"Shut up

Pei Longting said angrily: "this task, no matter what, you have to finish it!"

"If you don't, you'll die!"

After all, he has been in Zhonghai city for nearly ten years, planning for nearly ten years, and devoted too much energy and effort.

Zhonghai City, can't be destroyed!

"Yes Yes The old butler of Pei family bowed his head and said respectfully.


Pei long Ting snorted coldly and ordered: "you should take people to Shenxiang mountain now and take everyone. No matter what method you use, you must destroy Lei Hai."

"The worst is to prevent thunder sea from coming to Zhonghai."

"Do you hear me?"

The old housekeeper of the Pei family bowed his head and said, "yes

"You go down!" Pei Longting waved.

"Young master, I'm leaving!"

The old housekeeper of the Pei family bowed and then prepared to retreat.


Suddenly, Pei Longting gave up practicing and stood up.

"Forget it, I'll go there myself."

He said, "you muster all the people immediately, and then go to Shenxiang mountain with me."

"Yes The old housekeeper of the Pei family said respectfully.

A moment later.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The sound of breaking the air is constantly ringing, and the shadows are flying out of the Pei family and heading straight to Shenxiang mountain.

Pei Longting led 50 experts to set out.

Among these people, the weakest is the Seven Star master, and there are only ten.

Among them, 37 were eight star masters.

The other three are all nine star masters.

These experts are all cultivated by Pei Longting secretly.

Three nine star masters, thirty-seven eight star masters and ten Seven Star masters are so powerful that they are the best in the whole Zhonghai city.

Even if it is the branch of Zhonghai wudaomeng, it is far inferior to the Pei family.

The most important thing is that these unknown masters are not all.

There are many experts, not out, still hidden in the dark, unknown.

Ten years!

Pei long Ting has been planning for ten years. No one knows how many experts he has trained.

Many people gathered in the Shenjia meeting hall of Zhonghai city.

Shen Er Ye sat at the top and looked down at the crowd. He said in a deep voice, "do you all know?"

"Shenxiang mountain in the outskirts, a thunder sea suddenly appears, and it is constantly floating towards the urban area."

"Tell me what to do?"


A middle-aged man stood up.

"As far as I know, the thunder sea of Shenxiang mountain is not only slowly drifting towards the urban area, but also gradually growing in size."

"Today's Lei Hai is only one or two kilometers big. We can't stop it if we all go up together!"


He suggested, "let's pack up and run while the thunder sea hasn't come."

"I can't run away when Lei Hai comes here!"

"Yes, let's run!"

"I agree!"

"I agree, too!"

"Don't waste your time. Everyone's gone. Pack up and run!"

"Slip! It's gone

People talk all over the place.

Then, they stood up one after another, ready to leave the conference hall and pack up their things.


Suddenly, Mr. Shen gave a big drink.

"A bunch of worthless things!"

He said coldly: "before Lei Hai came, he was scared out of his courage and wanted to pack up and run away."

"What a shame

This remark made everyone blush and lowered their heads in shame and embarrassment.

However, some people are unconvinced and retort: "master, if you don't run now, when Lei Hai comes, you won't be able to run away!"

"Yes, yes."

Suddenly, many people nodded in agreement.

"Shut up

Second master Shen gave a cold drink.

He glanced at the crowd, light way: "this time, god elephant mountain suddenly appeared a thunder sea, it is too strange."

"Combined with the violent explosion in Shenxiang mountain not long ago, we can infer that Shenxiang mountain is likely to have heavy treasures and even artifacts!"

"What? "Artifact?"

When they heard this, they were all shocked.

What is artifact?

It is the highest magic weapon forged, tempered and used by God!

It is no exaggeration to say that an ordinary person, holding an artifact, can kill a supreme saint in an instant!

Of course.

The artifact is born with the spirit of the artifact. It has the independent consciousness, which is beyond the control of ordinary sages, let alone ordinary people.Without the permission of the spirit, ordinary people, even ordinary warriors, can't see or touch the artifact.

In the assembly hall, a group of dragon family members talked about it.

"Artifact? Is there any artifact in the world

"When the artifact is born, there must be thunder!"

"So, a thunder sea suddenly appeared in Shenxiang mountain. Is it really the birth of artifact?"

"God, if we grab the artifact, our Shen family will be able to dominate the martial arts and Taoism of China. Even if it is a martial arts and Taoism alliance, we have to bow our heads to surrender!"

"Dominating the martial arts and Taoism of China?"

"Rob! We have to get the artifact! "

"Yes, the artifact is ours. We must seize it!"

All the people yelled and were full of enthusiasm.

"Be quiet!"

Suddenly, Shen Er Ye pressed his hand and gave a cold drink.

Suddenly, everyone was quiet.

Shen Er Ye's eyes twinkled with greedy light and said in a deep voice: "just now, the Pei family sent dozens of experts to Shenxiang mountain."

"They're one step ahead and we can't be further behind."

"Otherwise, we won't get the artifact!"

"Now, I announce that everyone will join me in going to Shenxiang mountain to seize the opportunity and seize the artifact at all costs!" He cried.


Everyone should be in harmony.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

A moment later, dozens of figures rose from the sky and headed for Shenxiang mountain under the leadership of Shen Erye.

Zhonghai City, Longjia main hall.

Long Zhen sat on the head of the house, looking down at the people, and asked: "just now, there was a big explosion in Shenxiang mountain in the suburb."

"Then, suddenly, there was a big thunder sea."

"What do you think of that?"

Shua ~

suddenly, one stood up.

"Master, I have found out that the thunder sea of Shenxiang mountain is two or three thousand meters in size, and it is still slowly drifting towards the city."

He said in a deep voice: "it is estimated that ten hours later, the thunder sea will expand to tens of thousands of meters, come to Zhonghai city and destroy everything."

"Therefore, I suggest that we make preparations immediately and begin to withdraw from Zhonghai city."

"I object!"

The next second, another man stood up.

He shook his head and said, "master, I think the thunder sea of god elephant mountain is a blessing, not a disaster!"


Long Zhen smell speech, eyebrow a pick.

"What do you say?"

The man hugged his fist and said, "master, have you forgotten the legend of shenxiangshan?"

"The legend of shenxiangshan?"

Long Zhen frowned and said: "it is said that in ancient times, there was a very terrible dragon elephant."

"This dragon elephant is bloodthirsty and cruel. It feeds on human beings and devours hundreds of thousands of creatures, including some powerful powers."

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