Whew! Whew! Whew!

All the people of baiyunzong flew up a tree, sat on a branch and began to heal.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

Buzzing ~

suddenly, the whole sky is buzzing and shaking like a picture scroll, as if a supreme God is coming to the world, and the world is celebrating for it.

Below the Shenxiang mountain, the whole forest is also rustling and shaking.

The bright light diffuses from the horizon, shining thousands of meters in a vast white area, just like shining stars, galloping in.

Shua ~

the four elders of Baiyun sect sensed the movement and opened their eyes one after another.

Their eyes, all burst out of light, through the obstacles, overlooking the distant horizon.

"Damn it

The three elders of Baiyun sect looked gloomy and scolded: "the people of Xingchen sect are coming!"

"So fast?"

The four elder's face changed slightly.

"What to do?"

The five elders of baiyunzong's face was very ugly, and there was a little worry in their eyes. They asked: "our wounds have not been healed."

"If we fight with them now, we will certainly lose out!"


The three elders of baiyunzong snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "ignore them, let's continue to heal and try to recover earlier!"

"Yes The crowd answered.

So they closed their eyes one after another, and meditated to heal.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The sound of breaking the air sounded, and the shadows came flying.

The three leaders are the second elder, the third elder and the fourth elder of Xingchen sect!

Behind them stood fifty people, all eight star masters.

These people are all shining, like gods coming down to earth and Buddha coming down, revealing a mysterious and powerful feeling.


All of a sudden, the second elder of Xingchen clan saw the third elder of Baiyun clan and others. He couldn't help but let out a cry.

"Did the people of baiyunzong come so fast?"

The third elder of Xingchen sect frowned and said, "it seems that they are all injured."

"What's going on?"

"Just ask."

The fourth elder of Xingchen sect grinned and said in a loud voice, "Hello, some old guys of Baiyun sect, how did you get hurt?"


Bai yunzong three elder, cold hum a way: "no comment!"


Suddenly, there was a trace of anger in the eyes of the four elders of Xingchen sect.

"Come on, stop it."

The second elder of Xingchen sect glared at him.

When they come to shenxiangshan this time, their first task is to get rid of Jiang Hao, and the second is to fight for artifact instead of fighting bravely and ruthlessly to lose their strength.


The fourth elder of Xingchen sect, with a cold hum, temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Elder two, what should we do now?"

The third elder of Xingchen sect looked at the second elder and asked in a low voice, "are we going to find Jiang Hao and kill him now, or what?"


The second elder of Xingchen sect opened his mouth, as if to say something.

"Elder two, elder three, elder four, come here quickly!"

All of a sudden, a eight star master of Xingchen sect called out.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, all the people of xingxingzong rushed in.


Star Chen Zong two elder eyebrows a pick, surprised a way: "how can there be such a big pit here?"

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Suddenly, several eight star masters of xingxingzong all vomited blood.


Elder xingchenzonger's face changed, and he reminded: "this huge pit is strange, and it will devour the soul. Everyone uses the skill, and the mind and spirit are in one!"


After hearing the words, they did so.

A moment later, they returned to normal and resisted the power of soul devouring.


The second elder of Xingchen sect waved his hand and ordered: "let's go down and have a look!"

"Good!" The crowd nodded.

Then they went down.

A moment later, they found the border.

The third elder of Xingchen sect, with his eyes shining, said in a deep voice: "this border has been running for at least a thousand years, but it has not collapsed yet. It still contains a very strong energy."

"It can be seen that the man who set up the border at the beginning was absolutely a giant with great ability to cultivate all the people in heaven!"

"What to do?"

The fourth elder of Xingchen sect inquired, "are we going to break through or what should we do?""Don't rush in!"

Hearing the words, the three elders of Xingchen sect immediately stopped and said, "this border is very powerful. If you break through it, it will burst out a super strong power of counter attack."

"If we don't rush, can we just wait?"

The four elders of Xingchen sect retorted: "you can see that there is definitely a mysterious little secret place or a small world in the border."

"The artifact is probably hidden in it."

"If you don't go in, how can you get the artifact?"

"Don't make any noise!"

Suddenly, the second elder of Xingchen clan gave a cold drink.

He frowned and said: "although this border is powerful, it can't resist the erosion of time. There are loopholes."

"The power of the border is rapidly decreasing."

"Within three days, the border will automatically collapse."

The four elders of Xingchen sect looked happy when they heard the words.


"Let's wait another three days," he said excitedly


Suddenly, elder Xingchen zonger shook his head.

"Let's try and see if we can break the border by force," he said in a deep voice

"If you can break the border, you can get into the secret place first and capture the artifact ahead of time!"


The third elder of Xingchen sect hesitated and said, "but the power of the border is too strong. If you can't break the border, there will be backfire. The consequences are very serious."

"Don't worry, I've got a sense of propriety."

Star Chen Zong two elder scan one eye, light way: "you all back, I come to try!"


So they all stepped back ten meters.

In particular, the eight star masters stepped back by tens of meters.


Suddenly, star Chen Zong two elder low to shout a, one punch blast to seven color border.


There was a loud noise.

The dazzling and terrifying fist awn falls on the colorful boundary, just like a stone thrown into the calm lake surface, stirring up layers of ripples.

But the border never broke.

Buzzing ~

suddenly, the colorful border shakes violently, just like boiling water.

At the same time, a breath of terror filled the air.


Elder xingchenzonger's face changed greatly, and he cried out: "go back!"

"Get out of here!"

The three and four elders of Xingchen sect, as well as a group of eight star masters, did not hesitate to hear this, and immediately flew away from the huge pit.

So is elder two!

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The sharp sound of air friction is heard all the time.

The second elder, the third elder, the fourth elder and the eight star masters of Xingchen sect all rushed out.

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