

Once successful, he will soar to the sky, break the limit, take the most important step and become a saint.

This plan must not fail!

"Find a way!"

Pei Longting's voice was a little hoarse, and he roared: "you must find a way to prevent the thunder sea from coming to Zhonghai city!"


The old housekeeper of the Pei family is about to cry.

Although he is a nine star master, he can't stop a thunder sea thousands of meters away.

"Shut up

Pei Longting said angrily: "this task, no matter what, you have to finish it!"

"If you don't, you'll die!"

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