"Jiang killed so many of our relatives, don't you want to kill him?" Shen Erye said coldly.


The long Zhen hears speech, the body one trembles, in the eye eye explodes shoots a wisp of moriran to kill machine.


The next second, he hides the murderer in his eyes.

"What do you think?" Shen Er ye asked.


Long Zhen hesitated, nodded and said, "OK, let's go down and have a look!"

"That's right."

Shen Erye smelled the speech, and a smile appeared on his face.

In fact, he didn't want to go down the huge pit with long Zhen to share the treasure in the small secret place. He preferred to eat it alone.

However, in the little secret place, everything is unknown and may be dangerous.

Moreover, it may offend the people of baiyunzong.

That's why he wanted to drag the Dragon into the water.

After all, one more helper, no matter what danger, has a better chance of survival than being alone.


Shen Er Ye waved his hand and said with a smile, "let's be careful and go down quietly."


Long Zhen nodded.

Then, they moved gently and slowly towards the huge pit.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, there was a loud bombardment in the huge pit.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Then, a road figure, panic and embarrassed to fly out of the huge pit.

The four leaders are the four elders of Baiyun sect!

Seeing this, Mr. Shen asked with a puzzled face: "what's going on inside, seniors..."

"No, get out of the way!"

Suddenly, long Zhen's face changed greatly, and he pulled Shen Er ye back quickly.


The next second, the explosion sounded, and a violent and violent shock wave swept away, destroying and annihilating the flowers, trees, even rocks and soil within a hundred meters.

Hu ~

seeing this scene, Shen Erye looks scared.

"How close it is

He looks at long Zhen and thanks sincerely.

"Thank you just now."


Long Zhen shook his head and cast his eyes on dozens of people in baiyunzong.

These people, including the four most powerful elders, are all injured. It seems that they are not lightly injured.

"Only 49 people."

Long Zhen glanced and murmured: "baiyunzong, five people are missing!"

"It seems that they were also attacked by the border. They were seriously injured, and even five people died."

Hiss ~

hearing the speech, second master Shen took a breath of cold air and said in horror, "who is the man who set up the boundary in the huge pit? It's so terrible. "

"Four nine star masters, plus 50 eight star masters, were unable to break the barrier, and even five people were killed by the force of anti bite."

"Is it difficult..."

He frowned and said, "the boundary in the huge pit is really like what Jiang said. Even if the sage comes, it can't be broken?"

"It should be." Long Zhen nods a way.

Tut tut

Second master Shen smacked his mouth and said happily: "fortunately, we didn't act rashly before."

"Otherwise, we might be dead now."

Long Zhen's eyes twinkled and said in a deep voice: "now it seems that we can only listen to what Jiang Hao said and wait for three days."

"I don't know if the border will really disappear in three days?"

"Just wait a minute."

Shen Er ye turned his lips and said, "let's go."

"We haven't completely recovered from our injury. Let's go to heal it first."


Long Zhen nodded slightly.

Whew! Whew!

So they jumped up to a tree, sat on a big branch, closed their eyes and began to heal silently.

"Damn it

In mid air, the three elders of Baiyun sect wiped the blood stains on the corners of their mouths and swore.


The four elders of Baiyun sect coughed a mouthful of blood and said, "what a terrible border!"

"This border has been in operation for nearly a thousand years, but it still has such terrible destructive power that even saints can't break it."

"It seems that the man who set up the border must be a great power of cultivation!"

Hey, hey

The five elders of baiyunzong wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth and said with a grin: "it can be inferred that under the border, it is definitely a small secret place!"

"Even this small world that can be opened up."

"There must be countless treasures buried in it!""That's right!"


Everyone nodded in agreement with his analysis.

"What shall we do?"

The sixth elder of baiyunzong asked in a short breath, "do we want to break through the border again?"

"Rush? How to break in? "

The three elders of baiyunzong gave him a look and said coldly, "the power of the boundary and the counter attack is too terrible. Even the saints may not be able to bear it."

"With us, we can't break the border!"

"What about that?"

Hearing this, the six elders of baiyunzong were in a hurry.

"Can we just watch Baoshan and have nothing to do?"

"What's your hurry?"

Bai yunzong three elder, swept him one eye, light way: "just now, I observed a detail!"

"Although the border under the huge pit is very terrifying and powerful, there are loopholes in the border after thousands of years of time erosion."

"The whole border is rapidly collapsing."

"Within three days, the border will disappear, and then we will be able to enter the huge pit and have a look at it!"

"That's right!"

The four elders of Baiyun sect nodded and said, "I have also observed this!"

"Yes, I found it, too!"

The five elders of Baiyun sect also nodded.


Hearing the speech, the six elders of baiyunzong were very happy and said, "in three days, all the treasures under the huge pit will be ours!"


Suddenly, his face changed.

"Three days!"

He said in a deep voice: "with the speed of xingchenzong, jianshengong, baihuagong and wudaomeng, they can definitely get here in three days!"

"Even, in less than an hour, they will arrive!"

"By then, we won't be able to eat the treasure alone!"

Hearing this, everyone's face turned ugly.

The four elders of Baiyun sect could not help looking at the three elders and asking, "what should we do, three elders?"

"What else can we do?"

The three elders said indifferently: "of course, I'll heal first!"

"We've all suffered a lot of injuries. If we don't take good care of them, we'll certainly fall into a disadvantage in the face of competition from xingchenzong, jianshengong, baihuagong, wudaomeng and other forces."


"Don't think about anything now," he ordered

"The most urgent thing is to heal the wound first!"


Whew! Whew! Whew!

As a result, all the people of baiyunzong, learning from Shen Erye and long Zhen, flew up a tree, sat on a branch and began to heal.

Time is precious. People from xingchenzong, baihuagong, jianshengong and wudaomeng may come at any time. They have no time to build houses, so they have to make do with it.

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